Sunday, December 30, 2007


Coping with Change: Develop Your Personal Strategy

By Steve Singleton

Why do we resist change?As the saying goes, the only people who like change are busy cashiers and wet babies. We find change disorienting, creating within us an anxiety similar to culture shock, the unease visitors to an alien land feel because of the absence of the familiar cues they took for granted back home. With an established routine, we don't have to think! And thinking is hard work.
Change is a business fact of lifeIs your company is currently undergoing major changes that will affect the lives of all of its employees? These changes are probably in response to the evolving needs of your customers. They are made possible because of improvements in telecommunications and digital technology. They are likely guided by accepted principles and practices of total quality management. And you can expect that they will result in significant improvements profitability--a success that all employees will share. Because our customers' needs are NOW, we must make changes swiftly, which means that all of us must cooperate with the changes, rather than resist them.
How do we resist change?We tend to respond to change the same way we respond to anything we perceive as a threat: by flight or fight. Our first reaction is flight--we try to avoid change if we can. We do what futurist Faith Popcorn calls "cocooning": we seal ourselves off from those around us and try to ignore what is happening. This can happen in the workplace just by being passive. We don't volunteer for teams or committees; we don't make suggestions, ask questions, or offer constructive criticism. But the changes ahead are inescapable. Those who "cocoon" themselves will be left behind.
Even worse is to fight, to actively resist change. Resistance tactics might include negativity, destructive criticism, and even sabotage. If this seldom happens at your company, you are fortunate.
Take a different approach to changeRejecting both alternatives of flight or flight, we seek a better option--one that neither avoids change nor resists it, but harnesses and guides it.
Change can be the means to your goals, not a barrier to them. Both fight and flight are reactions to perceiving change as a threat. But if we can change our perceptions, we can avoid those reactions. An old proverb goes, "Every change brings an opportunity." In other words, we must learn to see change as a means of achieving our goals, not a barrier preventing us from reaching them.
Another way of expressing the same thought is: A change in my external circumstances provides me with an opportunity to grow as a human being. The greater the change is, the greater and faster I can grow. If we can perceive change along these lines, we will find it exciting and energizing, rather than depressing and debilitating.
Yet this restructuring of our perspective on change can take some time. In fact, coping with change follows the same steps as the grieving process.1 The steps are shock and denial that the old routine must be left behind, then anger that change is inevitable, then despair and a longing for the old ways, eventually replaced by acceptance of the new and a brighter view of the future. Everyone works through this process; for some, the transition is lightning fast, for others painfully slow.
Realize your capacity to adapt.As one writer put it recently:
Our foreparents lived through sea changes, upheavals so cataclysmic, so devastating we may never appreciate the fortitude and resilience required to survive them. The next time you feel resistant, think about them and about what they faced--and about what they fashioned from a fraction of the options we have. They blended old and new worlds, creating family, language, cuisine and new life-affirming rhythms, and they encouraged their children to keep on stepping toward an unknown but malleable future.2
Human beings are created remarkably flexible, capable of adapting to a wide variety of environments and situations. Realizing this can help you to embrace and guide change rather than resisting or avoiding it.
Develop a coping strategy based on who you are.Corporate employees typically follow one of four decision-making styles: analytical, directive, conceptual, and behavioral. These four styles, described in a book by Alan J. Rowe and Richard O. Mason,3 have the following characteristics:
Analytical Style – technical, logical, careful, methodical, needs much data, likes order, enjoys problem-solving, enjoys structure, enjoys scientific study, and enjoys working alone.
Conceptual Style – creative and artistic, future oriented, likes to brainstorm, wants independence, uses judgment, optimistic, uses ideas vs. data, looks at the big picture, rebellious and opinionated, and committed to principles or a vision.
Behavioral Style – supportive of others, empathetic, wants affiliation, nurtures others, communicates easily, uses instinct, avoids stress, avoids conflict, relies on feelings instead of data, and enjoys team/group efforts.
Directive Style – aggressive, acts rapidly, takes charge, persuasive and/or is manipulative, uses rules, needs power/status, impatient, productive, single-minded, and enjoys individual achievements.
Read once more through these descriptions and identify which style best describes you. Then find and study the strategy people who share your style follow to cope with change:
Analytical coping strategy – You see change as a challenging puzzle to be solved. You need plenty of time to gather information, analyze data, and draw conclusions. You will resist change if you are not given enough time to think it through.
Conceptual coping strategy – You are interested in how change fits into the big picture. You want to be involved in defining what needs to change and why. You will resist change if you feel excluded from participating in the change process.
Behavioral coping strategy – You want to know how everyone feels about the changes ahead. You work best when you know that the whole group is supportive of each other and that everyone champions the change process. If the change adversely affects someone in the group, you will perceive change as a crisis.
Directive coping strategy – You want specifics on how the change will affect you and what your own role will be during the change process. If you know the rules of the change process and the desired outcome, you will act rapidly and aggressively to achieve change goals. You resist change if the rules or anticipated results are not clearly defined.
Realizing what our normal decision-making style is, can enable us to develop personal change-coping tactics.
How can we cope with change?1. Get the big picture. – Sometimes, not only do we miss the forest because of the trees, but we don't even see the tree because we're focused on the wood. Attaining a larger perspective can help all of us to cope with change, not just the conceptualists. The changes underway at my company are clearly following at least four important trends, which I believe are probably reflective of businesses in general:
Away from localized work toward network-based work,
Away from a feast-or-famine working environment toward a routinely busy working environment,
Away from site-limited approaches toward approaches that are consistent company-wide, and
Away from vertical, top-down management toward a more horizontal management structure, with shared accountability.
Getting at least this much comprehension of the big picture will help us to understand where each of us fits.
2. Do some anchoring. – When everything around you is in a state of flux, it sure helps to find something stable that isn't going to change, no matter what. Your company's values (whether articulated or not) can provide that kind of stability for you. Ours include the Company Family, Focus on the Customer, Be Committed to Quality, and Maintain Mutual Respect. These values are rock-solid; they are not going to disappear or rearrange themselves into something else. Plus, each of us has personal values that perhaps are even more significant and permanent. Such immovables can serve as anchors to help us ride out the storm.
3. Keep your expectations realistic. – A big part of taking control of the change you experience is to set your expectations. You can still maintain an optimistic outlook, but aim for what is realistically attainable. That way, the negatives that come along won't be so overwhelming, and the positives will be an adrenaline rush. Here are some examples:
There will be some bumps along the road. We shouldn't expect all of the changes ahead to be painless, demanding only minimal sacrifice, cost, or effort. In fact, we should expect some dead ends, some breakdowns in communications, and some misunderstandings, despite our best efforts to avoid them. We may not be able to anticipate all of the problems ahead, but we can map out in general terms how we will deal with them.
Not everyone will change at the same rate. The learning rates of any employees will distribute themselves along a bell curve. A few will adapt rapidly, most will take more time, and a few will adjust gradually. Also, many younger employees may find change, especially technological innovations, easier than those older. The reason may be, as one observer explains, "Older people's hard disks are fuller."4 On the other hand, you may find some younger ones surprisingly reluctant to take on a new challenge.
The results of change may come more slowly than we would want. As participants in an "instant society," conditioned by the media to expect complex problems to reach resolution in a 60-minute time frame, we may find the positive results of change slow to arrive from the distant horizon. If we are aware of this, we won't be so disappointed if tomorrow's results seem so similar to today's. 4. Develop your own, personal change tactics. Get plenty of exercise, plenty of rest, and watch your diet. Even if you take all the right steps and follow the best advice, undergoing change creates stress in your life, and stress takes energy. Aware of this, you can compensate by taking special care of your body.
Invest time and energy in training. Sharpen your skills so that you can meet the challenges ahead with confidence. If the training you need is not available through Bowne, get it somewhere else, such as the community college or adult education program in your area.
Get help when you need it. If you are confused or overwhelmed with the changes swirling around you, ask for help. Your supervisor, manager, or coworkers may be able to assist you in adjusting to the changes taking place. Your human resources department and any company-provided counseling services are other resources available to you.
Make sure the change does not compromise either your company values or your personal ones. If you are not careful, the technological advances jostling each other for your attention and adoption will tend to isolate you from personal contact with your coworkers and customers. E-mail, teleconference, voice-mail, and Intranet can make us more in touch with each other, or they can keep us antiseptically detached, removed from an awareness that the digital signals we are sending reach and influence another flesh-and-blood human being.
Aware of this tendency, we must actively counteract the drift in this direction by taking an interest in people and opening up ourselves to them in return. We have to remember to invest in people--all of those around us--not just in technology.
The "new normalcy"Ultimately, we may discover that the current state of flux is permanent. After the events of September 11, Vice President Richard Cheney said we should accept the many resultant changes in daily life as permanent rather than temporary. "Think of them," he recommended, "as the 'new normalcy.'"
You should take the same approach to the changes happening at your workplace. These are not temporary adjustments until things get "back to normal." They are probably the "new normalcy" of your life as a company. The sooner you can accept that these changes are permanent, the better you can cope with them all--and enjoy their positive results.

