Friday, December 26, 2008


For Christmas Week - Things I Wish I Had Said

By Jerry Elrod

There are many things I wish I had said as the year closes. Although I am a senior citizen living happily in retirement, I cannot claim memory issues about what I didn't say. Rather, I must admit to unthoughtful or neglectful behavior. Not a happy thought, so here are a few things I wish I had told you.

I wish I had said "I APPRECIATE YOU" more often. You have done much that goes unthanked. Much of what you have done was not done for me at all. But much of what you have done is never sufficiently recognized by others, often the very recipients of your caring. Someone, why shouldn't it be me, should let you know that those unsung, unrecognized acts are appreciated. I wish I had told you then that I appreciate you.

I wish I had said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" when I didn't. But now, though it is likely past, I want you to know that I wish I had said it. Your birthday is important to you and it is important to others because it symbolizes your being. And without you, this world would be less.

I wish I had said "I CARE." There were time when you, like all of us, need especially to hear that. Those "down days" when, on the percentage scale, more seems to go wrong than right. Had I said it probably wouldn't have changed things a lot. But you would have known that someone does genuinely care.

I wish I had said "FORGIVE ME." Although forgotten by me now, I expect that there were times when my own impetuousness and insensitivity contributed to your hurt. I may be guilty of that again. For now, anyway, know that I am sorry.

I wish I had said "HOW ARE YOU" and meant it, and deeply cared about your response.

I wish I had said "TELL ME ABOUT IT" when it was obvious you had some genuine desire to share a part of you, that special part, when something unique was happening in your life.

I wish I had said "THANK YOU" for the many kindnesses, thoughtful acts and generous considerations you have so often tendered. If I didn't say it, I thought it. Now I am letting you know that.

I wish I had said "I MISS YOU." Because there are many times when your absence hurts and your presence would make life brighter.

I wish I had said "I LOVE YOU." Because, you know, I really do. And, though our paths cross at crazy times and our agendas are often different, and our lives mixed up with many, many details and the possibility of disagreement looms large between us, I remain interested in what contributes to your days.

I cannot promise I will say those things to you every time I would like next year. But I can promise that somehow I will know that I should have; I think most of us senior citizens know how to be kind and compassionate. It is that that motivates one more thing I wish I had said a year ago: "HAVE A CHRISTMAS OF JOY AND NEW YEAR OF PEACE."

Article provided by Dr. Jerry D. Elrod. For information on retirement, Baby Boomers and everything related to Seniors, please visit my blog at

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Action - The Critical Ingredient For Achieving Anything in Life

By Joi Sigers

Action. What do you think of when you hear or read the word action?
If you're like my husband, you probably think of action movies - James Bond, Batman, Jason Bourne and Max Payne may all spring to mind.
As someone who collects motivational quotes and does a great deal of "Self Help" writing, however, the first think in my mind when I hear or read the word action is a great quote by the great John F. Kennedy. "Things do not happen; things are made to happen." I also think of another word... vital.
One of the things that perplexes me most in the whole world is the number of people who have skill, talent, and good old-fashioned "know how," yet never seem to get out of the batter's box. They have the talent to carry them to first, second, and third base and the skill to carry them home. But, frustratingly enough, they stay in one place watching the game go on without them. They watch others run the bases and think, "I could do that." Some are even certain that they could do it better. Yet, there they stand - as though their shoes were nailed to the ground.
It's something that puzzles me so much that I've actually spent hours thinking about it. I simply know far too many people who should be... who could be... setting the world on fire in their prospective fields. They're built to be stars, not spectators! Which is why I've tried so hard to get my mind around the mystery of people who can but won't.
I've decided that there are three groups of people who fall into this category.
1. There's the group who are afraid to fail. I know a few who are perfect examples of this one. They have so much pride in their reputation and in their "name" that they're frozen with fear. They seem to think that if they try something new and "fail," people will think less of them and/or their peers will laugh at them. 2. Others are too comfortable to make a move. A lot of people stand still for one reason, alone. Taking a step out of their comfort zone would require more energy than they're willing to part with. 3. The rest simply don't know to take that first step. I think that, probably, more people fall into this group than the other two.
Possible Solutions:
Of course just knowing the problem areas doesn't really solve anything, does it? We actually have to figure out ways to move from here to there.
Let's take each and see if we can come up with any steps that'll lead in a better direction.
First of all, the group who is afraid to fail. I can understand this one, actually. The fear of being looked at as unsuccessful isn't very appealing. But a lot of it comes down to the individual's own attitude. When someone tries something and isn't successful, the way they're perceived by others is often dictated by their own attitude. For example, if they start pointing fingers or madly making excuses, they're not going to come off so well. But if they stay positive and acknowledge the experience as a learning curve, people will be able to relate to them - and even respect them.
Second of all, the people who are too comfortable to be moved. While I can relate to the first group, I can't even begin to relate to this group. I just can't imagine not ever wanting better, not from life - but from yourself. I'm all about pushing myself as far as I can, just to see what I can learn to do. Granted, I find plenty of things I can't even come close to doing (more things than I care to admit, actually!) but I also find things that I somehow manage to learn. Sometimes having a hard head can serve a person well. When their head is hard enough and their will strong enough, they stay in the fight until they've licked whatever it is they're up against.
I think that may be where the solution lies for our comfort-seeking friends. They have to light a fire under themselves and determine to push themselves further and demand more from themselves. They have to realize that if they never move and never grow - they'll become as stagnant as well water,
Third of all, we have the group who simply don't know HOW to take that first step. Some simply give up, while others do so much research that their to do list never gets done. It simply gets covered up with research!
Don't get me wrong, researching information is a glorious thing. I'm turned on by research almost as much as I am by the Starbucks logo. I spend hours each day researching someone, someplace, and or something. But when reading about things takes the place of doing things, it's time to re-evaluate where you are and where you're NOT going..
One of the best pieces of advice I can offer to someone who falls into group 3 is this: Find someone who has done what you're desiring to do and ask them the following question, "What were your first three steps?" Most people are, at heart, extremely helpful - especially when you're interested in them. If they've accomplished something you want to accomplish, they'll be extremely flattered by the situation. So much so that you're certain to get 3 very detailed "first steps."
Finally, I just want to give one small example of a sure fire approach. When I was a little girl, I played in a softball league. I was the youngest and smallest on the team, so they figured the safest spot for me was behind the plate - as the catcher. They felt that if the "runt" was behind the plate, she wouldn't get into any trouble. The problem was, I wanted desperately to be the pitcher. However, the coach had a pitcher he was pretty partial to: His daughter! Plus, he kept telling me that I was so "tiny" that I'd be better off covered with the catcher's equipment (which I hated with a passion!).
When August came, something happened between the coach and his wife. They ended up going their separate ways, and his daughter left with the mother. At our next practice, the coach asked us, "Who knows how to pitch?" I said, "I can pitch." Never mind the fact I'd never pitched before... details, details.
So, he walked me to the pitching rubber, gave me a ball, and he, himself, assumed the catcher's position. I remember seeing my mom in the stands looking at me like, "What in the world are you doing there, you've never pitched before?!" I smiled at her and then just did my best.
I through 5 or so pitches before he announced to everyone, "We have a pitcher."
I never had to go behind the plate again. I was 8 that summer and continued to pitch for 10 more years, throughout my softball career.
Sometimes, you just simply have to jump in with both feet (and arms). You never know what you can do until you put yourself in the position to sink or swim.... fly or fall.... pitch or catch.
Nolan Bushell put it like this, "The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It's as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today."
As someone once said, "Self isn't something one finds, it's something one creates." Self Help Daily would love to help YOU create a masterpiece!

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Monday, December 01, 2008


10 Ways to Deal With Negative Thinking, Panic and Paralyzing Fears

By Peter Murphy

I recently heard from a friend who had been laid off at the newspaper she worked at because of the faltering economy. She didn't have many job leads and her motivation was at an all-time low. She felt that there was nothing more frightening than being a writer in an uncertain job market.
Panic and fear quickly took over; where would she go from go from there?

