Thursday, December 08, 2011

Two critical Elements You Need To Have On Your Success Journey

By Barry Sarner

Two critical Elements You Need To Have On Your Success Journey

To have in your grasp every element that you need to succeed is extreme wishful thinking. You can never have too many but you can have too few and you certainly can have the wrong ones.

After 30 years of building large ladies apparel manufacturing companies I'm here to tell you that the two most critical elements needed to build your fantastic future are Attitude and Success Support.


"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." ~Winston Churchill

Definition- A state of mind or a feeling; disposition.

Talk about an understatement. This statement reads so mildly, so peacefully that you would think "a state of mind" is weighted the same as a simple bad mood. The fact is your "state of mind" or attitude is your control center and it will determine what you accomplish today, tomorrow, next week, and many years to come.

It will determine how you are received,cared about, liked and loved by any and all people you meet in your personal and/or business life.

Attitude determines how you react to life and all of life's challenges. It will be the key that opens the doors to many opportunities. All you have to do is boldly proclaim "I want to change my life, ramp up the hope machine,check your attitude and move forward.

Your attitude is all about how you think and how you react.

If you want to know how to give your attitude an overhaul read, "How To Win Friends And Influence People" By Dale Carnegie and "Think and Grow Rich" By Napoleon Hill. These two books are the foundation of the Personal Development movement.

In Addition, visit your favorite search engine and search "attitude" to find an unending supply of great articles on the subject. I implore you to do the research and give your attitude a reality check as soon as possible. It could change your life.

Success Support:

This element to me is the most powerful one and it is worth whatever time and effort it takes to cultivate.

To do Search Engine research -- "Mastermind Groups", "Success support", "Success Support forums"

What Success Support does for you:

1.You have trusted people available to help you achieve your goals.
2.You get the benefit of differing perspectives, input and feedback.
3.Your Success Support team can bring resources and connections to the table you might not have had on your own.
4.You have people who care about you and your future holding you accountable and offering a steady flow of inspiration and encouragement.

Your team should have it all covered and it should be diversified:

1- Parents, family or significant other for private moments when fear or anxiety overcomes you. A hug from someone who loves you is a great thing.It also allows you to be yourself and that is very powerful.
2-Professionals...Accountant, Lawyer, Life coach, Banker Etc.
3-Mentor- Having this could cut many years off your learning curve.
4-Doctor to monitor your health.
5-Trainer or gym partner to push each other to exercise.

Napoleon Hill, in "Think and Grow Rich", even went so far as to say that there was a mystical quality created when a mastermind group or success support team was formed. He said: "No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.

If you concentrate on all of the above your success journey will be much more enjoyable and you dramatically increase the odds for success in your favor.

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