1. Nancy J. Barger and Linda K. Kirby, The Challenge of Change in Organizations: Helping Employees Thrive in the New Frontier (Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publ., 1995). This source is summarized in Mary M. Witherspoon, "Coping with Change," Women in Business 52, 3 (May/June 2000): 22-25.
2. Susan Taylor, "Embracing Change," Essence (Feb. 2002): 5.
3. Alan J. Rowe and Richard O. Mason, Managing with Style: A Guide to Understanding, Assessing and Improving Decision-Making (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Management Series, 1987) cited in Witherspoon, "Coping with Change."
4. Emily Friedman, "Creature Comforts," Health Forum Journal 42, 3 (May/June 1999): 8-11. Futurist John Naisbitt has addressed this tendency in his book, High tech/high touch: Technology and our search for meaning (New York: Random House, 1999). Naisbitt co-wrote this book with his daughter Nana Naisbitt and Douglas Philips.
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Copyright ©2006 Steve Singleton
Steve Singleton has written and edited several books and numerous articles. He has been an editor, reporter, and public relations consultant. He has taught college-level Greek, Bible, and religious studies courses and has taught seminars in 11 states and the Caribbean.
Go to his for Bible study resources, no matter what your level of expertise. Explore "The Shallows," plumb "The Depths," or use the well-organized "Study Links" for original sources in English translation. Check out the DeeperStudy Bookstore for great e-books, free books, and great discounts. Subscribe to his free "DeeperStudy Newsletter" or "DeeperStudy Blog."

Sunday, December 23, 2007


The Challenges of Change............

By Duncan Brodie

In life and business we face constant change. Our ability to adapt to new circumstances, new challenges or opportunities has a real bearing on what we achieve. Yet in truth there are many challenges when it comes to change.
The starting point for any change is desire. The desire might be to:
• Reverse an adverse situation
• Exploit a gap in the market for a product or service
• Position yourself for a senior post where you can make a real impact
• Lose weight
Unless you have that desire or hunger to achieve, making change will be a real challenge.
Change can be tough. It takes commit to make and sustain change. In the business world it is claimed that as few as 3 in every 10 changes are sustainable. It is easy to start with lots of enthusiasm. Staying focussed and committed is where many folks fall short.
We all have doubts, fears, worries or anxieties. When contemplating change these appear in abundance. If we start with the belief that change is possible, worthwhile and beneficial then we stand a much better chance of achieving.
Know How
Change is something we are just expected to do. While all of us are adaptable, less of us have had the experience and learning of making major sustainable changes. Taking a little time to learn about change and to step out of our normal comfort zone can help us to build our know how.
Few people relish change. Given the choice, most people will either resist or avoid. We resist change for a whole host of reasons yet overcoming resistance is essential if any change is to be made.
Silo Thinking
Silo thinking is a particular problem in business, where turf wars might start to develop between departments or divisions of a company. People stop thinking about the bigger picture and start seeking ways of protecting their own area. The focus is all on avoiding the threat. This blocks creativity and can result in opportunities being missed.
Moving Goalposts
This can be a particular challenge where making changes in public bodies, where political influences can result in frequent changes in direction. In these situations it is important to keep the focus on the bigger picture.
Risk and Reward
Any change requires a change in behaviours and new ways of thinking. It also requires some risk. The challenge is that some organisations do not create the environment that encourages some risk taking. Alternatively, risk taking might be encouraged but not rewarded. It is important to align risk and reward when it comes to making change.
In truth there are numerous challenges in making change. Being aware of them is the first step towards making sustainable change.

Duncan Brodie helps individuals and organisations to reach their true potential. Sign up today for his free e-course and monthly newsletter at

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Change Your Life - It All Starts Now!

By Ray Kelly

There is one constant in the universe and that is change. Everyday we wake up, we are not the same person we were the day before. Our skins cells and organ cells have died and been replaced. Yet do we not resist change in different parts in our life. Change is just a circumstance of life. It is a bridge from the old into the new. The question is not whether things will change, it is the question of what do we WANT them to change into.
Many people’s reality is that we do not have power over our life. They feel that they are the victims of circumstance, rather than being in control of their circumstances. You are in the driver’s seat, and you are in control of your life. Life is the reality we make it. If you want a change, you have the power to make it happen.
The first step on the journey toward change is setting a goal. You would not go on vacation with your family and just leave caution to the wind. You have a destination in mind. You might even mark that destination on a map. You can then figure out how to get there. The first step is to decide on the location. Change can occur in spurts. You may not experience things right away, and then all of sudden things happen quickly. Ask your self this honest question. Did you get to where you are in life overnight? Most of the time it took days, months or years to get to the place we are standing in at this moment. Yet we often expect change to occur overnight. While it may be more reinforcing when we see positive change occur, you can find change everyday occurring even if they are small changes. It is all about perception.
Suppose you have decided where you want to be in life. You have a goal set. Now unless you have some magical powers that can transport you to your goal, you must take some kind of action to move you down the path. This is an active process not a passive one. The key to success, however, is to be persistent in action such that action becomes habitual.
It may difficult to accept that we are the creators of our own reality. We may think we are victims of circumstance. You may feel that you are powerless to change. This thought process is usually fueled by fear. There are different kinds of fear. There is the fear of failure. There is fear of success and even fear of the unknown. This fear can paralyze us.
That is not to say that there are not environmental conditions that are not in our control. Nevertheless, this is often an excuse for inaction. You may think it is too hard. Alternatively, maybe it is too scary to change something. You may even feel that you do not have the right to make choices over your own life and circumstances. Remember life is about choices. Even inaction is a choice.
Once you make a commitment to a goal, you will be surprised how these excuses seem not to have the power we once thought they did. Suppose there is a woman that is in an abusive situation with her partner. She does not feel she can get away from them. She may feel powerless to get away because they have given the power over to someone else. They are afraid and that fear is used against them everyday. It can be a challenging situation, but women everyday make the choice to get out of these situations and do so successfully. After they are in a better position, they often kick themselves for not acting sooner.
Remember you have the power over your life. Change may be difficult, but often not impossible. Once you have a destination and the will to reach that destination, there is little that can get in your way other than yourself.

Ray Kelly is the trainer that guided both Adro Sarnelli and Chris Garling to their wins on The Biggest Loser Australia. Check out his sites at The Biggest Loser Forum or Weight Loss and High Blood Pressure

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Change - Repeat After Me, "Change Is Good"...........