How would she pay her bills?
How would she cope with uncertainty?

Her mind was plagued with self-doubting, self-defeating thoughts and she began to spiral out of control, right into a dangerous state of anxiety that threatened to paralyze her into stagnant ground forever.

As she began to realize what a toll her predicament was leaving her in, it became clear to her that she needed to take action and do something to get herself out of the hole she was in.
Once she sat down and began to reflect on things, working through the paralyzing fear and the negativity that came along with the devastation of losing her dream job and having to start over from the beginning, everything started to make sense and she was on a roll!
Sometimes it takes a moment of crisis to help us refocus our thoughts and energies into what we want our professional and personal goals to be and what we need to accomplish.

The following points will help you focus and concentrate on the positive rather than dwell on the negative, motivating you to move forward into action rather than leaving you stuck in a rut.
Reading through them should help you gain some perspective into your particular situation:
1. Allow yourself to be upset and grieve if things have gone wrong
Sometimes you suffer from start-up inertia because you're having to make a new start and you're stubbornly holding on to the way things were.
It is perfectly normal to feel panicked, upset, angry, sad, even outraged; you wouldn't be human if you didn't feel that way.
Take some time to get in touch with those feelings.
The night my friend got laid off she drove home, fell into bed and literally could not move for 45 minutes.
Then she called me.
I got her to get up, take a long shower, change into some comfortable clothes, and then she spent some time sat in front of the television watching 'Friends'.
Give your mind and body time to settle into the initial shock of change, whatever it may be.focus primarily on how you feel and let those feelings out.
2. Take a DEEP BREATH!

Your mind deserves it, your body deserves it, your lungs deserve it.
Taking deep breaths improves circulation, calms anxiety and helps you focus.
Once you're done moping, take a deep breath and start to move.
3. Organize your home, organize your life
Is your house a mess? What about your room or your home office? Can you not see yourself going through the piles of papers on top of your desk? Have you looked at your bills lately and seen what you have?
If you haven't done any of these things, now is the time to do it.
There is nothing more stressful when we are in a state of panic than a living space that has no room for us to live in it.
So tackle the mess; wash those clothes, clean out that pantry, throw out the clutter, get those bills out of the way.
You'll be surprised how much more motivated you will be when you surround yourself with cleanliness and order.
4. Surround yourself with positive people

Now would be a good time to reconnect with friends that you haven't spoken to in a while, or even with the friends that you talked to just yesterday, those friends that always have an encouraging word, who are helpful and positive.
Do yourself a favor and avoid people who are always down in the dumps, or who always have something negative to say.
5. Don't confuse negativity with constructive criticism
Some friends may seem like they're helping but they're just feeding the cynicism. Conversely, friends that may appear to be negative are actually offering ways to help by sharing your experiences and showing you a better way to focus.
Listen to the people that are there for you, take what you can use, and dismiss those things that you don't want to use or that you can't use. Don't allow yourself to be brought down by it.
Take charge of your life again.
6. Have someone objective to talk to
When possible, sometimes having an objective third party to talk to and run ideas by can be tremendously helpful.
In some cases, a therapist can be of vital importance in your growth process towards finding yourself and focusing on your career and life goals. They can provide you with a perspective that is sound, rational and unbiased, while still keeping your best interests in mind.
7. Keep a journal of your progress

Write your ideas and your thoughts down and read over them the day after. You will gain some valuable perspective and insight into your own growth and where you are at.
8. Get out of the house!
Take your laptop or notebook to the local coffee shop or park, somewhere with some interaction and get out into the world! This will give you a chance to get out of the house and possibly meet some people, network and create some opportunities towards accomplishing your goals.
9. Actively look for opportunities to do the things that you love most and turn them into opportunities for you
Do you enjoy attending art shows? Love doing volunteer work? Do you like fishing with friends or going to the library or attending meetings for local organizations?
These are all things that would not only satisfy the craving for you to do something that you enjoy, but it would also present you with opportunities to network, meet people that could help you get ahead, and spend time taking care of yourself and your mental and emotional health.
10. Finally, SMILE and BELIEVE!
Easier said than done, I know. Believe me, nothing about my friend's situation warranted a smile and some faith. But had she not kept herself smiling, it would have been so much harder to be positive and pull out of that state of anxiety.
Believe in yourself and the things that you have accomplished and remember that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to do.
So get your coat, get your shoes, get your smile and go out into the world!
Taking heed of these valuable insights will help you create and maintain a positive energy source in your life and keep inertia at bay. You will feel better, be more motivated and definitely more at peace.
All it takes is for you to make that first move. Don't let panic paralyze you into inertia. Anything is possible; it's up to you to make it happen!

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: stay motivated
Article Source:

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Ten Rules to Success

By Ole Alouni

In her book If Success Is a Game, These Are the Rules, New York Times bestselling author, Cherie Carter-Scott, presents ten rules for a fulfilling, meaningful, and satisfying life. These rules are easy to follow, practical, and, most of all, do not require you to have a million dollar in the bank to start. So, with this short introduction out of the way, here are the ten rules for a fulfilling life.

Rule # 1: Each Person Has His Own Definition of Success
I like this idea. I don’t have to be a Donald Trump or an Oprah Winfrey to claim success. Cherrie Carter-Scott believes that the “true essence of success, beneath the visible markers and goals, lies in your own personal sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.”

Rule # 2: Wanting Success Is the First Step Toward Attaining It
Success begins with a dream. It is conceive in one’s desire. This desire then turns into an unbending intention that perseveres in the face of insurmountable odds.

Rule # 3: Self-Trust is Essential
“Self-trust is needed not only to guide you to your authentic path; it is needed to keep you there when the road gets bumpy. It is needed when inner doubts arise along the way, when others think you are “crazy” for wanting what you want or doing what you do, when you want to make tough choices, and when you encounter trials and obstacles.”

Rule # 4: Goals Are the Stepping-Stones on Your Path
What’s the difference between visions and goals? Visions are general, broad, and long-term oriented that form as the framework for someone’s goals. Goals are objectives that are specific and measurable.
To distinguish between a vision and a goal, Cherie Carte-Scott uses several examples in her book. One of these examples is the vision of getting in shape. To weigh 175 pounds, be firm and fit by June 15 is the goal.

Rule # 5: Your Actions Affect Your Outcomes
To reap, one must plant. Our world revolves around the principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, stimulus and response, planting and reaping, etc. Both are mutually dependent upon each other.
Success and happiness are not coincidences. Rather, they are products of design and great effort. A person’s thoughts influence his actions. A person’s actions are formed into his habits. A person’s habits are fashioned into his character. And a person’s character determines his fate and destiny.

Rule # 6: Opportunities Will Be Presented
Opportunities are forks in one’s path. How we choose them determines, to a greater extent, our failure or success. Everyday, each one of us on this planet is presented with an opportunity. We must choose wisely, act fearlessly, and pursue each opportunity valiantly.

Rule # 7: Each Setback Provides Valuable Lessons
“The wise learns from his mistakes,” so says an old proverb. Life is not a bed of roses. As one pursues success, wealth, and fame, setbacks are inevitable. Setbacks are not bad; they are good. Setbacks allow us to reexamine our mode of operation, thus, helping us to improve it, and making us better persons in the process.

Rule # 8: Managing Your Resources Maximizes Your Efforts
Everyone is a steward, a manager, a caretaker. In terms of time, each one is given exactly 24 hours per day to manage. In terms of abilities, each one is given a certain ability to improve upon, and multiply. In terms of resources, the world is an open opportunity to be explored.
What’s the difference between those who succeeded and those who failed? Management! Success does not entail being born with a silver spoon in the mouth; although having a silver spoon is an advantage. Majority of successful people were not born with silver spoons. With their meager resources, they managed to multiply it by discipline and hard work.

