Thursday, December 31, 2009



There is one "master" resolution. Without it all your other
resolutions cannot be carried out. The one ability you want
to resolve to strengthen is Self Trust.

Self-trust is relying upon your inner resources (i.e.
emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual) to achieve
desired success and fulfillment. It enables you to stay
steady and expand what you CAN control in this fast-changing
world, rather than try in futility to change market
conditions or other people.

Self trust is about believing in yourself , i.e., whether
your efforts are worthwhile and will help you progress
towards the happiness and results you seek.

Self trust is about your ability to manage yourself, so
that when it comes time to do the behavior you've said is
healthy or constructive for you, you can get yourself to do

Self trust is about viewing yourself as worth treating
well, i.e., that you are deserving of having the results
you are pursuing. This comes from seeing yourself as others
see you, not through filters of self judgment.

You judge yourself because you think you will only be
loveable to others or secure in your career if you live up
to an ideal of perfection. Therefore you always compare
yourself to this ideal, setting yourself up to fall short
and beat yourself up.

Everyone, no matter who you are, has felt crunched in the
past year or so. Some of us are feeling overwhelmed by the
stresses, others of us are feeling resilient, knowing they
will land on their feet no matter what. Resilient people
are energized and taking action everyday to create
opportunities and keep their relationships strong. Self
trust is a key factor that determines how you will navigate
through turbulent times.

How do you rate yourself on a 1-10 scale of Self Trust?
What is your Resolution for how Self Trusting you want to
be in 2010 and the upcoming decade?

Self trust is a learned skill. Go to my blog for some questions to
aid your yearly review and an exercise to build self

Leave me your comments about this blog post and let me
know how you build self trust.
Dr. Sharon M. Melnick
(O) 212.842.4638
Follow me on Twitter: DrSharonMelnick

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Hi All,

FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Chanukah, A Very Merry Christmas and A Wonderful, Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year . . . . . .

The three essential major ingredients in your quest for success ??? SUPPORT. SUPPORT. SUPPORT.

You need one or more supporters who will be there for you when you get to that critical point where the pain exceeds the passion and you just can't move forward.

You need a good accountant and a good lawyer. Liking them is very important.

Opportunity does not make house calls. You need to get out and meet people. Join network groups. Volunteer. Make sure your goal is just to meet great people.

You need people around you who will tell you like it is .

You need people around you with more experience than you have.

You need people around you who are smarter than you.

You need people who are creative.

You need people who have "BEEN THERE DONE THAT.

The Challenge . . . . .Where do you get to meet and develop relationships with some of these special people as soon as possible?

The Good News? One of my best friends and a huge supporter is NAPOLEAN HILL. . . . Yup, That's right. He's Dead.

Your support, encouragement, and motivation does not have to come from a Live Person .

Of course, there is nothing better than the real thing but Books, Articles, Blogs and Websites could be and should be a huge source of nourishment.

You can make friends with and have access to some of the brightest minds and the most successful people the world has ever known.

They should always be part of your mastermind group no matter how many live supporters you have.

To find great works: "Google" should be high on your list of tools that you use to develp your round table . . . . .Play with words. For example: success support, mastermind groups, hope, persistence, books on success ETC. ETC. ETC. Spend a day in Barnes and Noble.

Also Just want to share . . . . The Three links below are a great source of inspiration and motivation for your support network. I just found Evan and his team.

Good luck on your journey.

Email me at if you need help.



Success - What's Hope Got to Do With It?

By Walter jacobson

If we are hopeless, we have decided there are no solutions, no resolutions, no possibilities, there is only one absolutely certain outcome and nothing else, and it's not a good one, case closed.

That negative, fatalistic attitude shuts down the subconscious mind's factory of reality-altering possibilities. There is just no way our subconscious mind will construct solutions of any kind, or even the seeds of solutions, if we have convinced it with hopelessness that there is no point in going down that road.

However, if we are hopeful, despite how terribly bleak our options might seem to be, it means we have left open the possibility of some form of rescue, some form of circumstance that can't now be anticipated but could possibly happen, that could solve the problem, enable us to catch our breath, whatever the situation might be.

It is this attitude that gives our subconscious mind permission to entertain all possibilities, to "keep an open mind." As a consequence, we become more aware of intuitive processes.

Putting it another way: Hope gives the mind permission to let go of fear, limitations, boundaries and logic, to think outside of the box so that it can tap into the collective unconscious, a fountain of ideas, and be receptive to them, despite how impractical they might at first glance appear.

Hope can set us on the right path, but it's up to us to put one foot in front of the other. Hope can inspire infinite possibilities, different roads to take that might never have occurred to us had we resigned ourselves to hopelessness and failure, but it is up to us to stay calm and pay close attention so that we can take ourselves down the best and brightest road possible.

To conclude: Hope isn't foolish, unrealistic or impractical. It's not magical thinking. On the contrary, hope is inspiring, catalyzing, activating, motivating, and generating. Hope is a powerful creative, transformative force, particularly when we free our mind of fear, that has the capacity to help us manifest life-altering physical solutions to seemingly insolvable problems.
Hope makes things happen. Keep hope alive. Keep the dream alive.

Walter E Jacobson, MD
Psychiatrist, Speaker & Author
Spiritual Solutions & Cognitive Tools for Well-Being & Material Success
Check out my blog at the above website for practical ways to achieve happiness and success.
Article Source:

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009


How to Avoid Family Conflict Over the Holidays


Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays probably mean get togethers with your family of origin (or even more loaded: with those of your spouse!)

While there are many comforts and joys of spending time withyour extended family, sometimes it can mean interacting withpeople who control, frustrate, criticize, or burden you. With all the stresses you are facing this year, cross'family conflict' off your list with the followingperspectives:

What is the "real reason" you are aggravated with adifficult family member? You wish your difficult familymember could just "get it" and behave differently in theirown life and towards you. Their behavior may legitimatelytake up a lot of time or show insensitivity to you. Butknow that you are angry with them because you are hoping andexpecting that they will be more evolved than they are atthis point. You are hoping that one of these times theywill give you the validation you richly deserve (but theyare likely incapable of.) When you say to yourself thatthey should be different or vent to a confidant about "whydo they do that?", you are hoping that they will heed youradvisement and magically do it differently next time. Youare 'living in hope'.

As soon as you accept that they are "where they are on theirjourney" (and so are you), you know it is not fruitful totry to change them. As long as you are hoping andexpecting they will be different, you can continue to act inyour same patterns and expect the change to come from them. Even though its painful for you to standby and watchsomeone you care about not be happy, you must appreciatepart of you wants them to act differently in order for youto feel at ease or comfortable with yourself and yoursituation. The answer of course is to focus on your 50%. To the extent that you can feel 'good in you' no matter howyour family members are acting out of their limitations, youwill no longer be aggravated by them.

Why are family members so difficult? Usually people are"difficult" because they are going about getting their needsmet in the only way they know how. The way they can feelpowerful and good in themselves is by controlling things,situations, and people - they are not able to feel good byconnecting meaningfully with you for who you really are andthey are not able to see you as separate from how they needto see you in their own mind in order to feel good aboutthemselves. If you have more effective and diverse ways ofgetting what you need (good for you!), you probably seetheir limited approaches as unreasonable. Instead ofbeing annoyed by them, separate yourself from needinganything from them.

How can you make family interactions more harmonious? Thereare many things that you can do to take responsibility foryour part of the interaction. Some examples include:-

-Know exactly what you want from the situation so youcan ask for it instead of hoping they will read your mind.

-See it from their point of view, make them feelunderstood, and phrase your requests to them in terms thatmotivate them (and don't just assume because you wantsomething they will want to be that way for you.)

-Do things that are easy for you to do that help them get theirneeds met even in their rigid ways. For example, showappreciation to a narcissistic person and make them feelspecial. If it means acting out of integrity for you,don't go along with them. Let a narcissistic, controlling,or off- color person know your limits. Tell them you in aneutral, respectful tone that you don't tolerate thatbehavior, and that you will talk to them or spend time withthem when they are not acting that way (then walk away andcome back later).

-Make sure your communication is clear and respectful,reducing the chance you will be misinterpreted- Articulate more precisely the kind of support, love,and cooperation you can get from difficult family membersand what you wish you could get but will realistically notbe able to get. Only interact with them around the former.

-Focus effectively on nurturing yourself and initiatingmeaningful connections that will bring fulfillment in yourcurrent life - so you are less vulnerable to others makingyou feel bad.

-Instead of focusing on the unrealizedharmony within your family, be grateful for the familymembers who are alive and in a state of reasonable health; be grateful for all the ways that you and your familymembers have been resilient to the current challengingtimes.