By Chris King

I mentioned to a woman with whom I work on a quarterly basis that I was moving after living eleven years in the same apartment. She advised, "Just keep repeating `Change Is Good. Change Is Good.'"
I definitely agree. Over those two months, however, I discovered two truths about change. Yes, change may be good for us, however, it is not always easy. And, even though I can count the benefits, there are many others who would rather fight change and complain about it.
With my move and also with the springing of summer, a lot of extra, unforeseen change has taken place. The move wasn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. It involved some of the hardest and most physical work I have ever done. I do feel fitter than ever!
But, the good part is that I de-cluttered. I gave boxes and boxes of books to the library for their annual sale. I gave huge bags of clothes (still like new, but seldom worn) to a local shelter. I gave away furniture that didn't fit the style of my new, ultra-modern space. With every belonging now in its new un-crowded location (the closets here are "to die for") I am enjoying the Feng Shui fruits of a clean, uncluttered environment.
On the other hand, change can bring with it new, unexpected challenges. My biggest one was that somehow the wiring for my two business telephone lines kept causing shorts. It would work for one line, but not two. I had been using one for the business phone calls and the other for my Internet connection and/or fax machine.
Ah, yes, "Change Is Good" so there must be a solution. And, there was! I decided to go with DSL, cancel the second line and also my dial-up connection. With help from an excellent 24/7 technology service, I was soon set up - not only with the DSL connection, but also with a Wireless router, so I could also access the Internet on my laptop at the front of the apartment.
How smug I was. That is until I started to send out my bi-weekly e-newsletter to its 3700 recipients and was told that my new service would not allow this under any circumstances. I finally worked it out, but it is still not what I can say is perfect. The good part of this change is that I have learned a huge amount more about computer usage. And to help facilitate, I have re-subscribed to my dial-up service for mailing days.
Now, for the complainers of change.
In the midst of all of my personal change and changes, the fitness club where I teach decided to cut back classes and length of classes for the summer months. Because I teach more classes than most of the instructors, my class times were changed, one was dropped and a couple were shortened.
Again, I repeated, "Change Is Good" and decided that getting up a half hour earlier than before would give me more time to work on the books I am writing, garden in my new garden and also catch up on reading.
But, oh my! You would not have believed the bitter and angry comments from some of the students. One kept saying that she was not a morning person and that scheduling the classes a half hour earlier would be a "real inconvenience" for her. She and some of the others were almost nasty about it. They didn't want to hear that, "Change Is Good" or that it hadn't been my decision to change the schedule.
Anyway, my question to you is, "How do you deal with change? Do you feel it is good?"
I say, let's welcome change with open arms. It keeps us alive and thriving. It may not be easy and it may inconvenience our lives a bit, but I am convinced that, "Change Is Good!"

Chris King is a free agent, professional speaker, storyteller, writer, website creator / designer, and fitness instructor. Chris has what she calls a "Portfolio Career" -- many different careers at the same time. If you wonder if you could handle and love having a "Portfolio Career" you will find a free assessment to take at Sign up for her eclectic E-newsletter, Portfolio Potpourri, at You will find Chris' business website at

Friday, December 07, 2007


Facing Fears...............

By Kurt Mortensen

One of the leading obstacles to positive, lasting change is fear. First of all, what is this debilitating but alarmingly common emotion? It is anxiety or tension that is caused by danger, apprehension, harm, pain or destruction. Fear stems from sources that can be real or imagined. The danger of unchecked fear is that it becomes a vicious cycle: You shy away from things because you're afraid of them, which in turn deprives you of crucial experience, which in turn feeds your lack of knowledge, which is one of the very things that makes you afraid in the first place.
Whatever the root of the fear is, there is one thing that is always constant: Fear is an emotion, and like any emotion, it can be redirected. Consider the fact that psychiatrists find only two fears in a newborn baby: fear of falling and fear of loud noises. In other words, all other fears are learned, which means they can also be unlearned.
1. Develop a sound knowledge and understanding of what is triggering your fears.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Knowledge is the antidote to fear." This statement is so true. We always hear the saying "the fear of the unknown." I'm sure you can think of several examples, both historically and in modern times, of people who responded irrationally to situations and to people they didn't understand. Has this type of response ever proven to be a good thing? I can't personally think of a time when it has. Knowledge is never going to hurt you. What you don't know, however, will hurt you. In this particular case, knowledge is only going to better equip you to grab your fears by the horns. So, how does one acquire this knowledge? If you don't already know, deep down, what you fear, you've got to pinpoint exactly what you're afraid of. Isolate the fear-inducing thing, person or situation-whatever it is-in writing. Write it down!
2. Ask yourself: What is the worst thing that could happen? Take a serious look at your fear in the face. Is the worst-case scenario a life-and-death situation? Could it even really be considered devastating? And even if it could, will it be more devastating to live an unfulfilled life than to take the chance? You gain strength, courage and confidence with every experience in which you confront your fears, no matter how painful. In retrospect, you are always able to say to yourself, "I lived through this. I made it. I can handle whatever else may come along." Eleanor Roosevelt once very wisely said, "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." 3. Allow yourself to feel capable of overcoming your fears. Try to visualize your success, to feel what success would feel like. Success has to be real in your mind before you can make it real in true life. We always hear the saying that "seeing is believing." Well, actually, in a case like this, believing first will mean seeing down the road. You can't achieve what your mind doesn't believe. Martin Luther King said it best: "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step." When you can see positive transformation, when it becomes a part of you, it will happen. Every time you feel capable and you mentally see yourself making the changes you want to make, a little chunk of internal doubt will erode away. 4. Take decisive action right away. Once you've pinpointed exactly what your fear is, you've mentally confronted the worst-case scenario and you've let yourself work through the emotions of what your success is going to feel like, then you must take immediate and decisive action to diminish and ultimately overcome your fear. Hesitation only allows fear to fester and enlarge. Do something about it, before that fear continues to grow! Taking action will empower you. Doing nothing will just perpetuate your feelings of helplessness. Everyone persuades for a living. There's no way around it. Whether you're a sales professional, an entrepreneur, or even a stay at home parent, if you are unable to convince others to your way of thinking, you will be constantly left behind. Get your free reports at Magnetic Persuasion to make sure that you are not left watching others pass you on the road to success. Donald Trump said it best, "Study the art of persuasion. Practice it. Develop an understanding of its profound value across all aspects of life."
Conclusion..... Persuasion is the missing puzzle piece that will crack the code to dramatically increase your income, improve your relationships, and help you get what you want, when you want, and win friends for life. Ask yourself how much money and income you have lost because of your inability to persuade and influence. Think about it. Sure you've seen some success, but think of the times you couldn't get it done. Has there ever been a time when you did not get your point across? Were you unable to convince someone to do something? Have you reached your full potential? Are you able to motivate yourself and others to achieve more and accomplish their goals? What about your relationships? Imagine being able to overcome objections before they happen, know what your prospect is thinking and feeling, feel more confident in your ability to persuade. Professional success, personal happiness, leadership potential, and income depend on the ability to persuade, influence, and motivate others.

Kurt Mortensen’s trademark is Magnetic Persuasion; rather than convincing others, he teaches that you should attract them, just like a magnet attracts metal filings. He teaches that sales have changed and the consumer has become exponentially more skeptical and cynical within the last five years. Most persuaders are using only 2 or 3 persuasion techniques when there are actually 120 available! His message and program has helped thousands and will help you achieve unprecedented success in both your business and personal life.
If you are ready to claim your success and learn what only the ultra-prosperous know, begin by going to and getting my free report "10 Mistakes That Continue Costing You Thousands." After reading my free report, go to and take the free Persuasion IQ analysis to determine where you rank and what area of the sales cycle you need to improve in order to close every sale!

Friday, November 30, 2007


Business Improvement - Shooting at the Moon, Again and Again and Again.

By John Bolden

No matter what type of corporate transformation /business improvement initiative; no matter what size, scale, grandeur, cost, criticality or potential ROI; no matter what the reason or rationale! It is all but certain that whatever you wanted to do to improve the business did not meet expectations.
Along with whatever mediocre results, if any, that were actually delivered; you were probably inundated by a veritable deluge of cost overruns, delays, quality issues, business rebellions, vendor / consultant abandonment, stakeholder threats and sundry other issues and problems.
Take heart, you are not alone! Fully 75% of all efforts to improve the business fail to meet expectations. Cold comfort in your hour of frustration perhaps; however, since you probably want to find out why what was otherwise a neat, good and slick idea to improve the business blew up, take a few moments to consider Shooting at the Moon!
Imagine you are left outside, in the dark and wondering what to do. Yes, yes, I know this occurs frequently given that improvement problems that arise time and time again; however, I need you to imagine you really are outside, at night.
You have a super powerful gun. Aim the imaginary weapon at the Moon. Fire the weapon. Watch patiently with your eye glued to a telescope while you wait for the impact. You will have a very, very long time to wait. By the time your bullet gets to where you aimed, the Moon will be long gone!
A simple metaphor perhaps but one that points to a key reason why so many corporate transformation / business improvement efforts fail to hit the target. An issue or opportunity presents itself today; an action plan is put in motion today to fix today's problem at some point in the future (not today!).
Time passes, by the time the improvement is about ready to improve the business; the business is no longer as it was when the original need for the improvement arose. The reason why the improvement was necessary may still be out there but the business the improvement was meant to improve is not there now!
Since most businesses do not fly in an orbit, why did the business move? Simple! The dynamics of the marketplace, economic upswing or downturn, competitive pressures, new regulations and many other imperatives to change the business means that you are not the only person who aims a weapon at the Moon. Many other people across the business will be looking to change things, improve things, eliminate things, expand things, etc. according to their perception of what needs to be improved and their own priorities and, they go off and do it.
Herein lies the problem (read the next bit slowly); If these other people (one, some or all) do what they wanted to do to improve the business before what you want to do to improve the business gets done - it is very likely that what you wanted to do will not fit, will not work or the piece(s) of the business you wanted to improve may even not exist anymore! Hence cost overruns, delays, business turmoil, etc, etc, etc. The solution is very, very simple. Think like NASA! Aim where the Moon will be, not where it is! In other words, think about what will or might possibly cause the business to change between the moment when you launch an improvement (NOW) and the time when the improvement actually arrives at the target (THEN). Ensure that the baseline assumptions of your initiative are framed in terms of what the business will be or will probably or may look like by the time your improvement is ready to improve the business.
Yes, I know much will be unknown but that is no excuse for not interlocking with what is known or presumed now. The more you know about what others plan to do, are doing or have done and accommodate it in your planning, the better off your initiative and the business will be.
If you incorporate 'moving target' thinking into how improvements are envisioned, planned and executed; you will lessen the frequency and severity of issues and problems that arise from shooting directly at the Moon to manageable even acceptable levels.
Ooop's! In suggesting you think like NASA, let me qualify the suggestion. I am suggesting you aim like NASA, nothing more. Thinking like NASA with respect to its procurement and spending practices should never, ever enter your thinking.