Rule # 9: Every Level of Success Brings New Challenges
Rule # 9 reminds me our graduation exercises speaker twenty years ago when he said, “every commencement ceremony is the closing of one door and the opening of another with its new set of opportunity, frustration, and challenges.”
Looking back twenty years, I can undoubtedly say that the man was right on the money. Whether poor or rich, there is an inherent challenge that comes with it.

Rule # 10:
Success Is a Process That Never Ends
I thought I am done; I am not. If there is one thing that needs to be recycled more often, success must take pre-imminence. Not only because success begets success, but because success feels good. It becomes addictive, which, by the way, is a good addiction.
In success, the sky is the limit. So dream it. Work on it with unbending zeal. Seize every opportunity. Learn from your mistakes. Trust yourself. And savor every bit of it along the way.

To read Ole Alouni's other articles, please visit
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Saturday, November 15, 2008


We Are Capable of Amazing Things

By Dr. Mario Barrett, Ph.D.

As a young African American man, I was moved to tears as I witnessed a black man become president of the United States. Even though our community has made tremendous strides in many areas, there are many areas that still require a great deal of improvement. This assessment made it difficult for me to see an african american winning the presidency in my lifetime. But, I am glad to see that I was wrong.

What does this victory mean to me? As a young child of immigrant Jamaica parents, I experienced firsthand the struggles of poverty, which was and still is endemic to much of the world's minority community. I witnessed drug dealers and drug users on my block's corner. I witnessed violence in my schoolyard and on the trains as I made my daily commute to within the concrete jungle of New York City. I witnessed my mother struggle to raise three children in section-8 housing. Struggle was my worldview, my reality. Being treated as less than an equal citizen in this great country was commonplace to me as a young adult, as black men were often vilified in the media. However, I chose not to simply accept the status quo attributed to young black boys from the hood. Instead, I dared to dream and strive to be someone unlike anyone I had ever seen in my neighborhood. I wanted to be someone for which there was no blueprint, no role model. Maybe my will to succeed came from my learning, understanding, and appreciating the struggles, leadership, and achievements of my ancestors.

Throughout my life, I have studied, watched footage, and heard about the struggles of blacks from the slave trade, to life on the plantation, to segregation, to the fight for equality during the Civil Rights movement. I have always admired the struggle, courage, hope, sacrifice, and leadership of my people, and have always been amazed at those that access their inner strength when faced with great adversity. This knowledge of my ancestors' inner strength brought forth an awareness of my inner strength and a great sense of pride for all who have stood up in the face of adversity. For this gift, I must say thank you.
Thank you, Harriet. · Thank you, Fredrick. · Thank you, Martin. · Thank you, Nelson. · Thank you, Jesse. · And now, thank you, Barack. · Thank you to all my ancestors as well as all of those who crusaded for equality and justice. · Thank you for paving the road for me, as well as all of those that will come after me. · Thank you for your sustained fight against oppression. · Thank you for fighting for your dignity, which is what gives me mine. · Thank you for teaching me that life is not always a pretty road, but amazing things can be achieved if you keep working towards a worthwhile goal. · Thank you for sacrificing your life (in some cases) for that of future generations, so that we eventually witness something as amazing a black man rising to the most powerful office in the world.

I realize that it is now on our generation to keep pushing, just as you did. It is on us to redefine the perceptions that the world has about our community's desires and dreams. I would like to conclude by saying that even though there is still much work to be done, I hope that Barack Obama's election has allowed some of your souls to rest in peace, as you as well as President-elect Obama have shown the world that through courage and leadership we can all do amazing things.

Dr. Barrett has an earned PhD in applied management and decision sciences, with a specialization in leadership and organizational change. He also holds a MS in organizational leadership and a BS in organizational management. In addition to these degrees, Dr. Barrett has completed several executive certificates focusing on various areas of management and leadership development.
Dr. Barrett is proud of his academic accomplishments, as they are the product of his long and sometimes difficult journey out of poverty. Along his journey, Dr. Barrett served honorably in the U.S. Air Force, participating in several vital overseas operations in the Middle East and Europe. He has also taught organizational leadership courses at the graduate degree level at Mercy College. This desire to develop leadership whether it be in myself or others is what drives Dr. Barrett. Dr. Barrett currently lives in NYC, where he runs The Barrett Center for Leadership Development, LLC ( and produces The Barrett Leadership Blog (
Article Source:,_Ph.D.

This article has been viewed 17 time(s).Article Submitted On: November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008


Hope everyone is happy and thinking big…..

From an article that I read by Deepak K

There is nothing that we cannot accomplish if ……..

1- We Clearly decide what we are absolutely committed to achieving.

2-We are willing to take massive Action.

3-We Notice what is working or not.

4-Continue to change our approach until we achieve what we want.

5-NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP (I added this one)

Just wanted to share the formula for success........

Barry Sarner

Get all motivational tips at Deepak. K's Self Development Zone. Get all articles related to self improvement or self development at Self Development Zone and Self Improvement Zone.

Friday, November 07, 2008


A Positive Attitude, Does it Really Help?

By Kenny Kadis

Having a positive attitude in any walk of life will always help, but is it easier said than done? If you have crippling debts, if someone in your family or friends are terminally ill, if you've had no breaks in life it's extremely hard to have a positive attitude and say, don't worry, be happy, it'll be OK.

If you think that just changing the way you look at life will change everything and all will be fine, your sadly mistaken, being an optimist won't pay the mortgage, bills or kick start your business.For it to work you MUST combine positive thinking with ACTION. If you just sit there thinking positive thoughts and do nothing else nothing will happen. You have to take action that will bring your hopes and dreams to fruition. I have asked many successful people their secret and the answer is always the same, a positive attitude and HARD WORK.

WILL IT BRING ME LUCK? This is the part that can't be explained, having a positive outlook on life opens doors that didn't exist. What I mean by that is having an optimists view brings with it chances that you wouldn't have seen or couldn't see. Is this because when your down everything you view you view negatively therefore you can't see the wood for the trees? Maybe. I do know for a fact you are much more likelier to succeed if your positive that negative.Does having a positive attitude attract positive vibes? In my humble opinion there is some truth in this, how that works whether it's some unknown force in the universe is unknown but I do know that thinking positively makes a big difference in your working and social life.

You must work hard if you want to change for the better. Whether financially or socially this is an absolute must. Absolutely nothing will happen for you if you don't work for it. Hard work has it's own rewards that will boost your confidence which in turn will make you feel great and make having a positive outlook that much easier to attain. Once you've achieved any goal you've set this in turn will make your confidence grow bringing with it those"positive vibes" I mentioned earlier. Please test this and see if it works, you'll be happily surprised.

Kenny Kadis
Article Source:

This article has been viewed 33 time(s).Article Submitted On: November 03, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008


Life Potential - Don't Settle For Second Best

By Gillian Tyldesley

What stops you from trying something new, something that may be a bit difficult or doesn't fit in with your family or friends?

Many of us settle for the mediocre, the achievable without fuss, or just what is expected of us by others. On the surface we can all offer a brave face of a bad lot - some people may be very successful in certain areas of life but still they feel something is missing! In a world of abundance of choice we can get confused about what we really want and lose track of what we really feel.
We can develop many fears which hold us back from achievement. These fears may be out dated assumptions we have about ourselves, and as such need to be rooted out of our subconscious. Some of the beliefs we have about ourselves have been many years in the making and will not give up without a fight. Many beliefs are formed in childhood and come from other people's opinions about us - school friends, bullies, teachers, and siblings. And the process carries on into adolescence and is re-enforced into adulthood.

The subconscious mind can not distinguish between the true article and the falsehood. It simply wants to follow the same old well worn track that it is used to. Your mind will filter out information that does not fit in with your picture of life. Therefore if you don't change your picture of life the chances are you may never become aware of opportunities that are all around you. Just like a self-fulfilling prophecy what you expect to happen to you often does. Your potential is laid to rest.

