Friday, March 27, 2009


What Does it Take to Succeed Today?

By Steven Conn

Things aren't much different today than in the past when it comes to success.

First off, you need a dream, something beyond your normal everyday desires, something that feels out of reach, but still within reach if you put forth the effort.
People today don't dream as much as in the past. We are so used to getting everything we want and many feel entitled to the same things that those who worked hard for have. Without dreams, there is just hopelessness, a feeling that we are just trying to get through the day without having to work to hard or have anyone depend on us for anything. That is not a life.

Second, we need to understand that if we don't change what we are doing, we can't expect to see a difference. The definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". How often do you hear people say, I've tried making changes but it's too hard to stick to it. Of course it is. Ask anyone that's ever tried to lose weight. Andy Stanley once talked about change and said "Change is hard, it's supposed to be". Where did we ever get the idea that to improve ourselves or our lifestyle, wasn't going to require effort and a lot of it. It requires daily self-talk and accountability to others that care about you, to help you along. Look at addicts, they need a support group and daily reminders of why they are making the change. Pictures of loved ones that have been hurt are a reminder of why they need to stop living the way they have.

We need to have pictures to remind us of what we are shooting for and who is going to benefit by this dream of ours. I'll tell you a secret, if you are the only benefactor, find a new dream. Life isn't about you all by yourself. Paint others in your dreams and they will come about quicker than if you are just dreaming of the next THING you can buy for yourself. Nothing is wrong with nice stuff, but if that's all you can think of, you need to broaden your mind.

Third, once you have your dream and know what you need to do, you need to do it. A little effort consistently is better then a lot of effort in chunks. Do something everyday.

Fourth, find someone that has accomplished what you desire and find out what they did to get there and follow the leader. Someone, somewhere has done something similar to what you are hoping to do. Find out as much as you can and duplicate their pattern for success. No says it's all up to you, learn from others that have failed and persevered.

Fifth, everyday read from a good book, listen to a positive audio CD, or better yet hang out with positive successful people. Nothing beats a personal mentor that you can work with to share your dreams and come up with a game plan and hold yourself accountable to.

I'm a 44 year old Christian man, married for 23 years to the most beautiful, God honoring women I know. We have been blessed with a 17 year old daughter who is my influence to be great. I believe that if you truly want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The Leadership Knowledge You Will Need to Succeed in the Years Ahead.............

By Leonard Buchholz

On the cusp of a new presidency it's wise to recognize that Leadership is a privilege earned and one that any Leader must seek for themselves. And in order to be a Leader, one must have knowledge.

Abe Lincoln wrote "There is but one wealth, one security on this earth and that is found in the ability of a person to perform a task well. And first and foremost this ability must start with knowledge."

These words ring true even today, over a 100 years later.

So, what knowledge will be important to today's Leaders tomorrow? And the next year?
The knowledge to communicate and communicate assertively. This knowledge is not dependent on a persons desire to subjugate others, rather it is based on the desire to get things done in an orderly and efficient manner. When we communicate effectively it breeds confidence in the Leader and in the team. Without it, teams function poorly, if at all.

The knowledge of self discipline. This knowledge is one persons individual recognition that in order to get where they want to go they might have to give up immediate pleasure and pride in order to realize substantial professional and personal gains. And, they give up this immediacy willingly.

The knowledge of emotional behaviors. Humans are emotional and this emotion drives nearly every behavior. Leaders who are not studying these natural forces of man are missing the area of greatest influence they have over man and woman alike. The man or woman who recognizes the power of emotional behaviors and makes it a cornerstone of their Leadership will by far be the strongest Leader in any organization.

The knowledge of Management. Just like the words "Leader" and "Manager" are different, so too is the skill set for each. The best description is one attributed to both Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis. "Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things." Not having knowledge of how Management works is just plain dangerous to your career and others.
The knowledge of strategic planning. The ability to plan is highly prized. It is a mixture of information gathering, reasoning and forecasting. It is factually based. It is not "fortune telling" although every great Leader has had some ability in this area. Strategic planning is making sure the future happens.

The knowledge of organization. Leaders and Managers are constantly organizing people, products, resources, budgets, facilities and support. The Leader who masters this organization process will consistently outperform other Leaders because he or she will have anything they need in order to Lead at their fingertips.

