Saturday, December 26, 2009


Hi All,

FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Chanukah, A Very Merry Christmas and A Wonderful, Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year . . . . . .

The three essential major ingredients in your quest for success ??? SUPPORT. SUPPORT. SUPPORT.

You need one or more supporters who will be there for you when you get to that critical point where the pain exceeds the passion and you just can't move forward.

You need a good accountant and a good lawyer. Liking them is very important.

Opportunity does not make house calls. You need to get out and meet people. Join network groups. Volunteer. Make sure your goal is just to meet great people.

You need people around you who will tell you like it is .

You need people around you with more experience than you have.

You need people around you who are smarter than you.

You need people who are creative.

You need people who have "BEEN THERE DONE THAT.

The Challenge . . . . .Where do you get to meet and develop relationships with some of these special people as soon as possible?

The Good News? One of my best friends and a huge supporter is NAPOLEAN HILL. . . . Yup, That's right. He's Dead.

Your support, encouragement, and motivation does not have to come from a Live Person .

Of course, there is nothing better than the real thing but Books, Articles, Blogs and Websites could be and should be a huge source of nourishment.

You can make friends with and have access to some of the brightest minds and the most successful people the world has ever known.

They should always be part of your mastermind group no matter how many live supporters you have.

To find great works: "Google" should be high on your list of tools that you use to develp your round table . . . . .Play with words. For example: success support, mastermind groups, hope, persistence, books on success ETC. ETC. ETC. Spend a day in Barnes and Noble.

Also Just want to share . . . . The Three links below are a great source of inspiration and motivation for your support network. I just found Evan and his team.

Good luck on your journey.

Email me at if you need help.


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