In order to reach your true potential you can start by examining your beliefs. You must ask yourself "what is this belief costing me". If the belief is holding you back you can start on the road to challenge and overturn that belief. Without knowledge the status quo continues. Remember that travelling the same road over and over will never take you to a new destination. Sometimes you need to stop, look around and choose a different road.

Gillian Tyldesley helps people reach their true potential and achieve good life balance through coaching. To find out how visit Check out my seven journey steps on the 'whats new' page
I am a life coach working in the area of personal and professional development. I help people address such issues as low self esteem or confidence, relationships, and all round wellness. I have found that with introspection comes awareness of personal potential. Ignorance is not bliss if you want to make changes in your life. You can find out more about me on my website
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Friday, October 24, 2008


Someone Believes in You!

By Mike Marino, Jr.

Do you know who believes in you? Every time someone invites you to an event or an activity, they are telling you that they believe in you. Maybe someone introduced you to a significant other person, or a job. They were telling you they thought you had the right stuff to make it work.

Who pushed you into the profession you now have. They are still pulling for you to make it. They know you have the right stuff. Now you must decide if you have the right stuff. Do you?

If someone pushes you into a pool filled with 14 foot hungry alligators, they believe you have the right stuff to make it to the other side and come out alive.

You have no idea, how many people are praying for you right now.

The worst thing that could happen to you is for someone to believe in you more than you believe in yourself. It does not mean you will not want help to do the task.

You will have to push others to help you, because you believe in them also. Never be the lone ranger. You know the story. The lone ranger tells Tonto; "Tonto, we are surrounded by Indians!" Tonto replies; "I am an Indian!"

Surround yourself with people you believe in also. After all someone believed in you. If no one cares who gets the credit, as long as everyone gets the cash. Two heads are always better than one. Unless they are arguing. How may I serve humanity with humility? What can I do?

Mike Marino, Jr. aka "In Person," is the co-author of two books and a Distinguished Toastmaster who helps people fall in love with learning. He speaks and writes on the love of Knowledge is the root of all good!. To book Mike for your next association meeting, conference or corporate event, contact Mike Marino, Jr. In person 504 833 4405 or email
Proud member of the New Orleans Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau. All presentations are available in PowerPoint or Keynote.
Article Source:,_Jr.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Opening Up to the Big Change Within

By Lynn M. Scheurell

"Change, when it comes, cracks everything open." ~ Dorothy Allison

If you stop and think about it, life moves in cycles. There are seasons to pretty much everything. Sometimes they are predictable in their shifts, like the seasons or waves coming to shore or the migration of geese but usually the biggest shifts happen when we least expect it, even - or maybe especially - when we know they are going to happen.

For example, you know that endings, which might be the death of a situation, circumstance, or relationship, are essential for a number of reasons. The reasons you give those endings might range from "it's run its course" to "it's time for change" to "there is a bigger picture here", or a myriad of other substantiations for the ending that is occurring. And while all are some sort of rationale for the experience, each of them gives a sense that there is something new coming in...a new beginning of some sort. It is only through the ending of what was that the new can come into being; however, knowing that doesn't always make the transition any easier.

What may people may not realize is that the change that is occurring through the endings and beginnings in the physical world is actually a reflection of their own inner state. That is, change that occurs within has no other consequence than to express in an outer form, in a physical representation of what occurred inside that person.

Consider how that has shown up for you in your life...maybe you were waiting to hear from someone who owed you money but it was only when you stopped thinking about that with anger that the check showed up in the mail. Maybe you had a misunderstanding with a family member and it was when you felt the forgiveness in your heart that the phone rang with their call. Maybe things didn't flow in your world how you wanted them to and you channeled the frustration energy into cleaning your office and suddenly the world started working with you for a change...

All of these examples represent that your inner experience impacts your outer world. You didn't do anything different on the outside to create a new result - it was your inner relationship with awareness that made the new situation possible in the outer world. And for a soul-driven entrepreneur, knowing that can make all the difference in the degree of success you enjoy with and through your business.

Three Things You Can Do Today:

1. Everything counts. And nothing is the same when you understand that concept. Another way I've heard it is "how do you do anything is how you do everything" - wow. Talk about being accountable...the universe is noticing who you're being when nobody is looking and THAT is the foundation that you are creating from in your business. We soul-driven types have taken on the higher vibration path of distilling who we are and the innate gifts we have in service to the world - no small charge - and that gives everything we do a little extra "ka-pow" factor in every way. There is just no escaping that...(hmmm...some "ka-pow karma" anyone???) :+)

2. You are responsible for your creations. You are the only one inside you, as an expression of universal energy on the physical level; you are the only one who CAN be responsible for what you're creating. In The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, there is a memorable passage: 'Men have forgotten this truth,' said the fox. 'But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.' And it is only by 'owning' what you have already created that you give yourself the power to create something new going forward.
3. Bigger physical results require even bigger inner changes. By asking for or wanting bigger results in the physical world, you are asking your spirit to bring you the inner experiences necessary to achieve that. The old adage 'be careful what you ask for' is something to consider, because you are setting yourself up to clear out whatever is in the way energetically to have what you want.

Remember that the biggest changes can only occur from the inside when it's time to create something new, go to where it really matters to make it happen.

© 2008 Lynn M. Scheurell, All Rights Reserved.
Lynn Scheurell, Creative Catalyst, works with soul-driven entrepreneurs to create a livelihood from their true purpose. This type of business development requires extreme personal clarity in combination with innovation and active implementation of proven business practices. Download a free report to learn "The Seven Deadly Mistakes That Keep Soul-Driven Business Owners from Making Money" at
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Sunday, October 05, 2008


You Must Have a Positive Attitude & Atmosphere in Your Business to Insure Success

By Melissa Vokoun

The difference between success and failure is a very fine line. It was Henry Ford who said: "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." In my many years' experience of running companies, departments and working with clients, I have always found that Henry Ford hit the nail on the head. With the attitude of "I can't" or "we can't" or "that won't work" success is very elusive and harder to achieve.
When working with clients now, I coach the owner or entrepreneur into always approaching the success of their business as a fait accompli and even during the bad times, not letting the negatively defeat them. Only with time reflecting back on the times that I stopped believing in success or fell into a deep feeling of negativity, did I realize what happened was part of my own "self-fulfilling" prophesy - it just wasn't going to work out, and alas, it did not.
This critical breakthrough of having the business owner believe in their success without boundaries has allowed many of them to take a leap of faith that makes success more tangible and accessible. I am not going to tell you this is always easy - faced with a pile of Accounts Payable, stagnant or falling sales, poor customer retention, etc., can be a huge obstacle to blind faith in success - but it has to be there or the road is so long and so hard to travel.
Negatively will suck all the energy out of a business - like a vacuum, you will find it is hard to be energetic when negatively is the prevailing atmosphere. In order to have energy, you must remain positive - for energy is a by-product of positive attitude. You can't feel positive and lethargic and drawn out at the same time. Yes, you can experience fatigue for working long hours, frustration for not getting enough done on a certain day, fearfulness of making that presentation or calling that prospect, but you cannot lose your energy when you have the power of positive thinking at your back!
The next important step is removing negative people from your organization. This is by far the most critical step for most business owners. When negatively and lack of energy enter an organization, it is like a creeping mist throughout the office - I don't mean to be ghoulish here, but it is like a hypnotic trance that is hard to break.
When I walk into an organization that I am coaching - and I sense that negativity by a few well-placed questions to those I encounter, I usually find myself taking the next two hours discussing with the owner where the source of the negativity is and how to eliminate the cause. This is where the discussion gets tough. You would be surprised the number of "key employees" that turn out to be the ones who are the most negative and unable to change their attitudes. As part of coaching, we have a questionnaire that we give to all the employees, and when we identify these "energy drainers" as I like to call them, it is very difficult to get them out of the business.
Honestly, they are masters of their trades. They make themselves indispensable (so they think) and find a way to dominate most of the workers who would never complain about their tactics - and so it goes on and on until the "energy drainers" have instilled fear in most of the rank and file - and the "boss" never really understands what that nagging feeling is that something isn't quite right.
Well, through analysis and evaluation, the culprits of negativity, biting sarcasm (usually aimed at the boss behind his/his back), veiled threats, and other well-used tactics can be exposed easily enough. Now the trick is to get them out of the organization.
This is the most difficult step. The business owner thinks that the business will suffer from loss of the "competence, business knowledge, and officiousness" this person or group of employees have. They usually appear very loyal to "the business" but that is their mask and how they are so successful in hiding out for long periods of time. It is a hard decision to break ties when you know that filling those positions and getting the right employees hired, trained, and profitable will take time and money. But in the end, the business is already losing time and money - not always apparent to the business owner. How many employees spend time complaining about "that one" or work not getting done because the "energy drainer" has his/her own agenda and timelines. This is a very difficult change to make, but I have worked with business owners and seen through my own experiences, that making these changes can make all the difference in the world between success and failure.
When I ran a company of over 100 employees and a change in the economy forced a lay-off, I had identified the "energy drainers" in my staffs and in all departments, and they were the first to be shown the door. Afterwards, there was a collective sigh of relief and many remaining workers stuck their heads in the door with a "thumbs up" or a whispered "thanks" - and although it might have been due to the fact that they retained their job, there was the underlying sense that they were relieved that the bad apples had been culled from the harvest!
These are very tough times that we all face - and as a business owner you need all the positive, high-performing employees on the team. Please take my advice -- if the time comes to do a little housecleaning - make you choice to exclude the negativity and the energy-draining employees from the rebuilding that will eventually occur. Your remaining employees will thank you - silently or more verbally if you have that type of feedback allowed in your organization. And as you rebuild the team, if someone seems to be a bit negative in talking about their ex-employer or their lot in life - give them a pass. You really can't afford them!