How can you deal with your spouse who falls back into a role in their family? If your spouse reverts to someone you don'trecognize when with their family, it's not an opportunity for criticism. Rather, appreciate that there is still apart of them that is stuck believing it's the only way theywill be loved by the people they invested with such hope togive them their 'emotional oxygen'. What you can do is'kill them with kindness' to help them trust that they nowhave new ways of being loved by you.

One of the participants in my recent Friction FreeRelationships program said that if she had learned theseskills years ago her life would have been much happier. Ifyou have friction in your work relationships or yourpersonal and family relationships, you can eliminate anytime you spend being frustrated and make interactions gosmoothly and easily. Get these skills for yourself with aspecial Thanksgiving offer of $200 savings.Sharon

Dr. Sharon M. Melnick
(O) 212.842.4638
Follow me on Twitter: DrSharonMelnick
1230 Ave. of the Americas, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10020 United States

Sunday, November 22, 2009


When Nothing Seems to Matter, Do Not Give Up, Keep at it

By Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk

It is so much easier not to have to push, all the time. So much more comfortable to take the path of least resistance. I know. I did. I'll tell you about it here.

When I was a child, especially a teenager, I did not get sufficient to eat. Now, please do not hear me to be saying that I starved. I did not. I was nowhere near as bad off some people who live in poverty in this country or elsewhere in the world. My brain-power was not damaged from not having the correct nutrients. (So far as I am aware, I have all reasonable faculties. But others, outside of me, really have to the judge of that. Like you, reading this article.)

But when I look back now, I see that as a growing boy, I did not receive enough to eat. I was bone thin. No excuses about poverty and the like. My family just didn't not understand the need I had for food.

Then, later in life when I was in charge of my own food intake and had the means to be in charge of it, I learned to eat to feel good about myself. Always went to bed with a full stomach. Consequently I became overweight.

Next, I needed to diet in order to keep my weight under control. But the combination of the two, not enough to eat in my youth and developing the habit of eating to feel good, keep it a daily fight.

One of those days I decided I had had enough with the diets. I was just going to eat. In other words, I gave up. The weight went on. Clothes didn't fit; health deteriorated. Now the weight is more of a problem than ever, in terms of getting it off and keeping it off.

My point: when it comes to yourself, do not give up. Keep at it. I would be in much better shape today, physically and mentally, if I had stayed with weight control of some reasonable and substantial kind. Instead, I am way behind in the game. (Or is that weigh behind in the game?)
What is it your want to do? What is you want to be? Don't give up. Keep at it. The path of least resistance will get you in such a downward slide that stopping and reversing becomes so much harder. Harder than if you had struck with the effort in the first place.

So when you are tempted to give up, when you are tempted just to slide through your life, because it seems so hard, don't give up. Keep at it. You'll be so much better off, I promise. I can promised because I have been there, am there, and it "ain't" pretty.

Start in this minute to keep at it.

And when you want more positivity in your life, claim your Free Instant Access to a Force-Source Resource. Just Click Here. You'll get the Force-Source Resource titled "All the Best - You Deserve It." Remember, one bit of information can save you a lifetime of frustration. You'll get that info here.

Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk - The "I Know the Meaning of Life" guy.
Article Source:

Monday, November 16, 2009


What is Your Core Safety Switch That Stops Your Success?
By Joyce Shafer

You can apply what follows to any area of your life where you feel attaining success is a struggle, but let's start with money/wealth/abundance-whatever your word choice is... because money has such highly-charged emotional, self-worth, self-esteem attachments to it.

Let's imagine you don't have the financial situation you'd prefer-but you really want it. You use a variety of methods to assist you: affirmations, visions, vision boards, and so forth. You read and sign up for anything about attaining wealth (or even just easier financial months), whether this is specific business or online strategies or ways to eliminate blocking beliefs about money, success, etc. Whatever the means, you put a lot of hours towards this, including thinking or worrying about it.

And you're still not where you want to be.

Give an honest answer: What kinds of comments do you make to others and in your mind about people with money or wealth?

It probably has something to do with them behaving "badly"-even if you know people with wealth and success who don't demonstrate those behaviors. What you probably don't say is, "People with wealth may have other blocks, but they don't have them about having money."

People who behave "badly" will do so with or without wealth; so, this is a good time for you to separate behaviors from having money. The fact there are people of wealth who behave with integrity and generosity disproves such a blanket statement. Is that separate for you now? Can you see they aren't joined?

If what's described above is your core belief, you will never have wealth. Or, if you get it, you won't keep it or consistently replenish it as you use it.

Because at your core is a safety switch. Its program is likely: "We (you, your family, friends, associates) detest people with money: they behave badly. They (fill in the blank)." Your safety switch will protect you from ever becoming One of Those People. No matter how much you desire it. Once you switch your switch, you'll attract or tune in to strategies and opportunities you have head and heart alignment with; and shift and expansion will happen. It will feel more effortless than you've experienced before. Maybe your switch gets reprogrammed to know and allow, "Financial freedom-whatever that means to me-is fabulous, fun, and allows me full self-expression and fulfillment."

Know that when the shift begins to happen, it will be in the way that supports your personal evolution best, whether that's gradual or more immediate. This mostly depends on how aligned you are with the new program as your truth.

Vernon Howard said, "We are slaves to whatever we don't understand." One of the key things people tend to not understand about any success that is fulfilling is that it has to come from what they truly want to do (are aligned with), makes them feel enthusiastic, and yes, even fun for them.

You're told to put focus on the outcomes you desire. That's good advice because if you do this in the most productive way, you're not focused on what you don't want or have, not living in the past (or the future)-you're living Right Now, which is where your power lives.
The well known phrase, "It's not the destination, it's the journey," can also be stated as, "It's not the outcome, it's the desired experience-in this moment (which creates the next moments)."

I know, I know. You want the outcomes; but the quality of the outcomes will shift and expand if you aim at the desired experience quality-because it takes your focus from primarily on outcomes and puts them where they belong: the energetic creative process and you as the driver of your life. You're conditioned to believe what your experience looks like is more important than being able to consciously create experiences you desire, over and over. When you understand this, you won't be a slave to externals-because you'll know the power comes from you.

Check to see if there's a safety switch that runs contrary to any of this information. And, check what your real Self image is such as

• I can only live a smaller, more circumscribed life (though I desire more)
• If I have more money or wealth, I'll be one of "them" (I'll hate me, others will hate me)
• If I do what really fuels me, others will resent me (what others think is appropriate for me is more important/true than what I think)
• I have to accept whatever is "given" to me in my personal and professional life (the external world has the power; it controls my experiences and outcomes)
• I have to have a certain level of education, know the right people, work my backside off-be "perfect"....

Do you know anyone who lives the opposite of the beliefs listed and not listed above, and is successful and genuinely happy in their life?

Consider how all that's been presented here connects. What's the bigger picture for you? Which core safety switches click into the On position or want to? If the switch doesn't serve you, how will you adjust it so it does?

Stop struggling. Identify and more effortlessly attain your ideal experiences and results with, "Reinvent Yourself: Refuse to Settle for Less in Life and Business," by Joyce Shafer (, Life Empowerment Coach and Author. Get 8 FREE life empowerment e-books, and see a list of her books/e-books and services at
Article Source:

Also see for more useful information

Sunday, November 08, 2009


How to Bounce Back When Your Mood Plummets
By Lorraine Cohen
Article Word Count: 809 [View Summary] Comments (0)