If you would like to learn more about the research that underpins my thinking, feel free to browse my web presence at
Transformation Leadership, Innovation & Research
John Bolden is renowned for value laden advice that stakeholders depend on when assessing the wisdom of investing billions. John's views and observations enable corporate leaders to ask the right questions, probe problematic answers and avoid surprises.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


For Things To Change You Must Change First !

By Adam Khoo

People always say, "What if it is really not my fault? What if the situation is totally out of my hands?"
In actual fact we always play a role in creating whatever is happening to us, whether consciously or subconsciously.
We create our experiences either through our thoughts or our actions. You can say something emphatically, but if you are thinking something else, people can pick up the vibes, or it will show up in your body language.
People who are in control of their lives believe that they create their world. If everything is going great, then they created it, not anybody else. If things are not going well, then they created it as well.
Some people tell me that they never get a good break. They never get lucky enough to land a great opportunity. They are never at the right place at the right time. I believe you create your own luck. Or I prefer the word opportunity or break.
If you never find any good opportunities, it could be because of your limiting beliefs and thoughts. If you believe that there are no opportunities around, your mind will tend to delete all the great opportunities, even if they are there right before you.
Once there was a woman who had been looking for the right partner for the last 20 years. She was in her late 30s and getting concerned she would never find her ideal guy.
When asked what she was looking for, she started describing this perfect man who had to be rich, handsome, humorous, sensitive and charming.
When asked bluntly, 'Would this man with all these traits want to marry you?' She had no answer.
If she wanted to attract the perfect man, she must first be that perfect woman to attract him!
One single most important message in this article is, for things to change, we must first change ourselves. When we take responsibility for what we get and change ourselves, everything and everybody else will change with us!
So, If you want to attract the best staff, be the best boss. If you want to have the best kids, be the best parent. If you want the perfect wife, then be that perfect husband. If you want the highest income, add the greatest value. If you want to attract the best customers, become the best company.
It will serve us well to remember that we are responsible for creating the events and results in our lives. To attract and get the results and situation s that we want in life, we will need to work and change ourselves in the process. Focus on yourself and success is sure to come.

Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his supercharged success secrets and claim your FREE bonus report 'Supercharge Your Success!' at Success With NLP.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Change Is Good.........

By Lisa Kitter

When we embrace change and accept that change is inevitable, life becomes easier and a more enjoyable experience. How many times have you resisted change only to discover that everything changed even without your agreeing to it? Life is in constant motion and the world isn't static for you, me or anyone else for that matter. I recall reading a quote several years ago and I've always remembered it, "Change is eminent, growth is optional."
To grow or not to grow? This is the question we should be asking ourselves every single day. We know change will occur however what we must decide in the process is whether we will grow during the transition from one experience to the next or whether we will dig our heels in and exclaim, "Everyone else must be nuts because I am fine!" Pointing fingers at others and digging in our heels to do our best to not grow is not only foolhardy but also a bit on the same scale as burying our heads in the sand like an ostrich hoping that when we look up all will be as we prefer and nothing much has changed.
I love the phrase, "Here we grow again!" When I'm in a difficult situation I remind myself that I must be growing again and that this too shall pass, in time. I ask myself how can I gain from this experience and is there a lesson here for me? Adversity makes us stronger by causing us to develop more creativity in handling the situation and, more importantly, grow ourselves within the situation and the way we address the issue.
Creating a new habit for us requires approximately 30 days of focused, disciplined intention. Just 30 days and you could, in fact, replace many of your old, outdated and perhaps even sabotaging type of personal and professional habits! Wow, isn't that something to get excited about? How do we develop new habits? We decide to create a new habit; we decide that it is more fulfilling to live life with our new habit than continuing with the old one. Notice the key phrase is, we decide? Make a decision because you do have a choice, life will change, people change, situations change and so can you!
Will change be difficult for us, perhaps yes and then again maybe no. Remember, the more we resist or perceive the change to be "difficult" it will be and the more we affirm changing is about choice and we choose to change - zippity do da - it can be easy and fun! Sometimes people resist changing even when the change is a positive thing for all involved. Why would someone refuse to go along with doing a thing that is good for him or her and for us too? Often times it appears to be "easier" to not change than to take the "high road" and make the shift. I'm sure you've heard before that perception is reality!
As human beings we tend to be creatures of habit. Don't rock the boat, don't upset the apple cart and so forth are the ideas many of us grew up accepting as truth. I personally love the saying, "As long as you're out on thin ice, you may as well dance!" I highly recommend you get out of the habit of having habits. Do the best you can to look with fresh eyes and brand new ideas at each situation that comes your way. Look for better, faster, smoother, more fulfilling solutions than you ever have before. Promise yourself to stretch, grow and break old patterns anytime that you have the opportunity to do so.

Lisa Kitter is known throughout the Network Marketing & Direct Sales Industry as the "Queen of Thinking Big!" She provides sales training and success coaching through her website found at

Sunday, November 18, 2007


How To Change When Change Seems So Hard!

By Craig Nathanson

Do I have to change who I am to do what I love?
The answer is yes. When you go from one lackluster job to another one, not much personal change is needed. However, when you go from "just a job" to a vocation-that is, doing what you love-it does require a change. It requires a coming out party, of sorts.
It requires a lifting the "cover" off your true authentic self. It requires risk, creativity, and a new way of thinking about your work and life.
Meet Carl and Monica
Carl Battiste was a sales executive doing all the right things-all the things society has taught us to do. Carl worked hard to support his family, despite a growing feeling of being trapped, despite all the money his job brought in. One day, Carl just couldn't take it any more. He realized that the pain of not changing was suddenly greater than the pain involved with changing. Carl was passionate about real estate. He made the leap, and the real estate market has been very tough, but he has never been happier.
Monica Lee, a grandmother of ten, now just shy of 60 years old and an artist, remembers back when she made the big change. Shortly after turning 40, she realized that her passion was painting. Despite the uncertainty of making ends meet each month, and initially having to live in the back of her gallery while she rented out her house, and despite the makeshift bed, and showers with a garden hose, she knew this is what she had to do.
What can we learn from Carl, Monica, and others who made similar changes in their life?
It is not easy to make big changes like this, and it will take great sacrifice. It will require emotional strength, unshakable belief in yourself, and a willingness to take risks with your life.
How you can apply these lessons for yourself?
First, decide what you really want to do. Figure out what you are good at doing, and what you really enjoy. This is where you should focus. All the rules we learn in school, and through life, about improving our weaknesses is a waste of time and life. If you do this, you will just be able to do lots of things, but they will all lack energy and passion. It is much better to focus your life's work and all your efforts on what you really love to do.
What's the worst that could happen if you do change?
Asking yourself this question is a healthy exercise. I doubt that you will die, or even go homeless. I have discovered that when a person does what they love, they suddenly find new creativity they didn't know existed as they figure out new ways to make the money they need to keep doing what they love. This is almost like an addiction, but this addiction is good for your soul!
What's the best that could happen if you do change?
This is an even better question to ask. Think about how the relationships in your life will improve. Think about how much happier you will be. Think about how much more energy you will have in your life.
How to do you achieve what you want?
First envision what you want. Write down exactly what you want to do. Start talking to others now about this dream. Each day. take small steps toward your dream. These steps might be research, reading, taking a class, or talking to someone else who already does what you want to do. Measure your progress as you go. It is true that what gets measured, gets done-it forces you to reflect on your progress. Finally, reward yourself every step of the way. Small rewards you give yourself can be the best gifts of all!
What is at stake if you don't change?
This is the most important question of all. If you cannot answer this question, you will not take any action. If you cannot define for yourself what the effect of not changing will have on your life, you will not change. Only when you clearly see the result of NOT changing, will you suddenly find the inner strength to change.
Simply remaining who you are is effective, but not sufficient. To live with vocational passion, and do work that can last a lifetime takes courage, action, and creativity. It will also take a coming out party of the real you, no longer worried about what others will think. Change is hard, but only through difficult change will you really grow and, as a result, gain new perspectives about yourself and your world.
As always, I'll be cheering you on as you go- Craig Nathanso

