Sunday, January 24, 2010


Want to Know How to Be Happy - Here's 1 Shocking Secret No One Tells You About How to Be Happy

By Ali Berman

So you want to know how to be happy?

I understand how you feel. In fact I spent much of my first forty years wondering if I would ever know happiness on a permanent basis.

But I have a secret for you...and here it is:

I live in happiness now and you can too.

I realized the key to living in happiness and now I teach it to people every day.

What is the secret?

You will not change until you are ready to change.


You can tell yourself and your friends and family that you want to change, that you want your life to be different. Most people do-only they just give lip service to that idea.

Change takes energy. You need to exert effort to accomplish change.

To actually change the way you live your life you must first decide you want to change. Then you must be truthful with yourself about being ready to change now.

Most people have too much invested in staying the way they are. After all, change means leaving your comfort zone! Most people don't want to step outside the box.

As a psychotherapist I found that most people who said they wanted to change got too many benefits staying stuck to really want to change.

I would not see someone longer than three months tops-now even less. Now I can tell immediately before seeing someone-if they are ready to change,

I will not waste my time and energy or their time and money unless they are both ready, truly ready, and willing to do the work to change.

So how can you tell if you are ready to change? There are telltale signs.

1. Your vocabulary is free from words including "try, but, must and have to, should've, could've, would've, and can't"-to name a few.
Words either empower you or disempower you. Someone who wants to change empowers themselves with their word choice.
2. If the thought of change invigorates you and also scares you a bit then you are ready to take action in a new direction. Risk feels like adventure for you.
3. Recognizing the people in your world will not like your changing. You feel okay knowing your relationships with those closest to you will change.
4. You may lose some friends...and you feel okay about the possibility of losing some friends because you feel stifled living as you are not and you know, for your sake, you must do something different!

Warning: Do not neglect the above! Make sure to take this advice seriously if you want to live in happiness.

STOP! Are you about to give up the life changes that will let you be happy forever?

If you can't be happy when you are single, what chance do you have of being happy in a relationship? Go to and grab my Special Report: 45 Tips: How To Live In Happiness Now

And remember... Don't give up hope... You deserve to be happy

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Friday, January 22, 2010


Re-Inventing Yourself Through Self-Esteem

By Roberto Sedycias

Building self-esteem can be a challenge that may seem like an uphill climb. But with the right tools strengthening self-esteem is possible. Self-esteem issues can arise from many sources, not very nice parents, horrific experience, bullying at school, and rejection from peers or a poor view of how you view yourself. Creating self-esteem that is strong is all about changing the way you think and view yourself.

Self-esteem can be hurt and broken when parents do not give their children love but instead give them lots of negative feedback. Many adults with low self-esteem can trace it back to childhood when their parents often treated them unkind. It is important to address the issues you remember. For example when you did something wrong as a kid, how did you parents respond? Did they communicate with you in a positive way or did they say unkind things.

There are several ways that parents can hurt a child's self-esteem as they parent; label their child, call them names, give negative feedback, say nothing positive, physical or neglectful abuse, no praise for jobs well done. A child growing up with all or even just a few of these things can often become a person with low self-esteem.

As an adult who can address that their self-esteem issues are related back to their childhood, they can think about ways their parents should have handled those situations and realize that their parents were wrong. It is important to surround yourself with positive people and not have friends or partners that treat you the same way.

Often self-esteem issues can be a result of a hurtful relationship with a partner. When people have been together for a while, there is a level of comfort and a level of security. And when a partner is saying hurtful things and becomes an abusive person physically or even just emotionally, it can sometimes make the person feel trapped. They don't want to leave because they feel comfortable or afraid or maybe there are kids or property involved. Realizing that how your partner treats you are how you might begin to view yourself might be just the thing to have you packing.

Constant rejection from peers can leave you feeling hurt and with low self-esteem. It is important to remember that there are people out there that will treat you nice; it's just a matter of finding them. If you have issues with making friends then it might be a good idea to try new hobbies and expand your world as you know it. Doing new things will have you meeting people who are doing the same thing as you. That will be a great way to meet people and begin friendships. It doesn't matter how many friends you have as long as you have one good one.

Building self-esteem means that you have to view yourself as an important person. And being important has nothing to do with how you look on the outside; it's about feeling confident and liking yourself. Just because you may have been exposed to negative relationships in the past, does not mean that their negativity has to follow you through life. The past can be left in the past and a fresh start can be made.

Try to give yourself positive feedback, reward yourself for great things that you accomplish, even if it's just finishing your holiday shopping early! And remember that the only view about yourself that is important is the one you come up with. If you see yourself as great then you most definitely are!

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil
Article Source:

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Positive Attitude - How to Build It

By Akash Singh

Why positive attitude is important? Attitude plays a major role in making any successful stories. Studies attributed in Harvard University found that when person get job or promotion, 85% of time is because of his attitude and only 15%of the time because of intelligence and knowledge of specific facts.

Positive attitude is a very important ingredient to get success. If one is positive in his/her attitude, the success is 100% sure, what may be the situation is, theirs is no chance for failure.

One's attitude makes all the difference between two persons. So it is really very important to care of attitude.

William James of Harvard University once said-
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind." How to build positive attitude?

Here I have given few steps, if followed religiously for 21 days; positive attitude will become the part of your character. For first week it may be difficult but this it will become easy to do after one week.

Step 1 - Divert your focus on positive aspects of situations
What may be the situation be, whether it is good or bad, make the habit of searching positive aspects in the situations.

Step 2 - Be an optimist

Talk and think only good and positive things in life which give you real happiness. Try to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Make your mind filled with positive and motivating thoughts and stop crying on what you have lost, make the new beginning. Make your friends; family members feel that you really appreciate them. Keep wide smile on your face it will feel good from inside and will make your life richer.

Step 3 - Live your life in NOW!

He slept beneath the moon He basked beneath the sun He lived a life of going to do And died with nothing done.James Albery

Start living now. Forget what have you gained or lost in life make yourself to be fully be in present. You will see that by practicing this step you will get to know your inner world, you true self. You will start living your life that you have never lived before. These steps will your increase confidence, concentration etc.

Step 3 - Avoid and be aware of negative influences

I will not say to get away from negative influences because it is sometime become difficult to run away from negative influences in real life. So best of luck for your life!
It really feels very nice when you help any one. I like this feeling so much that I can work all day to get it.

Part of my effort, visite this blog, it have some interesting posts like this.
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