Friday, March 27, 2009


What Does it Take to Succeed Today?

By Steven Conn

Things aren't much different today than in the past when it comes to success.

First off, you need a dream, something beyond your normal everyday desires, something that feels out of reach, but still within reach if you put forth the effort.
People today don't dream as much as in the past. We are so used to getting everything we want and many feel entitled to the same things that those who worked hard for have. Without dreams, there is just hopelessness, a feeling that we are just trying to get through the day without having to work to hard or have anyone depend on us for anything. That is not a life.

Second, we need to understand that if we don't change what we are doing, we can't expect to see a difference. The definition of insanity: "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". How often do you hear people say, I've tried making changes but it's too hard to stick to it. Of course it is. Ask anyone that's ever tried to lose weight. Andy Stanley once talked about change and said "Change is hard, it's supposed to be". Where did we ever get the idea that to improve ourselves or our lifestyle, wasn't going to require effort and a lot of it. It requires daily self-talk and accountability to others that care about you, to help you along. Look at addicts, they need a support group and daily reminders of why they are making the change. Pictures of loved ones that have been hurt are a reminder of why they need to stop living the way they have.

We need to have pictures to remind us of what we are shooting for and who is going to benefit by this dream of ours. I'll tell you a secret, if you are the only benefactor, find a new dream. Life isn't about you all by yourself. Paint others in your dreams and they will come about quicker than if you are just dreaming of the next THING you can buy for yourself. Nothing is wrong with nice stuff, but if that's all you can think of, you need to broaden your mind.

Third, once you have your dream and know what you need to do, you need to do it. A little effort consistently is better then a lot of effort in chunks. Do something everyday.

Fourth, find someone that has accomplished what you desire and find out what they did to get there and follow the leader. Someone, somewhere has done something similar to what you are hoping to do. Find out as much as you can and duplicate their pattern for success. No says it's all up to you, learn from others that have failed and persevered.

Fifth, everyday read from a good book, listen to a positive audio CD, or better yet hang out with positive successful people. Nothing beats a personal mentor that you can work with to share your dreams and come up with a game plan and hold yourself accountable to.

I'm a 44 year old Christian man, married for 23 years to the most beautiful, God honoring women I know. We have been blessed with a 17 year old daughter who is my influence to be great. I believe that if you truly want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat.
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