Craig Nathanson is the author of P Is For Perfect: Your Perfect Vocational Day and a coaching expert who works with people over forty. Craig's new E-book, Discover and live your passion 365 days a year is a workshop in a box designed to help busy adults go insane with their work. Craig's systematic approach, the trademark "Ten P" process,'' helps people break free and move toward the work they love. Visit Craig's online community at where you can take a class, get more ideas through Craig Nathanson's books and CD's, get some private coaching over the phone or read other stories of mid-life change and renewal.
Craig lives in Fairfax, California. His office is located at 6 School Street, suite 220, Fairfax, Ca 94930. You can reach him at 415-457-0550 or at

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Once And For All - Own Who You Are!
By Kim May

I believe that one of our biggest stumbling blocks is completely owning the awesomely powerful creator that dwells within us all. It can be very challenging to wrap your mind all the way around the fact that, EVERYTHING you experience in your personal life is your exceptions.You may say " I would not have felt hurt if he hadn't done blaa, blaa, blaa." Or you might say " It will possible for me to be happy when I have money, a healthy/fit body or the perfect relationship or the right job".What I am getting at here is, that it will never be about fixing anything outside of ourself... never will that ever get you the lasting results you want. A man who was my teacher for a very longtime once said, to paraphrase," If you want to be truly free, you MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY". I totally agree...that is the only possible path to happiness.
It can be scary too but if you start with the less significant subjects and definitely gets easier. If you don't giving up blaming your Mother,your Father, your husband, your wife, your teachers, your government, your friends, your anyone or anything outside of you, is like behaving the exact same way and yet, expecting the results to somehow be different. It's not going to happen. It CAN"T happen because the Law of Attraction is THE most powerful law in the Universe and you simply can not buck it.What you think and feel ALWAYS creates a PERFECT match in your experience...ALWAYS!
You were created so powerfully that NOTHING can change the vibration you emit except you. So if you are experiencing anything less wonderful in your life than you want,it's YOUR creation and come's the good can change it.The moment that you consciously begin to think ( and feel,this may take thinking it for a while), what ever it is for you, will begin to change. The speed at which it will change depends on how long it takes you to clean up your vibration around it. Sometimes I find that I am so emotionally attached to something or someone that, the best I can do is remove my thoughts about that, and think about ANYTHING that makes me happy...anything. I truth is if you are thinking about something that really makes you happy, you can't possibly being vibrating in a way that would bring you anything but joy. Now, you may need to fight tooth and nail to resist slipping back to those thoughts that are not happy but, if you practice, you will soon see evidence of you labor.
We came here to thrive, to live life utilizing our personal preference, to create WHAT WE WANT, and to be well pleased by that which we have created. Don't you think it's time you got started?

If fitness and nutrition are top concerns of yours, or if they should be, don't miss a single article from Kim May. Ms. May has over 15 years of experience in the fitness world as a personal trainer, motivator, and certified nutritionist. She's been published in leading health magazines and regularly posts articles about fitness from Waynesville, North Carolina where she lives with her partner and two wonderful dogs.

Friday, November 02, 2007


You Can't Tell Folks To Change, Period

By Peter Vajda, Ph.D

"Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand." Chinese proverb
What's the most common process for introducing change in our organizations? Right. We hold a meeting. Tell folks why the change is necessary and give our reasons for the change, our perceived benefits of the change and tell them be prepared to do it our way. Then, we become angry and frustrated as all heck when we experience workers' resistance, lack of buy-in and little to no change (or complacency, lack of commitment or sabotage in some way, shape or form) in the long run.
As leaders, managers and supervisors should know by now, people resist change when forced upon them. "Telling" is what initiates the resistance. Resistance is the energy spend on NOT doing something, avoiding doing something or fearing to do something.
The deal is that resistance not so much about the change; it's all about being changed.
Leaders, managers and supervisors, the initiators of change, approach change from a different mindset than the folks who are told to change. Leaders, managers and supervisors come to see change as a "creative" process. Those who are told to change come to change from a "reactive" mindset. And, most leaders, managers and supervisors can't "get" why workers are "reactive." What's wrong with them! Why can't they see the positives of the change effort? Reactive thinkers most often view change as an event that will end up hurting them in some way.
So, these differences in perspective, being "creative" and being "reactive", create conflict when used in a "telling" situation. It's very hard for workers to take in the "you are our most valuable asset" mantra while being told what to do, when to do it, how to do it and why.
The issue here is that the leaders', managers’ and supervisors’ intentions are well-meaning. BUT, "telling" is the catalyst in the equation that causes the overt or subtle reactivity.
So, what would it be like when leaders, managers and supervisors, i.e., you, engage employees in the change process, ask workers to engage in the problem-solving? In many cases, employees will come up with the same solutions or change efforts that leaders, managers and supervisors are suggesting. The difference? Employees have a greater sense of self-esteem, value and self-worth because they feel they are part of the process, part of the solution. Commitment and buy-in usually follow closely behind. There is much less tension, conflict and resistance around change.
In just about every employee survey that asks employee what they want, what's important to them at work, in the top five responses we find: (1) acknowledgement, recognition and appreciation; (2) being involved in decisions that affect them; and (3) support with personal issues. This gap between what employees want and what management "thinks" employees want seems to never narrow. Interesting.
When employees feel they are treated as functions and roles, when they feel management does not care about their needs and wants, when they are never asked, "What do you think?", employees’ energy lessens, and begins to evaporate. Performance, productivity, engagement and commitment begin to wane, attitudes turn negative and the "us vs. them" mindset takes over.
When leaders, managers and supervisors take a "telling" approach towards employees, in essence they are saying to employees "We really don't appreciate you; we really don't want to include you." Pure and simple. Like it or not. That's the perception and we all know perception is reality to most folks — especially in workplace situations where change is the issue.
In the final analysis, the real experts in the organization are the folks in the organization. There is a great deal of value and wealth in your organization, in the folks who report to you, in the folks you deal with on a daily basis. They possess a great deal of knowledge, insight and expertise.
If you would take the time, and be honest and sincere in your efforts, you can ask your folks, "What do you think?" and be assured folks will do the self-reflection necessary to come up with the solutions required for them to do their best for themselves and for the good of their team and your organization. Why? Because asking employees improves their self-esteem, motivates them, and empowers them to do their best...consistently. They take ownership for finding solutions.
Finally, asking communicates, "I care about you as a person." “Your opinion is important to me/us/the team/the organization."
Asking makes a difference. If you want folks to use their innate talents, wisdom and knowledge and to be creative, engaged, committed and proactive.........ask, don't tell.
So, our $10 food for thought questions are:
· How do you feel when you are told what to do? · What message do you think folks hear when they are told, and not asked? Do you care what they hear? · Can you think of a time when you had a good idea, an effective solution, and no one listened to you? How did that make you feel? What happened to your enthusiasm? · Have you recently faced resistance to an idea you felt was first-rate? · In your role as a leader, manager or supervisor what solution have you recently tried to implement by telling? How did folks react? How well did they implement the change? How effective was the change? What was your contribution to its success or lack of it? · Are you a "tell" or "ask" type of leader, manager or supervisor? Why? · Can you remember the last time you resisted a change effort?