Melissa Vokoun is a successful Business Advisor, Coach and Trainer. From 1983 to 2005 she was COO and VP of Sales and Marketing for a national telecom equipment distributor. Her passion for business, working with clients in solving critical issues in the strategic, tactical and operational areas of growth continues. She is now President and Founder of NuVo Partners and Successful Business Advisors and The Coaching Queen. To learn more about the services available, please visit the website at: or call 847-392-6886.
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This article has been viewed 26 time(s).Article Submitted On: September 30, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008


The Art of Processing Emotions

By Bart Sharp

Many of us spend hours regularly processing emotions that we experience in our lives. It is in the belief that if we come to a place of resolve with them that we would be happier and/or be more present in our lives. Processing emotions is a skill that many have difficulty doing especially if they were not taught as children to identify what they were feeling. Millions have difficulty processing their emotions so if you perceive that you fit in this category do not feel alone.

Processing emotions is both an intellectual skill as well as a body experience. We may be able to express the emotion, recall the memory related to the feeling but have no real connection to it in our body. Which may make us feel disconnected to the experience itself as well as our own body.

Being able to perceive emotions includes feeling the whole experience in our physical body. It is feeling where our body feels uncomfortable when we are upset and all of our bodily reactions included. When we do this we teach ourselves to be more present in our body. The more we live with this kind of awareness anger does feel more intense but so does joy and happiness. We begin the process of leaving the life of muddled emotions where we feel little and remain in a mundane expression of our feelings to a fuller range of ourselves.

One of the keys to breaking out of the mundane life is learning to feel the emotions of our past. What we have suppressed emotionally is often one of the blocks that are holding us back from feeling ourselves. If we can tap into those energetic memories on a body level we can begin the process of releasing them for good. Our cognitive recall of these experiences only gives us the information from our mind we have to address what our body has stored away for them to really go.

What I have discovered is that so much of our daily anxieties, worries, angers, etc always have a source from our past. So when I experience the emotion I stop, sit down and feel it. The first step is to locate where you feel the distress in your body. If you cannot identify it in your body ask the consciousness of your body to turn up so that you can feel it. Or just ask your body, "Where is the sensation of this emotion located?"

Our bodies can do this. They are complex sensory organs that can give us massive amounts of information if we ask. It is important to know that the body wants us to uncover this stuff because it will be so much easier on it not carrying these stuffed emotions.

When we are able to identify the location of the sensation of the emotion sit and be present with it. Place your awareness to perceive the full intensity of the experience of it. Observe only, if we judge it we re-traumatize us to the experience, for example do not go into how bad it was. Even if a memory comes up just be present with it.
Once you perceive that you are in touch with the full energetic memory of the experience ask your body, "Is there a deeper source to where this emotion originated from?" Observe if another sensation shows up in your body, it may be in another location or even underneath where you have been working. Begin the process again of perceiving the full intensity of the energetic memory. Your presence with it will be the catalyst for its release.

When we release these experiences we will begin to feel a lightness in our body. It feels like energetic rocks are removed out of us giving way for a greater body awareness to begin that generally is perceived as feeling lighter. It is a part of the process of knowing yourself wholly.

As I go deeper in this process I find that sometimes I do need to cry to assist in grieving or hit or scream into pillows to release my rage more completely. When I do this I remain focused on the intensity of the energy in my body, I do not put my attention on the person that I am mad at such as imagining their face on the pillow. This is about identifying and releasing your own rage not projecting it out to someone. An important distinction.

What I have found is by using the tools of Access Energy Transformation I am able to release these repressed emotions more effectively. Access releases thoughts, beliefs and emotions on a cellular level. When it is used directly with the identification of the energetic emotional experience the release is very dynamic and permanent. I have seen my life change and witness huge transformational shifts in others by using these awesome tools.

When we begin to live in a place was we are not influenced by our repressed emotions we begin to live with a fuller presence in ourselves. We are no longer triggered by our past in our daily interactions. It is a wonderful freedom. We experience anger, sadness and happiness fuller from a more realistic perception.

Bart Sharp is an Access Learning Facilitator from Austin Texas. Through the years Bart has worked on variety of issues with individuals and groups. Bart likes the Access tools as they release people's limitations quickly and permanently. Explore our free audio and video library at To learn more about access go to
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


When It's Time to Let Go

By Yeo Teck Wei

"Man is free the moment he chooses to be" - Anonymous
Alfred was walking along the side of a cliff, when he suddenly slipped and fell. Desperately hanging on to the cliff with only one hand, he waited for help until a stranger came.
The man agreed to pull him up, but Alfred had to agree to one simple task. After Alfred promised him, the man put out his hand and said, "For me to pull you up, you have to let go of your hand first."
If it was you, will you trust him and let go ?
Letting go is tough. When you are weathering a rough patch, self-doubt and mistrust can cloud your heart and judgement. You don't know who to believe, and what to do next. You don't even know who you can count on during difficult times. In short, you feel helpless and insecure.
For people who have little self-confidence, it's time to let go of your inner fears. It's not easy, but necessary. Even if the entire world does not look down on you, so long as you don't believe in yourself, you will never have self-confidence. This is because people's perception of you can't change the way you think; only you have the power to change the way you think. To truly live life, first you have to have faith in yourself. This is a simple truth that few people know.
In our hearts there exists a prison, and it feeds on self-guilt, shame, and over-expectations. Some people choose to escape reality by imprisoning themselves there to numb their pain. They don't know it just makes their experience so much more painful... and they find themselves unable to escape from this prison. Eventually, they get trapped by their own past.
As a result, some people suffer for life because they can't forgive themselves for their past mistakes. Don't be like them! We can't change the past, and continual self reproach is not going to make a difference. If you really want to make amends, let go of your past. Stop thinking and start doing what really matters.
Redemption starts when you finally let go, and get on with life. Release the heavy burden chained to your soul, and let your spirit fly! When it's time to let go, it's time to let go.
Next time when you have doubts about yourself, just think: If you were Alfred, will you let go of your only hand on the cliff?