"Life's weather is but temporary. It's the seasons that really matter. Finding balance in the storm. Life" - Anon
Do you find yourself spiraling downward when something happens that you find upsetting? If you say yes, it's not usual. Many people feel happy when something happens that they want or like and fell unhappy when something unwanted occurs.
Here's an example:
A few years ago I was in a car accident. I had just left my house and I had a few errands to run locally. I admit I tend to drive fast and I noticed the two cars ahead of me had come to a stop. The lead car was waiting for traffic to clear in order to make a left turn. I quickly applied my brakes and saw I would be able to stop safely as I checked my rear view mirror to see who was behind me. It was evident to me that the car behind was also going too fast and was going to hit me. The impact was strong enough to push me across the opposing lane of traffic bounce off of a guardrail before I was able to stop the car.
You might say, "Boy Lorraine, not a good day!" I agree that it wasn't what I wanted my day to be.
The downside? My car was fully paid for and, a week before had undergone major maintenance work. The accident totaled my car.
Some immediate blessings? I was bruised and unhurt and I could have been killed. Apparently, when I was hit and pushed across the road, the lead car had finally made the left turn because there was no traffic. I called a healer friend who came immediately and met me at the hospital (where I was checked out for any injuries). My chiropractor opened his office to do a session.
When I returned home, my spirits were low and I could have begun feeling sorry for myself and bemoan the ramifications of having to get a new car, etc. It was a perfect invitation for my mood to start plummeting.
So what to do when you find yourself focusing on the negative?
Here are 7 ways to shift your mood to a better place:
1. Gratitude. Focusing on all you have in your life is an immediate mood shifter. Honor the losses that might be part of any circumstance and allow your viewpoint to expand in appreciation for all the riches you have that truly matters.
2. Interrupt negative self-talk and choose a better thought to put your attention. Notice where your thoughts are focused. What stories and dramas are you creating? Are they serving to help you feel better or worse? If you're unable to let the stories go and dramas go immediately, exaggerate it BIG. Really act it out and play with it so that it becomes absurd. It might even become funny! Take a stand and choose to put your attention on a better feeling thought. You have that POWER!!!!
3. Accept what happened. Dwelling on the past and ruminating on the details only adds more stress and upset. What we resist, persists. The more we struggle against our unwanted life circumstances the more power we give our unhappiness to affect our present moments. It is what it is. Each moment is temporary and gives birth to the next. Acceptance opens the door to...
4. Look for the blessings. Every situation is a healing and growth opportunity. Asking questions like: What are the gifts from this experience? (Focus on the gratitude). What can I learn from this situation? Recognize everything happens for a reason even if it appears to make no logical sense. Approaching life from this perspective invites greater ease and flow. Looking through the eyes of the Victim or the Champion/Hero/Creator is a choice. Seeing your life experience with appreciations and gratitude invites possibilities to unfold.
5. Ask for help. Reach out to your circle of friends if you need an ear, a hug, a boost or a kick in the butt to get yourself into a healthier mindset. Be willing to receive help and invite the people in your life to be a loving support if you need it!
6. Help someone. Our natural state is one of loving generosity and well-being. Extending support to another can be a great heart lifter in reconnecting us to our spirit.
7. Do something that brings you joy, makes you laugh, and feeds your spirit. A few months ago, my buddy Anita Pathik- Law and I were talking on the phone and we started laughing. The kind of laughter that turns into side-splitting laughter that continued for over 6 minutes. It was hilarious. She recorded it and if I ever need a boost, all I have to do is play it and I start laughing!
Founder of Powerfull-Living, Rev. Dr. Lorraine Cohen is a spiritual life coach, broadcaster, published writer, and inspirational speaker who is recognized as a cutting-edge expert in her field. For over 20 years, Lorraine has inspired and supported thousands of spiritually-conscious business owners, entrepreneurs, professionals, coaches, mentors, and authors to create a prosperous business, meaningfull career and fulfilling life that aligns with their spirit. An expert in transforming fear and limiting beliefs that create barriers to success, she shows people how to get unstuck; to break through the confusion and roadblocks so they move forward in all areas of their life. Receive her free report '5 Secrets to Attracting Everything You Want!"
Article Source:

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Why Failure Usually Comes Down to Personality

By Mika Libambu Schiller

One of the ironclad rules of the human condition is that anything difficult takes more than one person to accomplish. In reality, what makes difficult things so difficult is that there are so many variables involved that require the right kinds of people to understand them and to work together.

If you spend enough time working towards something, chances are that you'll get what you want in one form or another...granted that within that period of time you manage to find the right ways to work with the right people. Your success at that will depend to a large degree on your personality.

Your personality is the number one factor in determining your success in life...hands down. Personality encompasses a lot though; drive, persistence, openness, etc.

That means that if you don't have the type of personality that allows you to do things like change your mind when evidence presents itself or subdue your ego to the common good, it's highly unlikely that you'll get far at anything at all.

That's a pretty sobering statement. The good news is that the execution of your personality is something you have complete control over. In other words, you can change the way you do things to increase your chances of succeeding.

Let's take something like starting up a successful music enterprise; band, indie record label, whatever. It's a profit-making enterprise. These days, it's gotten more complicated to start one because of all the new moving parts. If you lead any type of a music enterprise, you've got to think about all of the people who are going to execute on all the new business realities out there; the new stuff like social media and blogs and the other stuff like website maintenance, creative direction, business management, touring, etc.

With so many variables involved and with the multitude of people required to execute on an idea, it's no surprise that most things that get started don't last because of conflicts of interest.
What I've discovered is that for the vast majority of people, their ego often times more important to them than the goal of the group or of the project at any given point in time. It's even worse with highly skilled and creative people. Sometimes, even if they know that an idea is right, they reject it because they didn't come up with it. Or they just won't fully buy into it and it slows down progress. It kills group morale.

One thing I've learned is that the best way to deal with the human ego is through what I call the Law of Positive Reinforcement. It sounds like fluff, but it's not. And it's not an entirely new idea either.

It basically states that, being that people are driven by ego, and that you'll never change that, the best way to make progress is by stroking people's egos. And you do that by compromise through logic and persuasion.

If you have an idea for something, it's more likely to get accepted by people if you detach your own ego from it. People are status driven. The minute they perceive that your idea is tainted with your own ego, they dig in their heels. If you argue in a nuanced way with facts, they can't attack you.

It works the other way too. If someone proposes an idea and you have a better alternative, you pick their idea apart with facts, not opinion. Progress is made when people agree on the facts.
Politicians do that all the time. Barack Obama's a master at it. He has the ability to attack any angle of an issue without injecting himself personally. That's why everybody thinks he's such a nice guy. I don't doubt he is, but he's also a sharp-elbowed politician. He just conceals it well.

This is all common sense stuff, but hard to act on because our egos often get in the way of measured action.

So, if you want to get things done, realize that the world is full of flawed human beings. You need them. And you need to stroke their egos.

Mika Schiller author blurb: Mika Schiller is a writer for the Indie music website MADE and he writes about where the music industry's headed and how it relates to the Independent Music artist. He gives irreverent career and personal development advice to the Indie music artist. For more great writing and irresistible advice, along with a free report on effective MySpace music marketing, please visit
Article Source:

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Think and Grow Rich - Organized Planning Through Masterminding

By Gerrald Hendrix

Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich" stressed the importance of masterminding at two critical phases in his sixth step toward riches. At the onset of our planning we must have mastermind group input. As we implement and adjust our plans we must continue to maintain our relationship with the group.

Most people are ready to grow rich but really have no idea of where to start, much less the processes involved.

Previous steps prior to organized planning include:

Desire or a burning passion to acquire riches or some other goal.

Faith that you will obtain your desires.

Autosuggestion to enable you to build your faith.

Specialized knowledge as may be required.

Imagination to conceive the idea which you will use to obtain your riches or goal.

As we progress through the steps toward our goal, we have arrived at the point where our initial desire will be as Mr. Hill described it, "crystallized" into action. This will require planning.

This is not to be confused with our initial plan which contains our goal, expected date to receive our goal, etc. This plan is where we begin to take definite action.

You may ask why you need to have a plan when you know what you want.

Napoleon Hill said it best. "No individual has sufficient experience, education, native ability, and knowledge to insure the accumulation of a great fortune without the cooperation of other people"
What he is saying is that you will need to jointly plan with your group. The original idea may be your own creation, but the final version and its methods of implementation must be a joint venture.

Masterminding is certainly not a new or unique concept. It is no more than a group of individuals with mastery in various and numerous subjects pertaining to your particular needs, coming together to advise you and critique your plans.

Mr. Hill deemed this step as absolutely essential. Do not neglect it!

How to form a mastermind group:

Research and seek out people who may assist you with your plans.

Form an alliance with as many people as you need to create and help you carry out your plan or plans.

As you form the alliance, decide what service you will render in exchange for their alliance. This may be money or a service.

Arrange to meet with this group as often weekly as is necessary to create and implement your plan.

Establish and maintain a harmonious relationship among all members. This again is an absolute essential.

The advantages of a mastermind group:

Allows you, with the help of the group, to formulate plans that to the best of everyone's collective knowledge are sound and faultless.

Enables you to "fall back and regroup" if your plan does not work and you have to make adjustments or new plans.

Your ideas may indeed be sound, however your plans may not be and therefore you don't achieve what you desire. This is where most simply give up. Most people give up on the idea rather than press on until they find the successful plan.

As Mr. Hill illustrates in his text, Thomas Edison experienced ten thousand "temporary defeats" before he perfected the incandescent light bulb. Yes, ten thousand!