Peter G. Vajda, Ph.D, C.P.C. is a founding partner of SpiritHeart, an Atlanta-based company that supports conscious living through coaching, counseling and facilitating. With a practice based on the dynamic intersection of mind, body, emotion and spirit — that is, Essential Well BE-ing — Peter’s approach focuses on personal, business, relational and spiritual coaching. He is a professional speaker and published author. For more information contact or phone 770.804.9125

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Leadership Matters In Managing Change Effectively.

By William King

Organizations need to change their functioning and way in which they conduct their business and services. The reason behind these changes might be external forces in economy, needs of customer or marketplace. These changes would affect whole organization and it can be known from level of opposition of leadership and employees.
For any organization, if change takes place then it's essential for all employees to understand three preliminary steps in the process. These three steps are as under:
1. What is needed to change?
2. What needs to happen to make it a reality?
3. How can we make it happen?
The fact is, not every employee of the organization follows these principles in same way. But, understanding these concepts has really helped many organizations to successfully bring an effective change.
Why individual opposes change?
• People are insecure about loss of control by change
• Lots of insecurities are being created due to change affecting the status quo
• People are used to working in a particular laid down manner since long
• Change requires hard work
• There had been bad experience in past due to change.
• Changes are forced upon people without any valid explanations.
Reduce the conflict and build loyalty to change-Reduce the resistance by providing obvious picture of change. Change should be step by step, planned and estimated. Engage people in this process and do inform them regularly. All you need to do is to reduce disruption through efficient planning. Leadership at every level should express people's dedication to the change. Appreciate them for their involvement in change process and also give award to earlier pioneers.
Key to effective change-As a leader, one important thing is to study present culture of the organization and to know where you are. It is also necessary for a leader to identify employees who want change and those who are not happy with change. Take example from existing model that has effectively implemented change and also communicate with them regarding their experience with change. Don't completely change existing culture immediately, but take advice from people about ways to implement the change and methods to solve the problems while implementation. Vision may help you in change, but this is not the only way.
Steps leading to successful change-Find out, what is taking place in areas, where changes have taken place by involving persons who will be in charge of results. Analyze the conditions with the representatives. Make strategic planning that leads towards success after change in organization. Continue activities with involvement of employees that will help in solving problems and also in improvement of change process. Finally measure, examine and estimate the change.
Involvement of Critical Factors-Collaboration and good communication is essential and plays important role in process. All processes, practices and functionalities give more values to customer, goals and performance for achievement of goals. There should be internal solutions. Horizontal, Vertical and multi directional interaction must be carried out before change in organization.

William King is the director of UK Wholesale Suppliers & Drop Shipping Wholesalers Directory, Australia Wholesalers - Australian Wholesale Dropshippers & Suppliers Directory and France Wholesalers - French Wholesale Dropshippers & Suppliers Directory. He has 18 years of experience in the marketing and trading industries and has been helping retailers and startups with their product sourcing, promotion, marketing and supply chain requirements.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Why Not You, Why Not Now?
By Michael Conrad Kelley

After the birth of my first child earlier this month, I was overcome with emotion. Thoughts of joy and fear raced through my head while tears welled up in my eyes. From the moment she came in to the world, an overwhelming sense of endless possibilities is constant in my mind. Each time I hold her, I am swept away by her power. Tiny, fragile, and innocent, yet she is powerful beyond comprehension.
I promised her that I will provide her all the nurturing, support, and love I can in her journey to fulfill her dreams, whatever they may be. Then it struck me, will I uphold that promise? After all, I once made a similar commitment to myself, and others, but fell short. Or have I? Sure, my dreams may be different now than they were when I was a child, but I still find that I have them. I realize that my phone won’t ring on Major League Baseball’s draft day, just as it has remained silent for twenty years. But, I am quite sure that it will ring with business opportunities, or creative projects, or even simply with friends or family who just want to catch up. Regardless, the dream is alive.
I believe that we are often far too hasty to judge our success or failure in life. For as long as we remain, the outcome has yet to be determined. We are only as stuck or as limited as we allow ourselves to be. We make excuses and call them sacrifices. We accept survival and a mediocre existence as a way of life. Our circumstance is tolerable but not ideal, but hey, there are those who have it worse, right? Wrong! There is nothing worse than giving up on our own potential.
I hear all of the talk surrounding the rich and famous, athletes, actors, actresses, church leaders, and politicians who fall from grace. I think that we are angrier that they achieved the lofty dreams we once had for ourselves and lost it than we ever are for their transgressions. We take it as a personal insult that one would attain such fame, fortune, and privilege then give it all up through bad choices or addictions. On the other hand, we sabotage our lives in a similar, though less grandiose way on a daily basis. We settle for being less than we are capable of becoming.
You may not be exactly where or what you thought you would be in life right now but wherever or whatever you are, you are. And, that beats the alternative. If you want your situation to change, identify the number one excuse you afford yourself, and lose it forever. See yourself exactly where and exactly as you want to be and take positive action to move in that direction. To simply sit back and hope for change is wasting valuable time. How much time have you got? Since I doubt you know the answer, I suggest you get going. Start thinking bigger than you have allowed yourself to think in years. Stop setting the bar so low that there is no longer a thrill when you reach it. Challenge yourself to achieve greatness and to help others achieve it as well. Millions of dreams will be dreamt this day. Some will even be realized, but by who? Why not you, why not now?

Michael Conrad Kelley is the co-author of the children's book and parenting guide Zooch the Pooch, My Best Friend.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Change Management - The Top Ten Blockers in Organizations

By William Meikle

In order to effectively manage any major change in organisations, it is necessary to understand the culture of the company, and the way that culture may actively resist any changes.
There are ten major cultural components that will affect a company's ability to change
1. Rules and Policies
Some of the company's rules and policies may, for example, tie staff down to specific jobs at specific times, or mean that specific functions have to be done on specific times, or tie staff down to operating only within a narrow band of responsibilities. The way to foster change here is to eliminate rules and policies that hinder the change and create new ones that reinforce the desired way of operating. i.e. develop and document new SOP's.
2. Goals and Measurement
The stated company goals, and the way those goals are measured, may mean that the company is focussed only on those goals, to the hinderance of seeing new opportunities or developing new ways of measuring company achievements. To foster change the company should develop goals and measurements that reinforce the desired changes.
3. Customs and Norms
The customs of the company may get in the way of change. "We do it this way because we've always done it this way" is a standard cry in many companies. Rigid methods may be hindering change, for example, an over-emphasis on strict lines of reporting, or slavish reliance on written reports and minute taking.
To foster change it may be necessary to replace old ways of doing things that reinforce the old ways with new customs and norms. Eg replace written reports with face-to-face meetings.
4. Training
Company training plans may only train staff in areas that reinforce existing company ways of doing things. To foster change it may be that the company should replace training that reinforces the old way of doing things with new training and think about developing experiential training that provides real time, hands on experiences with new processes and procedures.
5. Ceremonies and Events
Areas like commitee meetings, AGMs and staff meetings all have an effect on company culture, as to any company organised events, whether it be "team building" exercises, or just regular organised outings. They all serve to give both staff and people outside the company a view of "what the company is like", a corporate image if you like. If change is required, the company should try to put in place ceremonies and events that reinforce the new ways, and recognise individual and team contributions to making the changes work.
6. Management Behaviours
The company management might be tied into behavioural routines linked with historical ways of working. To foster change a company should publicly recognise and reward managers who change by linking promotion and pay to the desired behaviours. ( And the opposite often applies. Companies fostering change often do not promote or pay increases to managers who do not come on board. )
7. Rewards and Recognition
The current staff assessment schemes in a company may be leading to rigid hierarchies, or may be fostering one area of competence over another eg a performance management system that measures only individual behaviour will undermine any attempts to inculcate a culture of teamwork. A company determined to foster change should make rewards specific to the change goals that have been set and ensure that the performance management system recognises and rewards the desired ways of operating and does not simply reinforce the old ways.
8. Communications
The company communications strategy, both internal to the company, and external to clients , media and the public, may be highly resistant to change, and may again be tied to the companies corporate image. Change in this area can be expensive, but companies that require to make changes will have to deliver communications in new ways to show commitment to change. And when change is being made, it is advisory to use multiple channels to deliver consistent messages at all stages during the transition, before, during and after.
9. Physical environment
This is a big area where change is resisted. Staff like their "nest" areas, and like to feel secure in their workplace. If a company is determined to make changes, they need to pay particular attention to this and make sure the physical environment reflects the change in a way that makes the staff comfortable. If knowledge and information sharing is the goal, they should get people out of offices and into open, shared areas. If they want them to talk to their customers, they should create 'virtual' offices so that people are encouraged to work outside the office with customers.
10. Organizational structure
Rigid hierarchies can work against change, and people at the top of the tree don't like having the branches rattled. Many companies in the modern business world have found this to be a hard area to make flexible, but if operational change is to happen in a company, there will, of necessity, need to be organisational change. The way to make it happen is to make sure that structure reinforces the operational changes. Combine overlapping divisions; re-organize around customers as opposed to functions.
In summary, all the above cultural areas have to be taken into account if change is required in a company, and they all have an effect, in different ways in different companies, in resisting attempts at such change.
Make sure you understand them before implementing any big decisions, otherwise you might not be in business long enough to regret it.

