Thursday, February 28, 2008


Are You Yanking The Rug Of Success Out From Under You?

By Sharon A. Michaels

Let's begin at the beginning -- recognizing and understanding self-sabotage.
Definition: Self-sabotaging behaviors are any destructive behaviors that keep you from living up to your true potential and robs you of true success.
Think of a sabotaging behavior as anything you emotionally, spiritually or physically do that can keep you from achieving the success you want, when you want it.
Examples: The goals that were never achieved, the vacation you never found time to take, the exercise equipment gathering dust or the credit cards always charged to the limit.
Sabotage is a negative way to keep you within your success comfort zone. Self-sabotage is like continuously taking three steps forward and two steps back. I call it the "sabotage shuffle." Can you picture it? It's a dance step, three steps up, and two steps back. Again, three steps up, two steps back. There are positive feelings going forward and disappointment and uncertainty as you step back.
Why can self-sabotage be so destructive? Self-sabotage has the power to take away your sense of accomplishment, self-satisfaction and even self-esteem.
THE GOOD NEWS . . . You can choose to end self-sabotaging behaviors and live up to your true potential. You have the power to achieve success, self-satisfaction and happiness.
Successful change begins one small step at a time. Each step builds on the one before until we're able to overcome challenges in positive, productive ways. There are no quick fixes. There are no magical pills or overnight cures. Empowering ourselves to recognize, understand and conquer self-sabotage takes time, effort and emotional commitment.
Here is an activity that's a great place to begin: Focus your energy on one positive thought a day for the next seven days.
Believing you are strong, powerful and successful.
Attracting positive experiences into your life.
Living the words, "I can" and "unstoppable."
Realizing that happiness is a choice.
Appreciating the growth opportunities in life.
Learning from the challenges and going positively forward.
Setting realistic, yet growth inspiring expectations.
Become more conscious of your thoughts and how they affect everyday outcomes. Concentrate on one empowering thought a day and observe how your focus is attracted to that subject or item.
Successful change begins one small step at a time:
Are you willing to consistently choose the positive solutions that achieve positive results?
Do you truly believe you are worthy and deserving of a life with more steps forward than backward?
Are you willing to end self-sabotage?
Remember that positive expectations take you three steps forward, negative ones are the two steps back. Don't you think it's time to hang up those shuffling shoes?

Sharon A. Michaels is an e-mentor to women who want to work for themselves. Sharon has over 20 years of business, speaking and writing experience on issues of ending self-sabotage, living in abundance and wealth and making money in network marketing. Sharon offers books, webinars and tele-conferences on how to give yourself the power to succeed.
You can learn more about Sharon Michaels at
Sharon A. Michaels is also the Editor of the Abundance and Wealth site on To read more of Sharon's articles and sign up for her weekly newsletter go to
Copyright Sharon A. Michaels - When using this article please give full credit to Sharon Michaels and use the bio as written above.
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