If you really having a burning desire for riches, you will need a fiery persistence to build and if need be rebuild your plans, never admitting final defeat.

"No man is ever whipped, unless he quits in his own mind", Napoleon Hill, "Think and Grow Rich".

My name is Gerrald Hendrix (Jerry). I am an internet entrepreneur marketing wealth creation, education and management products and services. I am one of a team of marketers teaching others how to be successful in challenging times. See what we do and how your life can be changed forever. My associate Michael has more information for you at:
Article Source:

Saturday, October 10, 2009


A Leadership Truth: It's OK Not to Know It All

By Mark E. Green

Executives and other business leaders who “make it to the top” typically have invested many years in education, hard work, and self-sacrifice. They are seasoned veterans whohave the potential to lead their organizations to new heights of competitiveness, profitability, and success.

But truthfully, most business leaders don’t know everything they need to know. It’s not their fault -- it’s simply a fact that’s helpful to admit. Running an organization of any size is a complicated undertaking. Organizations are living, breathing entities in a constantly changing environment and the folks at the top have one of the toughest jobs around. How could they possibly know everything?

Successfully getting everyone on the same page, developing vision, planning, and then executing to maximize profits and attain other objectives requires a delicate balance of cooperation, coordination, and communication. In the present business climate, executives are expected to accomplish increasingly ambitious goals with a decreasing pool of resources.

To compound this problem, many capable executives heap added pressure on themselves by thinking and expecting that they should know everything. Some may even feel embarrassed if they don’t have all the answers all the time.

In fact, people don’t expect those who are leading them to be self-sufficient. They simply want them to be willing to ask for help when it’s needed, and to know where to go to get the answers. In other words, there’s no place for superheroes or “know-it-alls” in organizational leadership.

An interesting story about Henry Ford will illuminate this point. After World War I, Mr. Ford – relatively uneducated, but one of the most economically powerful men on the planet - filed a lawsuit against the Chicago Tribune for calling him “ignorant.” During the trial, the newspaper’s lawyer repeatedly tried to embarrass Mr. Ford with trivial, needling questions designed to prove how much he didn't know.

Finally, when his patience was fully exhausted, Ford told the court that he had a series of buttons on his desk. He said that whenever he desired information or needed help to accomplish a task, he could immediately summon the right person to fulfill his need. Henry Ford had deliberately surrounded himself with experts.

There was silence in the courtroom. The Chicago Tribune’s attorney dropped his jaw in surprise. Up until that moment the lawyer had been enjoying considerable fun at what he believed to be Ford’s expense. But Ford’s remark spoiled the lawyer’s fun and changed the course of the trial.

When Henry Ford needed help, he knew exactly where to turn. In fact, he planned for it. Business leaders don’t need to be experts in everything. But they do need to be willing and able to ask for help in the areas where they lack knowledge and experience.
So where is it that you may need some help? And what are you planning to do about it?

Since founding Performance Dynamics Group in 2003, Mark Green has spoken to and consulted with thousands of business leaders to predictably convert the promise of strategic change into a reality of performance and results. His clients absolutely do not want yet another "flavor of the year" initiative -- they want measurable and sustainable results.
If you feel the same and would like to understand how his speaking and consulting might be just the right fit for your business, give him a call at 732-537-0381.
To learn more and to subscribe to Mark's free monthly enewsletter, visit us on the web at
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Friday, October 02, 2009


How to Overcome Insurmountable Obstacles

By Dr. Annette Colby, or

Years ago, I realized that our personal challenges offer a special opportunity to understand ourselves, our capabilities, and the meaning of life. Personal challenges are a way of working things out for ourselves, and discovering new solutions within our creative selves for old problems.

We often view personal challenges as shameful, a curse, or an inner enemy that needs to be conquered. It’s tempting to consider frustrating challenges such as emotional or compulsive eating, weight issues, panic and anxiety, obsessive thoughts, and depression as beyond our control.

However, personal challenge offers a unique opportunity to grow, learn, and love. Your challenges ask more of you than you have ever experienced. They take you into new territory and greater possibilities. They ask you to dig deep and discover confidence, self-esteem, and unexplored reservoirs of self-love.

Facing a Dead-EndIf you have an unachievable challenge or a goal, chances are you will find yourself facing a wall. You will feel worn out and discouraged. It’s been a long and difficult journey and now you find yourself staring at a dead-end. All the doubts and negative beliefs you hold about your ability to achieve success rise up from within and swarm into your conscious awareness.

Feelings of hopelessness, ineptitude, unworthiness, or even shame swarm through your mind and body. You want to turn and run away from this wall and your terrible feelings as fast as you can. However, this dead-end is exactly the place you need to be right now, and facing your feelings is the way out.

Limiting Beliefs

That wall represents your limiting beliefs. It’s not there because the universe is teaching you one big lesson. It’s not there because you’re a bad person, because you’re being punished, or because you are not worthy or capable. Instead, that wall is there because it symbolizes the things you believe about yourself that place limitations on your abilities. Limiting beliefs are ideas that hold you back and keep you from becoming the person you want to be. Most times limiting beliefs are not true, but because you believe them to be true they act like brakes on your progress. Limiting beliefs are ideas that some there is some character trait about you that is inescapable or unchangeable.

If you feel that some area of your life isn’t the way you want it be, yet you feel hopeless, helpless, or worthless to change it, then you probably have limiting beliefs.

Here are a few examples of limiting beliefs:
I can’t.
I am bad.
I won’t succeed, so there’s no point in trying.
I lack the ability to achieve my goal.
I can’t have what I want.
I’m not good enough.
I don’t deserve anything.
I’m afraid of success.

I Can’t Have What I Want
If you are facing a wall, congratulations are in order! We are generally not consciously aware of our limiting beliefs. But because of your personal challenge you took risks and tried new actions that allowed you to consciously wander through your inner landscape to discover what you are currently capable of achieving. Your goal actually did what it was supposed to do. It brought you face-to-face with your limiting beliefs, emotional resistance, and all the reasons why you believe you can’t have what you most want. Your goal showed you the difference between the current reality that you live in and the reality that you want to live in.

Feelings Tell the Truth
You may not recognize your exact limiting belief, but when you are facing an obstacle you almost always can feel the energy that goes with your belief. Sometimes a limiting belief will make you feel anxious or angry. Other times you may feel overwhelmed, irritated, lethargic, or even depressed. If you’re feeling hopeless, helpless, or like you are about to collapse in front of your goal, chances are you are in direct contact with a limiting belief. What’s the solution? Say hello, don’t run, and be willing to admit consciously what you believe to be true about you or your ability to navigate through this situation.

A New Potential Reality
There is the potential of a happier, brighter, more expansive reality on the other side of your wall. Yet, there’s a catch. That reality doesn’t exist yet. It has to be imagined, created, and allowed first – by you. To get to the other side of the wall requires envisioning yourself living the type of life you want to be living, and gaining new beliefs that will support you living that life. That’s the purpose of your challenge. You’re not fighting against what you don’t want, you are in the process of choosing the life you want to live, and then building the self-supportive beliefs necessary to allow you to live that life. If you are facing a wall, back up and examine your challenge. Why you want what you want, and what strengths you will gain by creating that success in your life?

How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs
Many of our limiting beliefs are stubborn, deeply entrenched, and feel unbearable. Yet to get beyond the wall requires facing your current beliefs about life, others, and yourself, and seeing where those beliefs limit and hold you back. Instead of turning back in defeat or pushing relentlessly against an unmovable wall, decide to get acquainted with your beliefs.

Becoming aware of limiting beliefs is typically challenging, since beliefs tend to remain hidden in our subconscious. But if you are attempting to overcome a personal challenge, then you are in luck! With every new action you take, your fears and limiting beliefs are bound to rise up out of hiding. When they do, you can calmly ask yourself these questions:

What exactly are you telling yourself when the situation seems unachievable?
What do you feel to be true about yourself when you are facing a dead-end?
Why is your goal unattainable?
What skills do you lack to attain it?
Why don’t you deserve to achieve your goal?
How does this belief keep you safe?
What benefit do you get from holding this belief?

Although overcoming a personal challenge is frightening and uncomfortable, instead of treating it like an enemy, embrace it like a friend. It’s a golden opportunity to uncover deep, self-limiting beliefs and replace them with new self-empowering beliefs. To overcome your self-limiting beliefs, examine the beliefs you hold. Question their validity. Journal about them. Take a conscious look at them, and decide if those beliefs are really the ones you want to hold in your future. And then take action to replace them with better ones.