William Meikle is a Scottish writer, currently travelling in Canada, with seven novels published in the States and three more coming in 2007/8, all in the independent fantasy and horror press. His short work and articles have appeared in the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Greece, Saudi Arabia and India. He also has three shorts produced from his scripts, and several supernatural scripts currently on option, including four shorts, and a supernatural thriller feature.
William Meikle

Monday, October 15, 2007


When You Find Yourself Outside Your Comfort Zone...

By Michaela Scherr

Life is an ongoing learning experience for many and whilst I personally get immense enjoyment from this especially when it involves reading and researching (anything), when I start the ‘doing’, it has, on the odd occasion, produced some interesting and uncomfortable feelings.
What I’m talking about is the feeling of physical discomfort in the chest area, frustration, tears, ranting and raving, and immobilisation.
The physical pain I experienced within my heart area was very real and uncomfortable when I wrote my first newsletter; when I first designed and wrote copy for my website; when a close relationship was breaking apart; I literally experience this pain whenever there is a ‘first time event’ or major issue I need to work through. The upside of this is once something new is mastered, the physical pain miraculously disappears and once again life becomes comfortable.
It’s a comfort zone thing. The comfort zone is a place of security; comfort (naturally); safety; and protection. Stepping outside the zone can be scary and lonely. It involves the stretching and the growing of our Self; and this where physical pain can manifest.
Remember back to when you were little and your legs or knees ached. Maybe the grown ups told you these were growing pains. This is what I was told and for me, stepping outside the comfort zone and experiencing new things is much the same.
The positive aspect of working through all this discomfort is the end result – Mastery! When mastery is finally reached a side product might be increased inner strength, new-found confidence and a feeling of liberation. These feelings will be different for each individual.
This doesn’t only apply to the ‘big stuff’. It applies across the board, no matter how big or small.
Below I’ve listed 5 easy things to help become comfortable with the uncomfortable, starting with the most important:
1. Start by noticing what you notice. Each time you do something different notice what your reaction to it is and where this reaction manifests within your body (breathing rate, tightening of shoulders, tingling feeling etc)
2. Keep a journal or diary of what you’re experiencing (feelings, reactions, inner dialogue etc) as you continue to learn and grow through stepping out of your comfort zone.
3. Write at least three pages for one month (or more if you like) in your journal or diary each morning about your ever expanding comfort zone. When you’ve done that, reflect on what you wrote starting from page one, and notice any patterns, useful or not.
4. Use a different coloured pen for things that worked for you in becoming more masterful. Colour all positive statements in big, bold lettering.
5. Use a grey coloured pen to make note of what definitely did not work. Reflect on these statements and reframe into how things could work with a developing a new strategy.
6. Ask yourself probing questions around your growing and stretching experience. For example:
7 “What needs to happen now to make this less painful for me?”
8. “What are the benefits for me in mastering this new thing (relationship, job, task etc)?”
9. “If I give up now, where will I end up?”
10. “What am I learning from this experience?”
11. “What am I not learning from this experience?” “Am I repeating a pattern which no longer serves me well?”
12. Reframe negative self-talk into more upbeat and positive speak. When positive self talk is practised often, the more comfortable it will become for you, until it’s fully integrated and natural once again.
13. Know it takes time and patience to become comfortable with a new comfort zone. Unfortunately there is no instant fix or ‘cure’; I would have discovered it by. The quicker your mastery level rises the faster the comfort zone returns.
In dealing with uncomfortable feelings, some suggestions to help deal with this may be to learn meditation within a group; do some breath work; have some transformational coaching sessions to help find inner peace; or find a flower essence practitioner near you. There are many ways of dealing with discomfort; allow your creative genius to find the right way for you.
The outcome of your efforts will be living how you want to live, and a knowing that you’ve achieved this through your courage to expand and grow.
A very close friend of mine once said to me “Become comfortable with the uncomfortable”. This has since become something of a mantra for me during my own uncomfortable periods when I step outside that familiar comfort zone I love so well.
Nothing in life is permanent and this includes experiencing physical discomfort when the comfort zone is no longer there to keep us safe and secure. Whilst resistance to change can increase our discomfort level; going with the flow of learning and growing can make life that much more interesting.

Copyright requirements are that it remains with Michaela Scherr and for the link to be "click able" or "live" at
Michaela Scherr is a Transformational Coach, author of self help e-books and articles, as well as an Intuitive. Michaela is totally committed to helping others create positive and action oriented changes to their lives.

Saturday, October 06, 2007


A Special Time For Tears

By Ena Clewes

There seems to be no special times for tears. Although we ordinarily think of them as results of unhappiness, this is not always the case.
Sadness is easier to bear with tears, but there are also tears connected with the beautiful.
Tears can be for a love so wonderful, that only God could have created it. Even deep, honest laughter has tears.
For whatever reason, whether there is sadness or sweetness to tears, the deeper their meaning, the greater our capacity for living. The most frequent reason for crying is out of frustration . We condition ourselves for many of the major things, but frustration comes so often and in so many ways, sometimes it takes a good cry to relieve the tension.
Tears are not a sign of weakness but have in themselves a cleansing that can wash away humiliation and hurt, and even the remains of a love , well past its prime. Who hasn't had those moments , when circumstances just overpower us and we feel lost and alone, a feeling that no one cares about us, we just don't matter in the larger scheme of life. We keep our feelings intact in front of others, when we can, but if the situation is too stressful, then tears are the only answer to our emotional upheaval.
Do grown men cry? Of course they do, and why should they be made to feel inadequate or soft if this allows them to deal with their feelings, either of happiness or sadness. Crying knows no sexual barrier, it is an honest human emotion, and if men need to express themselves in this way, then we should feel empathy for them, not ridicule.
There is a great truth in that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
We can make that morning be any time we alter our thinking and our words.

Ena Clewes is an author of short stories and is an avid Organic Gardener.Visit Ena's website at Ena is also a pet lover you will find her website at

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Too Much Talk Not Enough Action
By Craig Harper