Article by Yeo Teck Wei, who is a freelance writer based in Singapore, whose forte includes motivational, current affairs, economics and health issues. If you like what you read, get weekly reads delivered to your email address when you sign up for my newsletter, The Paper Model.
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Sunday, September 14, 2008


When adversity comes, and it will; Be encouraged. Without challenging trials, we will not develop the "thick-skin" and skills necessary to persevere.

Consider the following poem by C.W. Longenecker:

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you ever quit.

Life is strange with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about, when you might have won had you stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
You never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worse, that...
You Must NEVER Quit.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Explosive Results Using This Key to Success!

By T Ryan

One of the keys to success which is very simple yet devastatingly effective when applied, is to simply make the same decisions everyday. If you take a look at any successful person they nearly always take this approach. If you make a decision to do something and state that thing as your goal you cannot expect for it to come to fruition overnight, it usually takes a period of time. During this time in order to reach that goal you will need to take action to achieve it. This is where your daily actions need to correspond with the decision you made in your mind.

As we are all three part beings operating in thought, word and deed, we need to have all of these consistently aligned in order to achieve results. If you think you have made a decision it still has no real power until it is acted upon, similarly it is no good simply talking a good game and not following through with action or with it not actually reflecting what your mind is thinking. When your thoughts, words and deeds are not aligned you will lack progress, motivation and may feel at conflict with yourself.

A very simple illustration of this would be someone who decides they want to become more healthy in their mind and even speaks about this to their friends but their actions do not reflect this. One day they will choose the banana and not the Mars bar, the next day they will chose the Mars bar, their actions are not aligned with their thoughts and words. To become healthy they need to everyday make the same decision on all three levels, thought, word and deed.

Because there are three levels to our beings which can be unaligned it is important to select a goal that is meaningful and that you really want to achieve on all levels. For some people a goal of being rich would fit nicely as a spoken decision but deep down they are not really motivated greatly by money but more so by helping people. Therefore inside of them they will suffer conflict, they can still be successful but they aren't as likely to be as motivated or persistent in pursuing it, there day to day actions may therefore suffer as a result.

The decisions you make today are creating your tomorrow, keep making the decisions on all three levels that correspond to your highest ideal until they come to pass.

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out..." -Robert, Collier

If this is starting to sound like to much effort, stop and have a think for a while. If you don't make an effort to set a goal and pursue it, well that's fine, time will pass anyway and your future will be created by your lack of decisions. Indeed lack of action is also a form of action so you are still creating your tomorrow. The question is do you want to be a conscious or unconscious creator of your world. Do you want a say in what happens in your future or not?

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." - Theodore Roosevelt

Successful people make decisions and stick to them. It is said that the famous inventor Thomas Edison said it would take two weeks to invent the light bulb, however it actually took him around two years. Even through all the failed attempts he still stuck to his decision that he would invent a light bulb he continued rigorously and habitually each and everyday to achieve this goal. Lets look at how he did it on all levels:

1) Thought he decided mentally that it was a worthy goal that he wanted to achieve.

2) He expressed this desire by stating what he would create a light-bulb openly.

3) He took action daily towards his goal and didn't stop until he had achieved his aim.

Indeed this very process is what saw him create over one thousand American patents. Not a bad example of someone operating well aligned on all three levels. He is also quoted as saying:

"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." -Thomas Edison

So, now you know the one of the simplest most easily applicable positive thinking and personal development tools around. Take a few moments to reflect upon if you are making the most of yourself. Do you have a goal? Are you pursuing it on all three levels? Are you making the same decisions on a daily basis to achieve it? Are you prepared to stick to it and persevere no matter what? If you can honestly answer yes to these questions then keep going! If not maybe it is time to make use of this very easy yet devastatingly effective technique. Noone can do it for you!

Author Tim Ryan provides FREE guidance and training on the power of positive thinking and personal development. View positive thinking articles, profiles tips and more by simply clicking: Personal Development or Positive Thinking now.
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This article has been viewed 27 time(s).Article Submitted On: August 10, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008


5 Keys to Recognize Friendship

By Carla McNeil

What is a friend? I believe a friend gives advantage, not takes advantage.
A friend can be many things: a partner, because two people together, focused on the same goal/direction, are better than one; someone who helps you, not beats you when you are down; someone who is there in hard times to help you get through your challenging situations; someone who protects you.

A friend doesn't harp or gossip on things! Who wants to be reminded again and again of something one did wrong. We are all human, we all err. Friends assist us with the situation, assist us to grow and then move on. And then there is no gossiping about it to others!
In my journey of personal development the biggest challenge has been "friends". I never realized there could be so many different levels of friendship, I figured if you were my friend, then you were my friend in everything. I was wrong and learned many lessons the hard way.
A few years ago I took a 6 month contract away from my home base. While I was away I found out that two of my "best" friends had gotten together and had a bash-Carla fest. Then they both had to tell on each other to me!! I was devastated - that, however, was my most effective "training" event about friendship.

From that experience, I learned about different levels of friendship and that not everyone is going to be my best friend. The price for that lesson was pretty high. It cost me two friends, one that had been my friend for over 10 years. It was a huge part of my lesson on "Letting Go"!!

I have found there are 5 ways to recognize True Friendship.
1) Friends will comfort and support you when trouble or disaster shows up in your life
2) Friends are devoted to you, are loyal and willing to change their plans just for you.
3) Friends love you no matter the situation or what you have done. Through thick and thin they are still there. We have all done something "stupid" in our life but we do not want to be judged on that one action for the rest of our lives.
"A friend is a person who knows all about you, and still likes you." Elbert Hubbard
4) Friends will speak constructively - even when it hurts. We all know that we have behaviors, habits or actions that could use a little improvement. After all we are human beings and to "err is human". It is the true friend who will let you know about those challenges in a constructive way because they want what is best for you. Remember friends give advantage. If done in a constructive way without malice or cruel intent, it will provide us the opportunity to become better people and improve our own life.
5) Friends will help you. Have you ever asked for something and had everyone run away? People who you thought were your friends? Helping is giving advantage. I know when I help my friends that it will be returned in kind. Maybe not from the same friend I assisted but I know it will come from somewhere in my life.
Last week I had a friend tell me that something I had assisted them with months ago is currently having a positive impact in her life. She thanked me on a day where that positive feedback was just what I needed! I have found that it is always best to be the first to offer that assistance. No sitting around waiting for our friends to help us!! Who wants to have that kind of friend?

Remember all five of these keys apply both ways. Are you being all of these to your friends as well? We all need to evaluate our friendships; some that we may have thought were good friends could turn out to be acquaintances.
I used to think I had some real friends in my "job". Turns out in many cases I was wrong. When I answered these five questions about some of my friends I was surprised that they were not as close as I had originally thought.
The real deciding factor for me was "am I that kind of friend for them?" When I was honest with myself and answered "No" it was a very eye-opening experience. We must always remember what we expect from our friends they have the right to expect from us in return.

"A real friend is one who walks in, when the rest of the world walks out. Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you " Walter Winchell

Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in their best light." Winston Churchill's mother, Jennie.

Send me an email at - let me know what you liked best about this article. Is there a way that I can assist you in your personal development? It would be my pleasure to assist where I can!
Hear me live on the Terrific Tuesday Teleclass1-218-486-7200 Bridge 549706Every Tuesday at 5:30 Pacific
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This article has been viewed 114 time(s).Article Submitted On: August 19, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Go Hard in Pursuit of Your Life's Vision!