(c) 2009 Dr. Annette Colby, RD

About The AuthorDr. Annette Colby, RD can help you take the pain out of life, turn difficult emotions into joy, release stress, end emotional eating, and move beyond depression into an extraordinary life! Annette is the author of Your Highest Potential and has the unique ability to show you how to spark an amazing relationship with your life! Visit www.AnnetteColby.comto access hundreds of content filled articles and sign up for a Fr’ee subscription to Loving Mriacles newsletter.
Note: Are you looking for fresh content for your e-zine or web site? Feel free to reprint this article as long as it’s kept intact and unaltered (including the “About The Author” info at the end).

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Can Kayak Rules Keep You Successfully on Top?

By Dan Ohler

My brother, Emil, is a genius as well as being an exceptionally talented kayak paddler. Since one of my goals this summer was to learn how to pilot a kayak, it made sense to ask Emil for his help.
Picture this: A sunny, warm day on Crimson Lake in West-central Alberta. There were six student kayakers, bobbing like corks on the waves, eager to hear the words of direction and wisdom from the master of the craft.

Emil's first three phrases are indelibly imprinted in my mind, with immense life implications for you and me. These gems will keep you successfully on top, regardless of the rapids, changing currents, or tides. They'll keep you feeling good about yourself and confident in your direction through life. They will help you create powerful, positive results - professionally and personally.
You may be thinking (and so might Emil), "Ah, come-on, Dan. You've got slough-water on the brain."

Please let me explain and then I'd like to know what you think.

Kayak cockpit gems

Imagine the drum-roll of fingers on the hull of my kayak.
1) Every stroke is a correction stroke.
2) It doesn't need to be pretty; it needs to be effective.
3) Look where you want to go.

Profound, huh?

Let's take a closer look. And I challenge you to consciously apply these gems in all areas of your life.

1) Every stroke is a correction stroke.

Face the fact: the river of life rarely flows in a straight line, and the currents are continually changing.

Think about it. Is today going exactly the way you wanted it to be, or planned it? Have there been: unexpected surprises and challenges; exhilarations and disappointments; peacefulness and disturbances? Have the recent economic burps caused you to cogitate, detour, or pull back? Have people treated you the way you thought they "should?" And, have you treated every person you encountered in the most effective way?

Here's the deal. You and I accept millions of bits of stimulus every day through our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin. We may not be able to control the outside stimulus, yet we can always choose our thoughts, words, and actions in response to the stimulus. Our action or reaction determines our result, or our new direction - but not for long because we soon face another group of stimulus that has us correcting again.

Example: Recently, I was the Master of Ceremonies for an event. Part-way through the event, a gentleman approached me and told me how poorly the whole event was organized. In the past, I would have taken that as an attack on me and may have reacted by saying something less than appropriate. This time, I noticed my blood starting to boil, and with the thought,"that's an interesting response to his words," I listened attentively, thanked the gentleman for his comments, made some slight corrections, and proceeded with a very successful event.
I've been working on becoming more consciously aware of my thoughts at all times. It is like being a fly on the wall, an observer of my life, somewhat removed from my reactionary emotional attachment to situations. As I practice this, I've learned that I can choose to think, speak, and act honestly, lovingly, and respectfully toward myself and others, and my general direction through life is easier and more fun.

I continually correct with every stroke. Am I crazy, or do you do it too?

2) It doesn't need to be pretty; it needs to be effective.

In this dynamic, shifting current, we must be willing to make lightening-fast, effective choices to avoid life-threatening rocks, walls, and waves. It doesn't matter if you have the most expensive kayak, the best wetsuit, or top-of-the-line paddles sticking out your ying-yang, what matters is that you use your skills and abilities to move effectively.

It works this way when you're up the creek, and even better yet before you get there.

I make mistakes - and if you're honest with yourself, so do you. You may call them failures if you want, and that's OK as long as you recognize that failure is an event, not a person. Mistakes are my greatest teachers because I get to learn what to do next time so I don't repeat the same mistakes again. Doing that would be ignorance.

Correcting mistakes requires me to become vulnerable, to apologize, and to admit my weakness in that area. These actions may not seem pretty to me, but I've learned that they are the quickest and most effective way to get back on stream, build relationships, and surge forward in life.

Many years ago, when Jamie and Brad were little boys, I reacted negatively to something they had done. I yelled, called them "bad boys," and spanked them both. Yikes! Physical, mental, and emotional abuse all at once. Had I continued with this form of parenting, I doubt they would want anything to do with me now.

Thankfully, I recognized my mistake and was courageous enough do make a correction. It was humbling to gather Jamie and Brad close to me, apologize, and ask for their forgiveness. I remember saying, "I made a big mistake and I'm sorry. I've never been a Dad before and I need your help to learn how to be a good one."

For me, it didn't feel pretty, but it sure has turned out to be effective.

Where in your life (at work or home) do you react to situations and make mistakes in your interactions with others, but shrug it off as "that's just the way I am"? Where do you blame others, the economy, or bad luck for your mistakes? It may seem to give you power and make you look good. Yet are these choices effective in your relationships long-term?

3) Look where you want to go.

What you focus on; you attract. It's true. If I think I'm going to swim in the upcoming rapids (kayak-ectomy), I inevitably will. If I think I'm going to manoeuvre them with ease, I do.
Our minds are extremely powerful. As we think about and focus on something, we tend to attract people and situations which are congruent with our thoughts. This works for things we want - and things we don't want.

Example: When we work with couples in coaching sessions or at seminars, we ask each of them to describe their ideal relationship. Often, they have a hard time doing this. They want a happy, loving relationship, but what the heck does that mean in specific terms?

They have little peeves about what their partner says or does. They definitely know what they don't want. They go to their workplace with their grievances and challenges weighing heavily on their hearts and minds. Creativity and productivity are hindered. Their relationships at work suffer too. The more they focus on these undesirables, the more they see. And yet, they are getting exactly what they focus on.

In our 25 years of marriage, we have learned that the more we talk about, and focus on what we want in our relationship, family, and business, the more easily and quickly we create our desires. By making our relationship rock-solid, we are both far more creative and productive in our careers. Our minds are not distracted by home-life polluted thoughts that we experienced in the past. We continue to look where we want to go and we continue to get what we want.

So, my friend, what do you focus on in your life - what you want, or what you don't want? I encourage you to evaluate your results. They will indicate exactly where you look most of the time. Consciously look where you want to go.

You and I can choose to apply these kayak cockpit gems every day - or not. The waves are big, the current is strong, and there's lots of learning and fun to be had on this big river of life.

Are you coming along for the ride, or clinging to the mud on the bank?

Copyright © 2009
Author, coach, and professional speaker, Dan Ohler, helps thousands of people every year to vastly enhance their professional and personal relationships. His book, Thinkin Outside The Barn And Steppin Into Fresh B.S. will challenge you to evaluate your own Belief System (B.S.) and choose to create your life by design, rather than by default.
Dan is based near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He and Carol (his wife) offer weekend seminars, coaching, and get-aways specifically designed for couples.
Read and download 2 chapters of his book for free at
Thinkin Outside The Barn
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Friday, September 25, 2009


Be Optimistic - You Have it in You!

By Sucheta Roy

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." ... Maria Robinson

"There's always a next chance"...we may have consoled our friends when they were passing through a difficult phase. But things may not be that easy when you confront the same situation...isn't it! Stress, depression and anxiety disorders have turned out to be a part and parcel of our lives...we struggle hard to overcome our negative emotions but often end up being unsuccessful.

Come out of this monotonous life...don't live your life trapped in worries. Don't feel dejected when you find things taking a reverse turn and not meeting up to your expectations. Live your life to the fullest...Bring in positive thoughts and you are sure to flourish in whatever endeavor you take! Dream...and make them come true. Chase your negative thoughts so that they think twice before confronting you.

Positive thinking is the greatest virtue that you need to implement in your life for enjoying it to the fullest. You can define it as an art of living that needs to be incorporated to your routine work schedules. Over and above, this remarkable virtue plays a viable role in the accomplishment of your goals.

Think twice before making any choices as the decision you make today will affect you in the days to come. This doesn't imply that I am discouraging you from taking up new ventures. Instead what I intend to say is that be confident and at the same time choosy while opting for any new venture. There's still time...start off from now...pave the way for optimistic thoughts to your mind and see the difference.

"Charity begins at home" may be familiar with this saying...try implementing it your life as well...start with trying to be good to your own self and followed by showing benevolence to others. Last but not the least; explore your inner power by meditating as well as praying daily. Keep your work loads at bay...don't allow them to take control over your lives.

