Monday, June 01, 2009


It's Easy to Become Rich, Famous and Happy - Lesson Three - POSITIVE EXPECTANCY

By Barry Sarner

Success is not about one particular "thing"... It's not even about two, three or five "things." Success is about a journey. Your personal journey. It's about fear. It's about tears. It's about laughter. It's about triumph. It's about setbacks.

That is what the "It's Easy to Become Rich, Famous and Happy" series is all about. We are going to make it happen and this is the road map.

Let's stay together, Never ever give up and move forward to our dreams.

Let's get on with it... One subject at a time, One day at a time. We will Prevail. All of us. Every single one of us. No person left behind.

Lesson THREE Positive Expectancy

You are the director of the movie of your life. That means you have the power to change anything you want in your life. You have the power to move mountains from one scene to another. You have the power to be who you want to be.

There is one catch. . . you must believe, truly believe, in yourself. Let's take a look at the success in your life. Remember a situation and close your eyes and feel it. Look at a real simple one first. Can you honestly say that when you started that particular journey or project you expected it to fail? I highly doubt it. The truth is you had to expect to win more than you expected to lose and there might have been a little luck, being in the right place at the right time or other favorable conditions. The reality of it was that most of it was that you expected to succeed, to get it done, to make it happen.

Expecting good things to happen to you and expecting victory is about self respect and confidence in your yourself.

Positive Expectancy is about attitude. It's about..."No matter what happens, no matter how brutal my reality is, I will Prevail;" "I will be OK;" "I will succeed." " I deserve success."

With this attitude the beautiful thing is that you are allowed to screw up. You are allowed to make mistakes. You are allowed to get knocked on your butt from forces beyond your control. All this could happen to you BUT, and this is a huge BUT, you must have full faith and confidence in yourself that you will get to the other side and be ok.

The person who lives with Positive Expectancy knows how to turn setbacks into new beginnings and sees change as an opportunity to get another chance to do a do over. That person knows that they always get a free pass to start all over again tomorrow...always.

Positive expectancy is not about being a super person and getting everything right all the time. It's about being a human being who understands that life does suck at times and that life is not fair. You may hit the proverbial brick wall at times but you always know that you will be ok and that you will find a way to learn from the setback, change your circumstances , and get up and try again...and again and again and again.

Expect Failure You'll Get it. Expect Success You'll Get It. It's Up To You. It's That Simple.

Barry Sarner, Mr. Change is Good, is a Serial Entrepreneur and the owner of the Trademarked Slogan "CHANGE IS GOOD".

A Message From Barry...
"Is there one thing that is holding you back from becoming wildly successful and happy? The rich, famous,and happy people know what that is. It's that six letter word that turns most people upside down and inside out...CHANGE...Let's hear about what effect CHANGE has had on your personal or business life and how you came out on top...or not. Let's share our stories, advice and help each other live peacefully with change. LET'S HELP EACH OTHER TO MAKE OUR DREAMS COME TRUE... CHANGE IS GOOD". C'mon people let's form the biggest mastermind group in the world. You can be the one !!! you can make a difference...Help me, Help us..Meet me at my Blog with your stories, advice and inspirational messages.

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