Saturday, December 26, 2009


Success - What's Hope Got to Do With It?

By Walter jacobson

If we are hopeless, we have decided there are no solutions, no resolutions, no possibilities, there is only one absolutely certain outcome and nothing else, and it's not a good one, case closed.

That negative, fatalistic attitude shuts down the subconscious mind's factory of reality-altering possibilities. There is just no way our subconscious mind will construct solutions of any kind, or even the seeds of solutions, if we have convinced it with hopelessness that there is no point in going down that road.

However, if we are hopeful, despite how terribly bleak our options might seem to be, it means we have left open the possibility of some form of rescue, some form of circumstance that can't now be anticipated but could possibly happen, that could solve the problem, enable us to catch our breath, whatever the situation might be.

It is this attitude that gives our subconscious mind permission to entertain all possibilities, to "keep an open mind." As a consequence, we become more aware of intuitive processes.

Putting it another way: Hope gives the mind permission to let go of fear, limitations, boundaries and logic, to think outside of the box so that it can tap into the collective unconscious, a fountain of ideas, and be receptive to them, despite how impractical they might at first glance appear.

Hope can set us on the right path, but it's up to us to put one foot in front of the other. Hope can inspire infinite possibilities, different roads to take that might never have occurred to us had we resigned ourselves to hopelessness and failure, but it is up to us to stay calm and pay close attention so that we can take ourselves down the best and brightest road possible.

To conclude: Hope isn't foolish, unrealistic or impractical. It's not magical thinking. On the contrary, hope is inspiring, catalyzing, activating, motivating, and generating. Hope is a powerful creative, transformative force, particularly when we free our mind of fear, that has the capacity to help us manifest life-altering physical solutions to seemingly insolvable problems.
Hope makes things happen. Keep hope alive. Keep the dream alive.

Walter E Jacobson, MD
Psychiatrist, Speaker & Author
Spiritual Solutions & Cognitive Tools for Well-Being & Material Success
Check out my blog at the above website for practical ways to achieve happiness and success.
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