Do you know that optimistic outlook paves the way for constructive thoughts and pleasant feelings? Even after being completely inclined towards positive thinking, our mind at times betrays us when asked to bring about a change in its thought patterns, thereby preventing you from looking towards the positive side.

Explore the power of positive thinking and see how it changes your life for the better. Good Luck!

Sucheta Roy is a Content Developer at Primediart, a premier web solutions provider specializing in providing Web Designing, Website Development and Content Writing Services. You can reach her directly at or visit
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Monday, September 14, 2009


20 Ways You Can Find Inspiration

By Mike P Weaver

Inspiration is a beautiful thing because every person gets inspired in different ways and by different means. I've compiled a list of ways anybody can find some inspiration in their life. Being inspired is a great feeling that isn't always sustainable - but it's very important in your life.

Think about this quote - "One man's trash is another man's treasure". Inspiration is the same way - something I find inspiring you might not care about or think twice about. Something that means nothing to you, might mean the world to me. Below is a list of actions, quotes, movies, etc. that you can try - and I'm betting you find inspiration in your own life if you try these out.

Here we go.

Watch the sunrise or the sunset. This gives you a good chance to reflect on the day ahead or behind you. I personally enjoy watching the sunrise - knowing that I have an entire day ahead of me to make the most out of life...

Physical exertion. Challenging yourself physically can be very inspiring and can give you great energy. This also gives you time to do what you feel with your mind - you can think though challenges, or let your mind escape the day to some of your favorite music. I find running to be very therapeutic and often times look forward to getting into my run.

Consult your dreams. It's easy to get bogged down by the many tasks and busy schedules each week presents to our lives. Take a few minutes each week or every month to really think about what your dreams. I find it very inspiring to let go of what's bouncing around in my head from the work day to think about the big picture of life.

Travel. Seeing new places and meeting new people can be very inspiring. Even if you aren't a very social person - take a weekend and put yourself in a different environment that you find to be enjoyable. Some ideas could be camping, scenic drives, visit a local town known for great architecture, walk the beach (if you're lucky enough to be near one!), etc. I highly recommend international travel if you can, I have found immersion into a different culture to be highly rewarding and interesting.

This quote. "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." - Maria Robinson

This quote too. "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Nature. I can find inspiration in all phases of nature. If you give yourself time to reflect, it's easier to be inspired if you are in the presence of nature. Maybe it's sitting on your front porch on a nice evening, or in your garage witnessing a driving rain, or taking a walk on a crisp fall morning - you get the idea. Nature is a very powerful thing - think about using some of that power for own benefit!

Get organized. Clean up your office or your house and get organized. File, throw away, figure out what you need, etc. to put yourself in a position to move forward in a positive direction - this will inspire you to take on what's next. Sometimes clutter and useless stuff lingers in our workspace or home and slows productivity and advancement.

Be a good friend. Give your best friend, your brother, your father - anyone that you have a caring relationship with a phone call or pay them a visit. This allows you to break away and talk about problems, tell stories, discuss frustrations, etc. A good and active friendship can be the source of inspiration.

Be a volunteer. Give an hour of your time to a local organization. You'll meet great people and have a pure, good feeling that you've given your time to help someone in need.

Watch Slumdog Millionaire. A great movie that immerses you in the slums of India and takes you on a journey of a boy's life and ultimate destiny. If you have not seen it, your local library or Blockbuster (use your library!!) will most definitely have it free for you to rent.
And watch the movie Rudy. If you want to see a great story about someone pursuing their ultimate passion and overcoming every obstacle in their way - watch Rudy.

Lose the routine. Do something out of the ordinary that you wouldn't usually do - something that's not in your everyday routine. Wake up extra early and take a walk or get a cup of coffee and think about the day ahead of you. If you're not a reader, read. If you're not active, take a walk or go for a run. The options are endless for breaking your routine. And yes, you do have time time because you make the decisions in your life - nobody else decides how you spend your time but yourself.

People Watch. I know some individuals that people watch for sheer entertainment. And yes, it is entertaining. However, as entertaining as it may be - it can also be very inspirational. You get to see how different types of people communicate and react to one another and it forces you to reflect about your life. Give people watching a try, but with the intention of getting something positive out of it.

Read the The Diary of Anne Frank. A Jewish German girl who's family went into hiding as persecutions against the Jews increased. Anne Frank and her family were trapped in small living quarters for nearly two years - living in fear the entire time. It's a great story about the power of the human spirit - and seeing the good in life even when you could easily say that everything is wrong. "I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains." - Anne Frank. The book is full of fantastic quotes. It's a fast read because it is so very compelling. I had the honor of walking through the attic where Anne and her family hid when I visited Amsterdam a few years ago.

This Image. Print this off and post it at your workspace.

Visit the Bookstore / Library. Spending some time around a ton of books is a way to get you thinking about different things. Whatever your interests are in life - you better believe there are some books out there that can expand your thinking and knowledge base.

Finish a 7 Day Challenge. Everybody thinks about things they'd like to do more or less of - it's natural. Often times you may be thinking about making some kind of change for week, months, even years at times. The easiest and most effective way to get the ball rolling - is to challenge yourself for 7 days. Start small - complete your challenge. Accomplishment is a huge source of inspiration and motivation.

Share. Involve others in your thoughts, feelings, desires, goals, opinions, etc. Invite others to share those things with you. You'll find that doing this opens up your mind in many ways. Life is a constant learning process. By sharing, you are inadvertently teaching yourself and laying the groundwork for what action you should take next. Sharing helps lay groundwork or a foundation - and I can bet you that you'll feel inspired about taking that next step off the ground.

Find inspiration in your life and more articles by Mike Weaver at
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Friday, September 04, 2009


Life Success - Lessons That You Must Learn

By Reuben Ochieng

The world today needs people who can 'think outside the box'.

I have recently discovered that there is always an opportunity for everyone to write history once in a lifetime.

You only become influential and successful when you discover your opportune time to write history and work on it. Even the most successful businessmen and women will confirm to you that though they may have traded for a long time, a timely business deal emerged that sealed their business success.

Consistency is one essential character of the world's leading success stories. If you consistently do something, your breakthrough will eventually come. Remember that nature is designed to reward the consistent. But this reward will only be great if you realize the advancement moment.

Business marketing strategies may not work for your business as they have done for others. This is because your competitor's success may be your downfall. But you must identify what works for you and do your best.

Believe that by doing it over and over again; you will eventually emerge with outright success.
Everyone who wants to climb to the top of the success ladder must believe in him/herself. There is no success that comes knocking at everyone's door. You must work for it. This is not possible for cowards and people with great inferiority complex.

It goes without saying that success comes to those who have identified their in born abilities towards a particular course. Michael Jackson became a king in the music industry by identifying his music potential. I will therefore be right to propose that they are so many people like Michael Jackson who are struggling to make ends meet in other professions like medicine or engineering.

Reuben is a practicing financial coach Click Here! learn more!!!
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Friday, August 21, 2009


How to Succeed in Life and the Importance of Rising Above Life's Challenges

By Daniel Herzner

Wouldn't life be grand if things were to always work out the way we wanted them to? Just imagine that; life with no adversity. Yeah, right...OK, snap out of it. Life has never been, nor will it ever be without its ups and downs. If there's one thing all human beings have in common it's that we are constantly being tested by life's challenges. So the question is not, will life challenge you but rather, how will you react when it does?

The ability to confront and productively overcome life's challenges can be considered the number one most important quality shared by all successful people. If you lack the ability to bravely and confidently stand eyeball to eyeball with adversity, then anything else you do in your journey toward success will have very little meaning.

There will be many times in life when things do not go according to plan. As a matter fact, there will be many times throughout the course of a single day when everything will seem upside down. And truthfully, when it happens, you'll be in great company. All great achievers have dealt with seemingly insurmountable odds from time to time.

In the discussion of dealing with life's challenges, there can only be two types of people: victors and victims. Victors let nothing stand in the way of their great achievement. There is no obstacle a victor cannot overcome. They see life's challenges for what they are - opportunities to improve upon themselves and their work processes. Victors recognize that without life's challenges, there would exist no opportunity for self-growth.

Victims on the other hand waste a lot of time brooding about the adversities they face. They do not see life's challenges as opportunities for improvement but rather as reasons to accept mediocrity. When a victim is challenged by life they'll gladly take the path of least resistance. A victim will remain resistant to change and will therefore accept a challenge as a signal to quit.

Life does not catapult anybody to greatness without first testing their worthiness. Do you think those who achieve great things in life give up in the face of a challenge or do you think they find a way to rise above? This world is filled with victims and life does not reward victims.