One of my biggest challenges and frustrations (if not the biggest) of my work is not providing people with the appropriate information, education, inspiration, direction, advice, feedback or support.... it's actually getting them to stop thinking about it, talking about it, planning for it, fretting about it... and getting them to actually do something now.
Anything!Like right now.Getting people to consistently be pro-active (doers) is the hardest part of my job.
They're always about to do it.Never actually doing it.... but oh, so close.
When I do a corporate talk, no matter how great the presentation goes or how much positive feedback I get, I know that the majority of the people (who have all indicated during the session that they desire change in their life) won't create any lasting change because they won't use (consistently do something with) what they've learned (heard) during the presentation. And this frustrates me because I'm not about their entertainment or amusement, I'm about positive change... a better life (whatever that is for them). Yes, I want them to enjoy the 'me' experience but what I want more... is for them to stop talking about what they want in their life... and to start creating it.
I have a friend who is perpetually perusing sites such as this (he regularly reports in and gives me his rating on my latest post), always reading another life-changing book (books don't change lives; people do) and continually listening to his favourite self-help gurus in the car.
He also attends somewhere between five and ten 'change-your-life-forever' or 'become-a billionaire-by-next-Tuesday' or 'learn-how-to-become-financially-independent-by-selling-this-amazing-fat-burning-herb-from-the-Amazon'.... programs per year.
He's intelligent, talented, and educated.... and he's also fearful, lazy, rarely starts things, never finishes anything and is always 'two inches' away from some massive breakthrough.
If only he'd take his head out of his... new book, change his behaviour, get pro-active, plan less and do more (do anything, in fact), he'd be way closer to where he wants to be (if not already there).
But he doesn't.He talks about it.A lot.He's full of crap, lies to himself and is delusional.Am I being harsh?No, honest.He's consumed more self-help literature in the last decade than is healthy and still he finds 'reasons' (excuses) to do nothing.
Yes, I've spoken to him about this post and no, he's not offended or grumpy at me because I've told him all this in person.
He knows.We all know.Deep down.
Too many of us spend too much of our life stuffing around not doing the things we know we should. We talk about what we want and how we're going to get it... we just never seem to do it. We talk ourselves into inactivity. We continue to find new and interesting reasons for not changing.
We delude ourselves that we'll do it soon.. but for some very logical reason (of course) now... is never the time. We know we're full of it, those closest to us know it... but we get pretty good at living a lie.
We avoid change because we are fearful but at the same time, we never do anything to get strong (like making those decisions, taking risks, getting uncomfortable). Ironically, it's the change process (the one we avoid)... that makes us strong. We're smart, we're informed, we've done the whole self-help thing... we even have the answers for our friends... but when it comes to us... we're perpetually treading water and spinning our wheels.
So, here's your challenge for today (or tomorrow, if it's too late tonight):
Do something in the next twelve hours that you know you should have done before now.
Make a decision, take some action, change a behaviour, make a phone call, say sorry to someone, give up a habit.... do SOMETHING to create real change.
FOREVER change.
You've 'almost' done so many things, why not break the cycle now? I know it's probably not convenient, practical or easy now.... but perhaps it's necessary. Perhaps it will change your life.
Perhaps you will change your life.
Tony Robbins, Steven Covey, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Craig Harper or any 'Coach' will not change your life because 'all' they (we) do is provide information and inspiration (a good thing... but of itself, not enough). It always comes down to doing (not knowing). It always comes down to you.
Know that staying in the same situation, or moving towards amazing is a choice and right now you can choose different. Or the same. You can get up tomorrow with the same mindset, the same thinking and the same behaviours, making the same excuses (no, they're not reasons) and do what you've always done or... you can think, do and be... different.
As I've said before; if nothing changes, nothing changes. Tomorrow you can do what you've always done... and nobody will really take any notice... or you can be different. You can create momentum right now. If you choose.
Yes, the journey between where you are and where you want to be might not always be easy but the journey is where we develop the skills, strength and attitude to succeed and the rewards are incredible...
And if it's 'easy' you're after... then you best change your goal from amazing to average.
If it was easy to create amazing, everybody would do it. It isn't... and they don't.
Will you? Or will you just keep talking about it?

Craig Harper (B.Ex.Sci.) is an Australian motivational speaker, qualified exercise scientist, author, columnist, radio presenter, and owner of one of the largest personal training centres in the world.
He can be heard weekly on Australian Radio SEN 1116 and GOLD FM and appears on Australian television on Network Ten's 9AM.
Motivational Speaker - Craig Harper

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Motivation By Daily Momentum
By John Watson

Do you ever find that you do not carry out your plans? If not, perhaps your plans are too complicated. If you follow a simple plan every single day great things can be achieved.
Years ago, I tried lifting weights in an attempt to develop a magnificent physique like that of my hero - Tarzan of the Apes. I did not succeed!
A big stumbling block was the advice in the magazines to train on only 3 days a week with a rest day in between. This was probably good advice from a physical point of view but psychologically it ignored the power of daily momentum.
If you practice something every single day, you develop a feeling of drive and power i.e. momentum. Your self-confidence grows like Jack's famous bean stalk. You feel that you, too, are climbing swiftly, or at least steadily, towards your goal and the giant's huge treasure chest. You are highly motivated.
But if you take a rest day even if it is well earned, you give yourself an excuse to take another rest day. Your action plan becomes blurred and lacks clarity. You lose momentum and have to start up all over again.
Doing something every single day has a powerful simplicity about it.
When the Japanese runner, Seko, won the Boston Marathon in 1981, he was asked about his training methods. He explained his method in twelve words.
“I run 10 kilometers in the morning and 20 in the evening.”
This double action a day plan enabled him to outrun the world’s most gifted runners. When Seko was told that his plan seemed too simple, compared to that of other marathoners, he replied:
“The plan is simple, but I do it every single day, 365 days a year”.
Simple? Yes. Easy? No Most people fail to reach their goals not because their plans are too simple or too complicated. They fail because they do not follow their own plans. All plans are useless if they are not followed.
Seko’s plan was effective not because it was simple but because he followed it 'every single day'.
Albert Einstein summed up the importance of continuous movement in his own imaginative way:
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving."
There were no bicycles available in medieval times but they could teach us a thing or two about momentum.
According to the famous legend, King Arthur's knights of the Round Table followed one dominant idea - the love of God, humans and noble deeds. The King expected his knights to perform one noble deed a day before the evening banquet.
This noble deed expressed their love of God and humanity. Fictitious or not, the King, or his creators, knew the power of daily achievement and momentum.
After achieving at least one noble deed a day, the knights could enjoy their roast venison and goblet of wine with a great sense of satisfaction and achievement.
A year or so ago, I wrote one article a day for about three months. This gave me a daily feeling of achievement and success. I am not sure if my readers felt the articles were a success but the feeling of daily momentum helped me to continue the practice for some time.
Movement creates more movement. Take one step and you will take another.
Once a habit is formed you may no longer need to keep up daily activity. My habit of writing articles is now so deeply ingrained that I can no longer stop myself writing articles!
When in need of advice, I write an article to myself and anybody else who might find the ideas helpful!
Probably I would have done better to continue writing a daily article but if you or I cannot make daily progress, we can at least make weekly progress.
In reality, you don't have time to form all the habits or develop all the skills you want to by doing them all every single day. Momentum can still be maintained at a lower level even without daily activity.
Regular weekly or monthly action will be time enough to make progress on the skills or activities which are not your main ones or which become less important as you move on to new interests.
If you are learning a martial art, you might not have time to attend a class every day, but you can attend at least once or twice a week. If you do, you will make progress. I see the evidence for this on a regular basis with my own martial arts students.
Those who attend classes twice a week usually reach black belt before those who attend once a week and those who attend sporadically can take as long as seven or eight years to reach their first black belt even though some of them are very talented. They may just be too busy or may find regular training too boring.
So then, try to work on your main goals every single day but, if you cannot manage that, work on them once every other day or once a week or even once a month. You will still make enough progress to keep you motivated.
If you don't keep moving in the direction you want to go, you will get easily depressed and feel like a failure. If you take action daily and move steadily toward your goal, you will find it hard to stay defeated and depressed.
Daily, focused action and momentum are signs of life and success. The failure to take daily action can lead only to stagnation and frustration. The only thing that can go from one part of the world to another without moving is the road.
Daily action leads to momentum - the power of continuous movement. Once you have started moving and kept it going for a while it will become easier and easier to continue along your chosen path.
If you keep starting and then stopping, the path becomes tougher and tougher. Starting is usually the most difficult task. Getting out of your favorite chair is tough but, once you're up, walking is comparatively easy. If you get back into your chair you need to use an extra burst of energy to get up again.
If you start a task and then stop, you have to gather your thoughts and any necessary materials together before you can start again.
Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves in 1991 made more profits than any other film in the world. Why? Because Robin is a man of action who is involved in daily action in pursuit of his goals. People instinctively love someone who takes regular action.
In a spoof, role reversal TV series called 'Maid Marian and Her Merry Men', Robin is spending time worrying about what he should wear. He comments:
"I wouldn't be seen dead in this."
Maid Marian immediately rebukes him for his lack of speedy action:
"You will be seen dead in this in approximately two seconds time if you don't get moving!"
We all need to start moving and keep moving. Tarzan hardly ever wasted time speaking unless he was with Jane and even then he was a man of few words. He seldom stood still. Instead, he just grabbed the nearest vine and was off swinging through the jungle - not a bad role model!
Tarzan did not, of course, carry a notepad and biro with him. However, we can.
A list of what we plan to do is worth carrying with us at all times. It can be a powerful tool in our attempt to maintain both motivation and momentum.
Just writing or typing what you plan to do today can make it far more likely that you will do it. I tried this today and immediately did two things I had been putting off for a long time.
Remember too that a simple plan acted on daily is far superior to a complicated plan which is never carried out.

John Watson's main motivational ebook can be found at
The sales page alone is highly motivating!