Saturday, July 14, 2007




"Change is good" is simply about attitude. It's about having the proper "tools" to cope with the CHANGE that's just minutes, hours, or days away...... and I guarantee you ......."CHANGE" is coming.

In an earlier Blog I told you about two essential "Tools" you must have to embrace change. The first is that you must have full faith and confidence that YOU will be OK in the end AND at the same time deal with your current reality no matter how harsh it may be. YOU MUST BELIEVE IN YOU.

The second "tool" is Support. Having a Posse,a group,a mastermind,best friends,family ......People who care about your well being....people who are positive and will be there for you when you need someone to be a cheerleader or to listen when you need to talk. People who will let you cry and be 8 years old again.

Another "Tool" that you need to be aware of and it may be the most critical of all tools is dealing with your emotions. You don't want to ignore feelings just because you're good at controlling them. "Change" brings extremely mixed and confusing feelings.

If those feelings start to back up you may experience panic attacks, depression and confusion. Another way to know that your feelings are backing up and that you need to release them is if you find yourself being short tempered and cranky.

When this happens go to a private place and be alone. Talk to yourself ! Ask yourself what's going on....Am I sad? Am I scared? Am I angry?Why? Whats the worst that will happen?

DIG ! DIG ! DIG! Let yourself feel....Let the tears flow. Feelings are OK. Feelings are allowed.
Deal with them ....Let them out....THEY ARE NOT THERE TO HURT YOU. They are just there.

Respect them and release them. Don't give them a home. They are visitors and not permanent roommates. Do this and you will feel more calm and in control once more.

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