And be accepting of the fact that life will never stop challenging you. Regardless of where you live or how much success you may've already achieved, you will have to confront challenges on an almost daily basis. In fact, the more successful you become, the more challenges you can count on facing.

So from this day forward understand that any "woe is me" attitude will absolutely hold you back from great accomplishment. Learn to see the opportunities which exist in every challenge you face and I can guarantee you'll achieve the greatness which is your destiny.

Get the book FREE: This article is based on the book "A PLUM IN THE SYRUP: 17 Observations, Suggestions And Truths You Can Adopt To Live A More Fulfilled Life." In his book, author Daniel Herzner delivers practical advice which anybody can use to live more successfully. To get a free copy of this empowering, 92 page book please visit:
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Saturday, August 15, 2009


Even More Strategies For Effortless Business Success

By Willie Horton

You may have already my two articles exploring the best strategies for effortless business success. In the second article we explored what success actually means - and in the first, I suggested four specific steps anyone in business - from the "one man band" to the multi-national - can take to achieve the kind of effortless success we're talking about. In this article, I want to add a couple of further incredibly simple steps to the ones we've already covered - add these and your effortless business success starts today.

Let me start by telling you Mike's story. Many years ago, in the days before email, Mike, the Executive Chairman of a well-known mid-size company, went through a painful and traumatic divorce which left him with sole custody of his nine- and eleven-year olds. Mike decided that his greatest priority at that moment in time was his two children. Consequently, one Sunday evening, he 'phoned round his co-directors telling them "I won't be in tomorrow - or for the next three months!"

There was adequate management expertise and depth in the organisation to enable it carry on without any major disruption.

Three months passed and Mike returned to find his office piled high with memos, documents, reports - as I said, we're talking about the pre-email era. He promptly left the office again, went to the nearest grocery store and bought himself a roll of ten large refuse bags - and threw everything in his office out. As he subsequently said to me "Of all the crap that crammed my office, only one thing came back to haunt me."

The moral of the story - we spend vast amounts of time and energy doing things that we shouldn't be doing - but, in the process, convincing ourselves that we are busy and important.
Yes, we're busy alright - doing the wrong things.

In my previous two related articles, we talked about how a business might define success and how, then, you might "visualize" that success in a five-sensory way. But, after that, the most important thing you have to do, to achieve effortless and exceptional business success, is to focus on the important in the here and now.

There are two important points in the last sentence.

Number one - cut the crap out of your daily routine.

That includes engaging in destructive gossip - gloating over a competitor's misfortune, joining in the sorry social club that's comprised of all the sad people who apparently take delight in discussing and re-discussing the current economic situation or re-reading the sports pages that cover some event you've already seen. That includes doing things that you've paid other people to do - some call it micro-managing, some call it attention to detail - but if you're supposed to be driving your business forward, in the fast lane to success, you can't be wasting time tinkering about with an engine that probably doesn't need fixing! That includes doing anything that isn't on your short list of priorities - and I don't know who it was who said that, if you've more than three priorities, you've none! Everyone knows what they're doing that they shouldn't be doing - we all know the things that waste our time and energy.

If you want to achieve exceptional success, you're going to have to start acting differently - and this is an easy and obvious place to start.

Less obvious, however, is the most important piece of advice that I could ever give any client - be they a business person, sports person, scientist, artist... Assuming you're doing the right thing - in other words, the things that are most relevant and important to your success - the most important thing you have to do in all of your life is what you're doing now.

When I explain the importance of focus and single-mindedness to my clients, they often initially assume that I am championing the importance of being focused on your goals. No. It is focus and single-mindedness to the present moment that sets great achievers apart from everyone else on this planet - in whatever their field of endeavour.

The great mass of people only focus 1% of their mental energy into what they're doing (years of psychological research support this fact). Consequently, normal people are the exact opposite of focused and single-minded - normal people's minds are all over the place.

Abnormally successful people are more than 1% focused - what percentage that is, who knows - but the key point is that the University of Chicago estimates that if you were only 2% effective (twice the norm) you'd be 2000% more effective. Wow - what a huge return for that little investment. But the level of mental investment is abnormal and leads to abnormal living and abnormal success.

If you are abnormally focused in the present moment, if you are more present - you will automatically display one of the key traits of abnormally successful people - you'll have presence. Presence is impressive, presence is inspiring, presence is the key to leadership and success.

So, how do you become abnormally focused, abnormally single-minded? Like everything worth doing, you need commitment - commitment to training yourself to pay attention to the here and now. You're already fully equipped to do this - you have five senses (to which normal people pay no attention) start using them. Nothing could be simpler - nothing could be more empowering - nothing else will lead you so effortlessly to exceptional success.

Copyright (c) 2009 Willie Horton
Willie Horton's acclaimed two-day
personal development seminars have been running for thirteen years. He teaches that a clear and present state of mind creates extra-ordinary personal and business success. His vast expertise is now available in his Online Workshop at Gurdy.Net. His website also offers daily free personal development video seminars, articles and a Free Personal Development Ezine published every Monday morning.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009


One Simple Technique to Help You Attract Prosperity in Your Life

By Alison Yates

Contrary to what you probably believe, it's easy to attract prosperity to you. It won't take as long as you might think. In simple terms, all you need to do is have faith, and constantly visualise success, happiness and security in your mind's eye. This very effective technique will drive ideas, opportunities, success and prosperity to you. Even without seeking them out consciously. You will be surprised how things will turn out for you

To visualise success, you'll need to know what it is you want, and try to be specific about it. Your imagination is a powerful tool. You can use it to manifest dreams into reality.

Many sport's people use this technique, as well as entrepreneurs. And it's a similar technique that will help you manifest your dreams into reality.

If you play golf, as you address the ball, imagine you striking it perfectly and then visualise the flight of the ball going true and perfect to exactly where you want it to go.

If you play tennis, as you prepare to serve, imagine throwing up the ball perfectly - the right height and trajectory. Imagine striking the ball at the perfect moment with the perfect speed, and imagine the ball flying low over the net and into the service court for a perfect ace!

If you play soccer, and you are about to take a penalty, imagine running up to the ball and kicking it sweetly into the corner of the goal, with the goalkeeper helplessly diving the other way.
Use this technique for basket ball slam dunks too!

If you don't play sports, and you have children or nephews and nieces who do, try teaching then these techniques of positive visualisation.

Use this technique to get what you want in your life too. You can attract all the prosperity you want. Go to a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Relax and then imagine yourself living the life you dream of, literally. Imagine yourself living in a beautiful home, driving a luxury car, swimming in a blue sea by a sandy beach, walking hand in hand with a perfect lover, paying bills without any cares. Do this every day and prosperity will come to you. Believe it.

Alison Yates wrote this article. To learn more about the powerful Law of Attraction, visit:
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Sunday, August 02, 2009


Reflections on Life

By Bob Lucas

There is no one formula for a successful life. Each person approaches the daily challenges encountered in a different way and there are often no easy solutions in today's tough economic situation. Still, some people seem to rise above their troubles and find a way to deal with what life has planned for them. These are the people who know how to set positive goals and stay focused on achieving them.

Everyone has days when they feel "down" a bit; However, if you focus on everything that went wrong in a given day, this feeling of desolation can overwhelm you and soon become your paradigm (how you see the world). Soon, your doom and gloom approach becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and you will defeat yourself.

As a slogan that I once read in the locker room in high school read, "A winner never quits and a quitter never wins. " With that in mind, I offer the following tidbits that may help ease the pain of life when things are not going the way you planned:

1. Love can fill the heart and make you whole. Seek and spread it everywhere you go.
2. Life isn't always fair, but it is your only chance to get it right - stay focused on the positive.
3. Let go of the past, you cannot change it. Instead, focus on making the future the best it can be. 4. As Lao Tzu (Confucius) once noted, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. " If you really want to recover from adversity and to succeed, make a plan and start working toward it today.
5. When you are unsure about a direction in which you are headed in life, proceed slowly by getting started and taking small steps. That allows you to recover more quickly when things go wrong.
6. Life is too short to not to have fun or to waste it. Find things that you like to do with family, friends and at work and focus on getting them done.
7. Persistence and a steady focus will usually get you where you want to go.
8. Life was not created to give you everything you want. Remain flexible and be willing to make some concessions.
9. Everybody will not like you and vice versa. Do not spend unnecessary time trying to fix other people.
10. Friends are more valuable than enemies, gather as many of them as you can through life and spend time enjoying them.
11. You cannot win every argument. Do not make yourself miserable trying. Agree to disagree. 12. It IS okay to let others see you cry. Better to let it out than to internalize and explode.
13. Find a shoulder to cry on. It is better than crying alone.
14. Treat others as they would like to be treated, rather than as you would prefer. Each person is unique and has individual needs. Do not try to force them into your personal mold.
15. Do not try to mimic the lives of others that you see. You have no idea what they have hidden beneath the surface.
16. Remember the old adage, beauty is only skin deep.
17. When things seem out of control, close your eyes, take a deep breath and focus on more positive happy times.
18. When it comes to chasing after your dreams or goals, only you can control the course.
19. You cannot control what others think. Do not dwell on their perspectives.
20. Time passes quickly and with it comes healing and the promise of happiness. Embrace the time you have.
21. Believe in miracles and they will happen.
22. Do not lock yourself away pouting or feeling sorry for yourself. Life's miracles and opportunities are just outside your door.
23. Life may not come in a beautiful box with a bow, but it is certainly a wonderful gift.
24. You control your happiness.
25. Do not save everything for a special occasion. Life is special; celebrate it daily.
26. Remember that the best is yet to come.