By Dr. Mario Barrett

The other day I was having a conversation with a friend of mine. In our conversation, I realized that she lived her life without any sense of urgency or passion, leading her to an unfulfilled life. She has been simply going through the motions when it came to major areas in her life such as managing her career, maintaining relationships with people, and maintaining her health. In our conversation, I asked her why she chose to live her life in this manner. Her response was simple, "I don't know. "
Now, we often use the phrase "I don't know" when we don't want to take the time out to analyze or discuss the issue at hand. However, she like many of us should ask ourselves the following questions-How is my life showing up for me? Do I love my life, or simply tolerate it? Am I actively acquiring what I want out of it, or simply accepting whatever I can get? I would argue that many of us are simply accepting whatever we can get. Take a look around you, do you believe that your neighbors, friends, or co-workers are actively engaged in a life they love? Are you?
I am a firm believer in the notion that the life that we live on earth is a one time deal. You don't have a second chance to do it again. If you agree with this line of thinking and are living an unfilled life, then you need to change your thinking and begin behaving in a manner that is consistent with the fact that you do not have eternity on earth to achieve a life that you love. Therefore, you must take on a sense of urgency, passion, and vigor in how you pursue this ideal life. The mindset that you must incorporate is based on the belief that the actions necessary for accomplishing your ideal life must begin now. This mindset followed by action will enable you to get out of whatever rut you are presently living in and begin taking the necessary steps to create a life that you love. However, unlike my friend, it is important that you go hard!
Use your sense of urgency and passion to support your efforts with vigor. Instead of allowing one day to simply carryover into the next, make every day count. Make your actions count, which will make your life meaningful and your time on this earth a true experience. I challenge you today to go hard in pursuit of your life's vision.

Dr. Barrett has an earned PhD in applied management and decision sciences, with a specialization in leadership and organizational change. He also holds a MS in organizational leadership and a BS in organizational management. In addition to these degrees, Dr. Barrett has completed several executive certificates focusing on various areas of management and leadership development.
Dr. Barrett is proud of his academic accomplishments, as they are the product of his long and sometimes difficult journey out of poverty. Along his journey, Dr. Barrett served honorably in the U.S. Air Force, participating in several vital overseas operations in the Middle East and Europe. He has also taught organizational leadership courses at the graduate degree level at Mercy College. This desire to develop leadership whether it be in myself or others is what drives Dr. Barrett. Dr. Barrett currently lives in NYC, where he runs The Barrett Center for Leadership Development, LLC and produces The Barrett Leadership Blog
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This article has been viewed 54 time(s).Article Submitted On: August 02, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008


Think And Grow Rich - Tips On How To Change Your Thinking To Success Thinking

By Bonnie Holscher

With the growing number of people who want to make changes in their lives, it's no wonder people question that they can think themselves to riches. It is true however that you can change your overall thinking to become more successful and richer. How you think about a lot of areas of your life can determine your amount of success. Here are a few tips on things to be aware of that have an effect on your success personally and financially.
How you feel about people who have more money or success than you change effect your motivation to improve your life. The people you already spend time with probably have about the same income as you do.

One way to increase your success is to find a new friend or two that are in a higher financial arena and learn some of the things they did to get to the levels they are at. When you put some of these things into place you will be pleasantly surprised how your personal and financial situations begin to change. It does not happen overnight but it does happen.

Another way you can insure that you grow and succeed is to continue learning from other sources. There are books, CD's and many types of seminars available to help you grow your know and in turn grow your success. Make a point of seeking new learning avenues and watch how things change in your success level.

One additional tip and one that many overlook is to not give up. And don't quit before you really get started. So many times people get their feet wet and decide that they do not want to take another step. But these are the same people that wonder why they stay right where they are at and continue to be unhappy and unfulfilled in their desires for life.
So the fact of the matter is you can think yourself into a richer future. Your just need to put to work the things that really make the difference in your everyday life. You can change your personal and financial success forever.

I invite you to learn more about the secrets to changing your thinking to "Think and Grow Rich" thinking by visiting and find out what you might be missing for your success.
From Bonnie Holscher - Take Action Coach teaching others how to take steps forward on their success road.
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This article has been viewed 77 time(s).Article Submitted On: February 09, 2008

Friday, August 08, 2008


You Can Move Mountains

By Dr. Mario Barrett

When I was as a child, I never thought that I would have the ability to lead a change effort, yet here I am imploring humanity to lead itself from the inside-out.

Back then, I didn't believe that I had the power to shift people's thinking about poverty, crime, violence, and most of all, how they viewed themselves. I never thought I had the skills, persona, or proper upbringing to lead others. Like much of humanity, I believed that a new leader would emerge and take charge. Therefore, I waited for our generation's Dr. King, John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, and Ghandi. Well, I waited and waited, while the problems around the world (such as poverty, hunger, racism, and genocide) that called for leadership were not getting the attention they deserved. You see, the problem with me, like with most of us is that we do not see ourselves as leaders, relegating us to waiting for the "one" who we think is. The problem is that while we wait, often times, the world's problems get worse.

So, who is the "one" you ask?

The "one" is that individual that we perceive to be a leader, who will step in and correct all of the world's ills and save us.

The "one" is that individual that we believe is larger than life and can move mountains with his/her charisma, intelligence, oratory skill, or cunning.

The "one" is that individual that can draw large groups of followers to support him/her in causes of concern to all of us.

The "one" is that individual that gets us into action, when we can't get into action on our own.

Crazy enough, it was not until recently that I realized that I am the "one," I mean, we all are. And while, we may not have all or any of the attributes that I just described, we all have a passion to take action on causes that we hold dear to our hearts. In my case, my passion for self-empowerment has led to my development of the attributes necessary for successfully leading others to addressing their causes.

We are all the "one," because we cannot continue to wait for the next coming of King or Ghandi.
We are all the "one," because the world's ills will not go away on their own. We are all the "one," because if not us, then who?
The truth is that the responsibility to solve the world's ills resides in all of us.

We all have the ability to lead others to take action(s) on causes that we hold dear. We all are versions of King and Ghandi, as they were versions of us. Get it through your head, we all are leaders and have the the ability to transform the world into a place that works for all of us.
With all of this in mind, when will you start moving mountains and embrace yourself as the "one"?

Dr. Barrett has an earned PhD in applied management and decision sciences, with a specialization in leadership and organizational change. He also holds a MS in organizational leadership and a BS in organizational management. In addition to these degrees, Dr. Barrett has completed several executive certificates focusing on various areas of management and leadership development.
Dr. Barrett is proud of his academic accomplishments, as they are the product of his long and sometimes difficult journey out of poverty. Along his journey, Dr. Barrett served honorably in the U.S. Air Force, participating in several vital overseas operations in the Middle East and Europe. He has also taught organizational leadership courses at the graduate degree level at Mercy College. This desire to develop leadership whether it be in myself or others is what drives Dr. Barrett. Dr. Barrett currently lives in NYC, where he runs The Barrett Center for Leadership Development, LLC ( ) and produces The Barrett Leadership Blog ( )
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This article has been viewed 34 time(s).Article Submitted On: August 02, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Winning - You Must Keep Evolving
By Olatunji Ladi Adejumo

In the game of life, you are either evolving or dissolving. Life itself is not static and so cannot support a lack of movement. Cultures evolve; technology evolves as does management techniques amongst others. All these are controlled by human beings and so it goes that human beings must of a necessity evolve in their thinking. This does not mean that their physical makeup will change but their mindset must change and ascend to a higher level in order to bring about advancement in all areas of life.
The story is told of how Tiger Woods desired to bring about a change to his famous swing in order to become even more productive and as a result, had to build some of his arm muscles. The entire process took time and even though he had started seeing the improvement, he had yet to start manifesting them. This prompted people to wonder if Tiger Woods was just a 'flash in the pan'. In the midst of all these negative insinuations, Tiger kept insisting that he was a 'better player' and went on to prove it when he perfected the changes he had made by winning even more than he had before the changes.
He could have just kept on playing the same old way, believing that he was the best. He knew however, that such a mindset will only get him so far. He knew he had to evolve in order to keep winning. He had to sacrifice that period of relative comfort and invest in the agony of re-training and re-invention in order to reap the benefits in the future. He must have lost some revenue during that period but his material worth after that period bears out his decision to sacrifice.
In another article (Unique Selling Proposition: The Crux Of Your Personal Brand), I mentioned that personal branding is built on self-discovery, connects on unique associations, succeeds on delivery and is sustained on consistency and perpetual evolution. You must continually strive to re-evaluate yourself, knowing full well that your 'best' can be bettered again and again. You must continually re-invent yourself whenever you have to in order to surpass your competition and go on to win. Success is not a destination; it is a journey which only has parking lots for losers and slackers.
Remember, when you re-invent yourself, you will face a period of relative lack of productivity during which you will perfect your changes but in the face of criticism and seeming failure, you must push ahead, keeping in view, the new and improved you. You must see only the goal and keep moving to open and widen the gap between you and your competition. You must evolve, not dissolve.
"Remember, if no one is sold on you, no one will buy from you!"

