Sunday, November 22, 2009


When Nothing Seems to Matter, Do Not Give Up, Keep at it

By Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk

It is so much easier not to have to push, all the time. So much more comfortable to take the path of least resistance. I know. I did. I'll tell you about it here.

When I was a child, especially a teenager, I did not get sufficient to eat. Now, please do not hear me to be saying that I starved. I did not. I was nowhere near as bad off some people who live in poverty in this country or elsewhere in the world. My brain-power was not damaged from not having the correct nutrients. (So far as I am aware, I have all reasonable faculties. But others, outside of me, really have to the judge of that. Like you, reading this article.)

But when I look back now, I see that as a growing boy, I did not receive enough to eat. I was bone thin. No excuses about poverty and the like. My family just didn't not understand the need I had for food.

Then, later in life when I was in charge of my own food intake and had the means to be in charge of it, I learned to eat to feel good about myself. Always went to bed with a full stomach. Consequently I became overweight.

Next, I needed to diet in order to keep my weight under control. But the combination of the two, not enough to eat in my youth and developing the habit of eating to feel good, keep it a daily fight.

One of those days I decided I had had enough with the diets. I was just going to eat. In other words, I gave up. The weight went on. Clothes didn't fit; health deteriorated. Now the weight is more of a problem than ever, in terms of getting it off and keeping it off.

My point: when it comes to yourself, do not give up. Keep at it. I would be in much better shape today, physically and mentally, if I had stayed with weight control of some reasonable and substantial kind. Instead, I am way behind in the game. (Or is that weigh behind in the game?)
What is it your want to do? What is you want to be? Don't give up. Keep at it. The path of least resistance will get you in such a downward slide that stopping and reversing becomes so much harder. Harder than if you had struck with the effort in the first place.

So when you are tempted to give up, when you are tempted just to slide through your life, because it seems so hard, don't give up. Keep at it. You'll be so much better off, I promise. I can promised because I have been there, am there, and it "ain't" pretty.

Start in this minute to keep at it.

And when you want more positivity in your life, claim your Free Instant Access to a Force-Source Resource. Just Click Here. You'll get the Force-Source Resource titled "All the Best - You Deserve It." Remember, one bit of information can save you a lifetime of frustration. You'll get that info here.

Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk - The "I Know the Meaning of Life" guy.
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