Bob Lucas is an internationally known consultant and author with over thirty years experience in the customer service, human resources and management fields. He has written hundreds of articles and written or contributed to twenty-eight books, including: Customer Service: Building Success Skills for the Twenty-First Century, How to Be a Great Call Center Representative, Effective Interpersonal Relationships and Coaching Skills: A Guide for Supervisors. He can be reached through his corporate website at via email at or at 407-695-5535.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Dream Big and Achieve It

BY Nick Mutt

To achieve something big in life you will have to think big, your dream should be bigger and based on that set your targets and achieve it. Most of the people spend their lives in struggling to earn a living. A few people seem to have everything going their way. Instead of just earning a living, the successful people are busily working at building and enjoying a fortune. Everything now seems to work out for them.

What's the major difference between the successful group with so much and the unsuccessful group with so little? Despite all of the factors that have an effect on our lives-like the kind of parents we have, the schools we attended, the friends we have, the society we live in, the part of the country we grew up in-none has as much potential power for affecting our futures as our capability to dream big and achieve it.

Dreams are an outcrop of the kind of life you desire to lead. Dreams can drive you and can make you skip over obstacles. When you allow your dreams to drag you, they unleash an original force that can overpower any barrier in your path. To unleash this power, though, your dreams must be clear and defined. A fuzzy future has small pulling power. Well structured and well defined dreams are not fuzzy. Desires are fuzzy. To really accomplish your dreams, to really have your future plans pull you ahead, your dreams must be vivid.

Think of the people who climb the Mount Everest, How did they get it completed? Carrying one day's supply of food and water is tough job. Can you imagine carrying all of your worldly goods with you, mile after mile, day after day? These people had big dreams and plan for implement it. They had objective. They didn't focus on the adversity of getting up the mountain. Mentality, they were already on the other side-their bodies just hadn't got them there up till now!

Despite all of their trouble and struggles, all of the births and deaths along the way, those who made it to the other side had a single dream: to reach the land of incessant sunshine and extraordinary wealth. Their dreams were stronger than the problem in their way.

I hope in this article, you have read the importance of dreaming big and get benefited to achieve success in life.

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Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009


Top 3 Success Mindsets That Will Get You What You Want in Your Life

By Shawn Lim

Shawn LimLevel: PlatinumShawn Lim is the founder of Shawn has been blogging since May 2007, and he developed his own interest in success and wealth creation ... ...

You are who you are today because of your past decision and action. And it is your mindset that will determine the action you take and the decision you make in your life. Therefore, if you want to live a successful life and change your life for the better, you must start from adopting the top 3 success mindset that you are about to discover.

Many people fail to get what they want in their life simply because they do not have the success mindset. Every successful person possesses a certain set of mindset that leads them to their success. If you want to be successful as well, adopt these 3 success mindset...

1. Successful people believe that they are responsible for their life. They are who they are today because they believe that they created their own life. You must do the same by adopting this mindset; take 100% responsibility in your life. The moment you take the responsibility that everything happens to you because you choose to, you will have the power to change because you are responsible for it. This is the moment when changes start in your life. So take 100% responsibility from now on.

2. Another one of the top success mindset is this, you must believe in yourself. You have to believe that you have the potential and you are able to do it. Many people doubt about what they can accomplish in their life. The moment you hesitate about whether you can do it, you will never put in 100% commitment to do it. This is because you have shaken the belief in yourself. On the other hand, if you believe that you can do it, you will tap into the full potential and do it with commitment.

3. Finally, you must adopt the mindset of dare to change in order to achieve great success in your life. Ask yourself this question right now, "If I keep on doing what I am doing today, will I achieve what I want in my life?" If the question is a no, it is time for you to change. Get out of your comfort zone and dare to be different. Hold on to your dreams and your goals and do whatever it takes to achieve what you really want in your life.

These are the top 3 success mindset that will get you what you want in your life. As long as you adopt these mindsets into yourself, you will definitely achieve what you want.

Do you want to make your dreams and goals come true in a simple, easier and faster way? Are you really serious to live the kind of lifestyle you desire and do you want to be more successful? It's time to say bye bye to your unproductive life. With the Proven Principles I learned from this book, Master Your Mind, you will be able to achieve anything you want in your life...without sweat!
For more information, simply pay a visit to
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Saturday, July 11, 2009


Awaken Radiance

By Waller McInnes

Look within. There is a light within you that is waiting to shine at all times. No matter where you are in your life, you can connect with the Source of your light. Your inner radiance is there, constantly seeking expression and awaiting an invitation for you to allow it to shine. Left alone, this part of you will grow dark, dense and heavy with the energy from society-the messages from the media and the collective subconscious reminding you that you are not, will never be and cannot become the light that you are simply by being.

The world is designed to sell you more that you will ever need to be who you are. Radiance is your natural birthright and cannot be bought, sold, molded or taught. It is your essence, your beauty, that which you see and feel that you love. You have the permission to allow this to come through you and to follow the guidance that is leading you into full self-expression.

Brought to light, your radiance will lead you to a path with heart. Once you awaken this part of you, your life will never be the same. Your responsibility in this life is to connect with the source of that which brings you into the flow-the radiant light of your heart that is within you and all around you.

Start by noticing what you love. You can go within, and think of a time or place that brings a smile to your face and an uplifting sensation to your heart center. Notice the sensational experience of positive thinking. Rest there for a moment. Feel the heart center opening, safe and expansive, accepting what is there and inviting more light to come in and shine forth. This is your key to awakening to radiance. You can allow this feeling to guide you through your life. As long as you are able to breathe in and follow your inspiration, breathe out and away from your past-you awaken to a faithful journey of awakening to your radiance-the flow which is always available to you.

If you are not consciously connected to your radiance, you are always one breath away from accepting your light and shining it as never before in a whole new way. Your reflection will continue to brighten in the world as you keep coming back to this light within you. You may notice yourself attracting more positive energy-people will want what you have and those who formerly sucked you dry, will follow you along more effortlessly than before. As you move away from thinking there is something wrong with you, you invite your light to shine and others to come out and awaken their lights to shine.

Meditation for Radiance:

Come to a comfortable sitting position. Feel your tailbone slightly untuck and your sits bones blossoming. Allow yourself to go within for this next segment of time. Inhale, soften and receive the breath. Exhale, relax, release, let go. Inhale, draw the breath in through the nose, exhale, release it through the mouth with a "ha". Allow the attention to follow the breath for a minute or so. Bring the attention to the heart center. Feel the feelings of grtitude for your heart center, for all the energy that is there-allow it to open, unravel and expand-healing your energy and spreading down out and the fingertips-passing along the love that is within you, connecting your heart to all beings everywhere. Drop your attention down into the lower abdominals.
Feel soft and expansive in this area. Cultivate a vision-perhaps feel the qualities of an animal (i.e. a dolphin or bird that calls to you) or a place in nature (ie waterfall or ocean)-that embodies space and expansion for you. Rest there, calling on guides or images that connect you to the Source of Universal love that is within you and all around you. Rest here for a few minutes. Allow you radiance to awaken as you sit peacefully in the truth of your existence: you are a radiant being who is here to awaken and shine your light with the world.

Waller McInnes is a life coach, writer, yoga and meditation instructor and founder of Create Radiance--offering coaching, customized meditations, classes, workshops and guidance to awaken to your life and shine. Her services and products are designed to relax the Body, release the Mind and restore the Soul. Visit for more information and her blog for inspiring ways to follow your inner vision.
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