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Friday, July 04, 2008


The Top Ten Things to Be Clear On

By Michael Angier

Clarity leads to power. These are the top ten things I think are worthy of you becoming and remaining clear upon.

Here they are in no order of priority . . .

1. What You DON'T Want. As important as it is to know what you want, it's also important to know what you don't want. We highly recommend keeping a Toleration List-a list of things you're tolerating in your life and your business that you no longer want to tolerate.
The mere act of identifying the things you are putting up with that are detracting from your success and happiness will begin the process of eliminating them.
Start your Tolerations List today-and review it at least monthly.

2. Your Path and/or Your Vehicle. When you know what you want, what you don't want and are clear on all the other things in this list, you have to become clear on the path to getting where you want to go. What's your plan? What's the vehicle that will take you there? Is it a good plan and are you using a dependable vehicle? Is there a backup plan?Get clear on your plan and make sure you have the right vehicle.

3. Your Goals. Do you know your top three goals? Are they clear? Can you articulate them in a succinct fashion and have anyone understand what they are?Are they SMART goals? In other words, are they Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Relative (to your mission and values) and Timely?

4. Why You Want Them. This is another area where many people fall down. They might be clear on WHAT they want, but they aren't clear enough about WHY they want what they want. Reasons come first and answers come second.The Universe has a tendancy to hang onto the answers until our desire is strong enough.Being interested in achieving a big goal is not enough. You have to really want it.

5. Where You Are. Before you can determine how to get somewhere, you have to know where you are now. And this is a step that many people either don't or refuse to take.Where are you financially? What's your net worth? How much do you owe? What are your current expenses? How much of your income is passive? What's your credit score? This is all very important information. Where do you stand with your health? What do you weigh? What is your cholesterol? What are the benchmarks your doctor has covered with you in your last physical? What are current sales? How many customers do you have? What is your average sale per customer? What is the lifetime value of a customer?This process can sometimes be uncomfortable-and maybe that's why so many people refuse to do it. But you must know where you are in all the areas that are worthy of measure.So where are you now?

6. Your Mission Statement. What's your personal mission? What's the mission of your company?A mission is a direction. It's not something you ever actually achieve-it's your purpose. Being clear on your mission and being able to articulate that mission to others is critical to your success and that of your organization.

7. Your Target Market. Few business owners I ask can give me good answers to the following questions: Who is your ideal client? With whom do you like working with? What are the psychographics and demographics of your target market? Where are they? How can you best reach them?Knowing your target market is essential to your overall success.

8. Your Values. What do you really care about? What are your personal values? What are your company values?Sound core values are the foundation of a truly successful life and business. By discovering and becoming acutely aware of your core values, you make decisions easier. Invest the time to get clear on what you stand for. And then articulate it in a compelling fashion. In doing so, you'll make it easier for people of like mind to find you and do business with you.

9. Obstacles and Constrictions. What stands in your way? What do you see as your biggest constraint? I will warn you that most of what you come up with will be excuses. Write them down anyway.
But dig deeper for the REAL challenge, the one-or ones-that aren't so obvious. The ones you may not want to admit to at first.Hint . . It's rarely "out there".Unless you know what stands in your way, it will be hard to plan around or fight through an unknown enemy.

10. Your Strengths. Most people are well aware of their shortcomings, but not all that clear on their strengths. They focus far too much on improving what they're not good at.It's much more productive to build on your strengths, to improve what you're already good at than to to try to make up for perceived deficiencies. What are YOUR strengths? What are you good at that you can leverage to your advantage. Invest some time into determining your strengths. Ask others what they see as you strongest assets. The answers may be quite different than you expect.

For how to write a Mission Statement and for getting in touch with Your Core Values, Success Principles and more...........go to: http://SuccessNet.orgArticle Source:

Saturday, June 28, 2008


So - You Want to be Rich? 7 Wealth Attraction Tips for Entrepreneurs

By Sandra Martini

We all hear it. We all say it. Everyone wants to be rich but, short of picking the lucky numbers or winning the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, most people go don’t know how to amass the wealth they dream about.
Here are the top tactics of successful entrepreneurs:

1. “Dig the well before you’re thirsty” – Confucius
We discussed this last week. Marketing, whether your business or yourself, is the one task that wise people do daily – YES...DAILY. You should do at least one thing each day to keep your marketing funnel full.

2. “The moment you begin to think of time as precious and that it has a price, the richer you will become.” – Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing
Do you spend your time wisely or do you squander it by spending hours in front of the TV? Successful entrepreneurs understand that how they spend their time determines their future. It’s critical to do the things that will move you/your business forward each day.

3. Have a wealth mindset
Successful entrepreneurs are focused, first and foremost, on being secure. Then on being comfortable and finally, on being rich. It is this focus on security that forces them to build systems and look at the big picture as opposed to doing what is best only for the short-term.
Successful entrepreneurs also understand that they need to invest in themselves and their business in order to reach their long-term goals. Doing things “quick and dirty” or for the fast buck doesn’t create the long-lasting success that you are looking for.

4. Have a sense of urgency
Successful entrepreneurs are not procrastinators – they get things done and done today! Their sense of urgency is borne not only of their appreciation for the value of time, but also as a way of insuring their clients are always satisfied. Why make them wait? Happy clients purchase from you and they do so repeatedly.

5. “Don’t feel overwhelmed...just do one thing at a time.” -- Rose Lindsey character in “Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead” movie
The above quote may sound familiar and is a trademark of all successful entrepreneurs. Have 100 things to do? Don’t know where to start?
Just pick one and do it. It doesn’t matter which one, just do something. Sitting and staring at the pile or fretting about how much you need to do won’t get you anywhere. But doing one thing, and then another, and then another will.

6. Be a “big picture optimist and detail pessimist”.
Direct marketing guru Dan Kennedy tells the story of how he travels a lot and never worries about the plane going to the wrong city or exploding in midair or experiencing some other trouble that would result in his never reaching to his destination (big picture optimist). At the same time, he plans for the plane to leave late and arrive late, for his luggage to be lost and for the food (when you get it) to be inedible (detail pessimist).
Using this approach in project (and travel) planning insures that you’ve anticipated the potential problems which Murphy’s Law usually provides and have solutions already in hand. The worst that can happen is that you never need your “Plan B”.

7. You can't (and shouldn't) do it all
Successful entrepreneurs know and understand that trying to do everything themselves is a prescription for overwhelm and burnout.
The truly successful create teams and delegate effectively. Having one (or several) good virtual assistants, a bookkeeper, a pre-paid legal plan, etc. takes the day-to-day minutiae off you so that you can focus on the big picture.

No matter where you are today, I encourage you to do one thing today that will move you forward in your goals. Remember Confucius (knew a lot, didn’t he?): “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Take that step today and feel the momentum carry you forward.

Online Business Manager & Entrepreneur, Sandra Martini, publishes the 'Effective Entrepreneur' weekly e-zine. She also coaches small business owners to more efficiently manage their businesses while increasing profits and having fun. Sandra's coaching programs are available via teleconferencing, emails and telephone calls. For more information or to sign-up for ‘Effective Entrepreneur’, visit today. Email "" for a free Time Assessment Tool to see how effectively you're spending your time.
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