The knowledge of self education. Although not a real skill set, Leaders who are not practicing self education will soon find themselves behind, outpaced and eventually replaced. The Leader who is continually upgrading themselves is the Leader in front. This one area is often one neglected. The biggest reason...time.

Let me ask you a qualifying question. Are you working with Windows 95 on your computer? Of course not, so why would it be ok to be a Leader without upgrading your knowledge?
Be like Abe Lincoln and get the knowledge you need.

Sign up here for Newsletters in Leadership, Management and Customer Service and receive a Best Practices E-book free!
Contact Leonard at or call 760-529-5635
Leading Seminars in Leadership, Management and Customer Service since 2006
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Sunday, March 08, 2009


Make It Your Destiny to Accomplish Great Things in Your Life

By Hani Al-qasem

From this moment on, choose not to let your past dictate your future. What is gone is gone - forever. Now is the time to move on, to do and become what you want: to be the best in any area that you choose, so you may design your own destiny.

Here are a few helpful suggestions that you may take on board, and below you will find a couple of simple tips that can quickly move you in the direction of manifesting your destiny to accomplish many great things in your life.

To join ranks with the most successful people in the field of your choice, or merely to achieve your dreams quietly, for yourself, you will need to take the journey toward a better more enlightened future; toward a more empowered and motivated you, toward a life that you will design and achieve. You will live your life as you want it. And you will become that person you have been dreaming of becoming.

Invest in life - in your life. No more wavering dreams, staring out the window and wishing and hoping. No more sleepless nights worrying about your future as you only see where you are now.

This time it is for real. What you are dreaming of will happen, and in abundance. From today, you will move forward in your life in a dramatic way. You will do what is required of you to accomplish your daily goals, big and small, and you will always expect to succeed at everything you do.

Embrace your unlimited power and build a life of excellence. Success is your one and only option. Fill all of your days with accomplishments, no matter how small you may think they are. It is important, at this point, to realise that most successes stem from your ability to feel certain that you can set out to achieve what it is that you desire - to accomplish great things in your life. And for you to feel certain, you need to become confident.

One of the principle prerequisites to achieving almost anything in life is confidence. Confidence is an indispensable requirement to your success and further development or betterment, be it for your personal or professional needs. Confidence is the doorway to success and fulfillment. With confidence you will have the courage, strength and motivation to tackle and overcome all life's setbacks and challenges.

The great news is that confidence is a learned skill, and anyone can learn the skills to having awesome and unstoppable confidence.
As promised, here are just a couple of confidence tips that I believe are easy to do and are extremely effective. By repeating the simple tips daily, they will retrain your thinking and become an automatic part of your new successful and confident habit. They will become your new way of life.

Challenge your thoughts that have been holding you back and stretch your mind to raise your limits to unlimited heights.

• At the end of each day, put yourself into a confident and resourceful state of mind by jotting down in your diary or daily journal, all of the day's achievements, no matter how small.
Benefit: The mere act of writing them down reinforces the idea of success and confidence. It is extremely beneficial and motivating for you to feel the successes from deep within so your mind acknowledges them as confident achievements.

• Just before going to bed, conceive and initiate your ideal day. Once you have gone through your diary and planned your next day, sit back and take a few minutes to imagine and visualise the entire day, from beginning to end. See it unfolding exactly how you would want it to be, in every situation. Feel the confident emotions that come from success, with the feeling that you have accomplished all that you wanted.

Benefit: When you go to sleep, your unconscious mind will work all night on ways to bring about that which you have just visualised.

Truly make it your destiny to accomplish many great things in your lifetime by adopting a vital ingredient to success, and that is confidence. With confidence you discard worry, hesitation and fear. With confidence you rise above challenges and failures. With confidence you have unlimited motivation and unrelenting persistence.

Do not underestimate the immense power of confidence. Go ahead, reap the rewards and accomplish many great things in your lifetime.

A passionate blogger, Hani Al-qasem co-authored the e-book 'Self-Confidence Building in 7 Steps'. Hani's aim is to help and inspire 7 million, or more, adults and children to be the best that they can be through his writing. He enjoys and contributes to the personal growth of others through his writing primarily from his experience and knowledge. Discover how you can improve your self-confidence by visiting
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Sunday, March 01, 2009


Stuck in a Rut? Nine Simple Ways to End Boredom and Feel Reenergized
By Dr. Annette Colby, RD or

Ever feel stuck in a rut and not sure about how to get out? If so, you’re not alone. It’s easy to get bored in the comfort of doing the same things in the same way at the same time. Here are nine simple and practical ideas to get out of a boring routine, and back into the enjoyment of life.

1. Conscious BreathIt all starts with breath! Conscious breath. Taking a conscious breath relaxes and energizes. Breath after breath, real life comes forth again. It brings you back into into the present moment, out from the past, and out from the future. In the here and now, breath brings energy, relaxation, and clarity. Breath in deeply, slowly, and consciously, and exhale. Do it again! Feel the difference?

2. Do Something You Aren’t Doing NowIt’s easy to get into a rut with the same uninspiring routine every day. You get up out of the same side of the bed, shower and wash your body parts in the same order, drive to work on the same route, then come home to watch television on the same spot on the sofa every There is an easy way out. Do something you aren’t doing now. Do something different! Something big, something small, something silly, something out of the ordinary. Wear one black sock and one red sock. Wash your feet before you wash your hair. Hold your tongue instead of bickering with your spouse. Take a walk to the neighborhood grocery store instead of driving. Do one thing different and make a positive difference in your life today life.

3. Talk to Yourself LovinglySelf-talk tends to gravitate toward the negative. This self-critical self-talk rut can rob you of your enthusiasm for your dreams and leave you feeling less confident. It’s not necessary to control your negative thoughts or to only think positive ones. Instead, look into the mirror regularly, focus on what you’re doing right, and speak constructively to yourself. Realistic constructive self-talk can reduce stress, leave you feeling more capable, and help you put more enjoyment into your life.

4. Love Your BodyIt’s easy to fall into a routine of neglecting, mistreating, or even hating your body. No matter what your weight or health, do something radically different today. Walk on over to the nearest mirror and have a real conversation with your body. Tell it what a great job it’s been doing of helping you go through the experience of life. And no matter how much abuse or neglect you’ve put it through, it’s still done its best to give you a home to live in.

5. Stop ComplainingComplaining about how things are is an easy habit to fall into. But complaining doesn’t resolve a situation. And deep down it doesn’t provide much satisfaction. Next time you find yourself complaining, take a breath and switch your focus to something that is going right or well in your world. What you give your attention and focus to will grow.

6. Get OutsideHave you been hibernating indoors? Too many hours sitting behind your computer or in front of the television? The average person spends about 90% of their times indoors. Staying indoors for too long can leave you bored, not to mention unhealthy. Fresh air, sunshine, and natural scenery provide peace, relaxation, greater psychological resilience, and stimulation of all your senses. No matter what the weather is, get geared up and head outside into nature. Sharpened senses, psychological health, and greater connection to your spirit will all get you out of the rut.

7. Clean the ClutterGet your energy moving by taking a good look at your environment. Clutter drains your energy and can leave you feeling uninspired. Are your closets stuffed with too many clothes and shoes? Are your kitchen pantry, shelves, and drawers filled with old boxes of food, stacks of unorganized Tupperware, and trashy catchall drawers? Is your office overflowing with piles of magazines, stacks of paper, and unfiled receipts? It’s never easy to start cleaning your clutter. To avoid overwhelm, take fifteen minutes every day to tackle one area. When the time is up, just leave it until the next day. You’ll feel successful and your clutter will be gone in no time at all. Think of all the energy you’ll free up to enjoy life!

8. RedecorateGive your life a much needed lift by redecorating your living or working space. How about painting the walls a new color? Vibrant colors can leave you feeling invigorated and enthusiastic. Don’t feel like painting? Rearrange the furniture and rotate the pictures on the walls. Rearranging furniture is one of the easiest ways to feel refreshed. Rearranging brings variety, clears energy, and helps you sort things out in your head.

9. Define Fun It’s a big world out there and there’s so many ways to have fun. And so many definitions of fun. Where do you find fun? Is it being creative, being alone, being in good company, enjoying the fresh air, laughing, going on an adventure, or perhaps trying something new? Write down your list of ideas, activities, and actions that bring the fun back into your life. Then go out and have some fun!